Hey Jow Forums, how do I undo 20 years of Hispanic eating habits and get healthier? I'm 5'7 170 lbs with a mostly Hispanic/Italian background. I've started by cutting calories down and hitting about an hour of cardio every two days. I'm also a computer science student so I tend to be on my ass a lot. I've read article after article but I wanted real people's experiences and insights over just what I read. Also, how do you correct posture faster? Gf noticed I slouch a lot and I come down to about 5'6 when I slouch.
Sidenote for any /FA/ fags hiding here. I've worn mostly flannels and button ups for the past 10 years and I'm gonna go buy new ones soon. Old ones are torn and worn, any good combinations in color that are good looking now a days?
I enjoy being called the lumberjack amongst my friends but now I want to look and FEEL the part too
Same advice as everything else. Look up cheap healthy meals you can cook up. I dont believe Mexican or Italian food is by default unhealthy, dont use that as an excuse.
Nathan Cook
sticky reads 1 x failure
Ryder Diaz
See thing was I grew up poor...like Dad drank away his checks and we lived off fast food poor. I didn't eat a salad until I made it to junior year of high school when Mom left dad and became a truck driver making more than he ever did. Now I'm trying to reverse it and, at the very least, lose the gut and start gaining some arm mass
Anthony Carter
We italian aren't so fat. The only part of you that is italian is probably your white love handles
Aaron Nguyen
I read it but forgot to spin it to suit needing a thread, my b. Though the fashion but probably deserves it's own posting on /FA/ right?
Henry Mitchell
Ah yeah, vitiligo. Interestingly enough I grew to love it. Made a joke around class that when I got off welfare and stealing I Started turning white.
Ian Nelson
You basically have my body at 220lbs, you need muscle mass.
I'm 32, 5'7 Italian/hispanic(not mexican) Started at 220 of pure fat when I decided to start losing weight a year ago. Now 185 with a good muscle build. Look up Keto Diet, eat lots of protein, cut carbs stop drinking alcohol. Cardio was useless for me, only weight train at least 3 times a week if not more, buy yourself some dumbbells, if you can easily do 10 reps, increase by 5lbs. Find yourself some sets you can memorize. reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/zc0uy/a_beginner_dumbbell_program_the_dumbbell_stopgap/
You can do a gym program, that should work also, or barbell if you have the room. Stop eating pan cabron. Pan y arroz is the hispanic man's weakness.
Jonathan Robinson
by going back
Josiah Turner
>hey user I'm borderline obese and don't do cardio and do meme reddit diets lel!
it´s used in cancer treatment. it´s not a meme. and it works wonders for really obese people with eating disorders.
William Powell
step 1: get the hell out of my country step 2: i dont care what you do after that
Brandon Ward
Holy fuck I'm 5'7" and I weigh 205 lbs and I look way skinnier than you.
Have you ever lifted in your life? Have you just sat in front of a computer your entire fuckin life?
Grayson Gonzalez
but it's really hard for a fatty to cut out carbs/sugar overnight
Kayden Bell
Squats, deadliftss, overhead press, incline press, power cleans, Dumbbell Rows, pull ups and chin ups, sit ups and leg lifts, steak, chicken (any part of it), and vegetables. That's pretty much it.
Cameron Torres
Best way to posture gains is to just get some fucking self respect. Lifting heavy weights, compound movements will help by strengthening your back, shoulders and core.
Gavin Anderson
it´s hard to start but easy to maintain
because after the second week of keto you will NEVER feel hunger again.
pro tip; you will feel hunger all the time on a normal cut.
Jace Brown
the first 2 weeks are hell but after that it´s heaven
Jeremiah Cruz
You still look like shit so don't get uppity
Jackson Roberts
Y r u so angry bro?
Charles Myers
>reddit link Is there anyone else that can confirm whether or not it's a meme?
David Walker
read the sticker you fucking oxymoroon
Matthew Kelly
>gets constructive criticism he asked for >wahhhh was the way I was raised, gibs now!
Never gonna make it
Bentley Gray
Your "Hispanic eating habits" weren't the issue. It's your turbolardass eating habits that got you there. t. 29 y.o. 6' 165lbs Chicano
Do weightlifting PPL. run on your off days. I do at least 2 miles, but start off at your own pace and keep adding distance. Train your abs and don't ignore pull ups.
Jack Miller
Currently seeking the part where I blamed my habits on it and not say that I'm trying to change. Whole point of this thread was to ask if anyone with similar ethnic backgrounds went through the same change, since I see different results in diet based on ethnicity.
Jason Perez
Who said I was illegal? Hell when did I even say I was in the US?
Elijah Collins
Wait, really? You're a 6 foot Latino? Literally the only tall Latinos I've ever met are mostly just Spanish genes or African Brasilenos
David Nelson
My uncle is 6'4 and he's beaner as fuck
t.5'5 turbo manlet
Jace Brown
Fucking Christ, do the tall Latinos hide in the jungles of Guatemala like Predator? I see plenty of the chaps and none are taller than me (5'10)
At least when 99% of latinos aren't tall it's not weird to be short
Noah Fisher
Where do u live? South Texan here. Pretty much all my friends are 6' or above. The Wife's family males on the maternal side are also fucking monsters at 6'2"+ My family is almost 50/50 spanish-native american
Adrian Rivera
Maybe north american indians are taller? I live in VA, I'm 5'10 and dead middle of the pack for my friends and peers (white) but all the latino and most of the asian dudes I see are shorter than me by at least 1-2 inches if not more
Carson Collins
Keep doing what you're doing and please don't forget to count calories. Swimming and running work well for fixing posture. No point in buying a lot of new clothes when you want to shrink out of them anyway. When you're down to a "normal" weight, reward yourself with a well-tailored shirt and blue jeans. It boosted my morale like a motherfucker. Good luck!
Evan Turner
Bro you are not 170...
Ryder Moore
too bad a woman will never want you at 5'7
James Richardson
He's probably 5'2.
Samuel Mitchell
I thank my Spanish genes and my mama for feeding me lots of beans, meat and vegetables. And forcing me to eat them