Morality is not subjective edition

Thread for all vegans and people interested in the vegan lifestyle.

Vegans on average are healthier, thinner, stronger, smarter, live longer and have a way more moral way of life than meat eaters.

There is absolutely nothing you cannot get on a vegan diet. There is absolutely no reason to continue eating meat.

Only civil discussion. Pushing nonvegan propaganda is not allowed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Vegans on average are healthier, thinner, stronger, smarter, live longer and have a way more moral way of life than meat eaters.
Comparing people who actively watch their diet to the average person is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

Also, sage.

You are retarded. Show me a my 600 lbs life participant who is vegan. Huh? No answer? Fuck off then.

It's almost as if people who watch their diet aren't fat. Compare meat eaters who watch their diet to vegans. Then we can talk.

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Meat eaters who "watch their diet" eat as little meat as possible because they know the negative side effects of consuming rotten corpses.

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[citiation needed]

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I can also define shit retardedly to win an argument online.

>morality is not subjective
okay prove it

> more moral
Only white people are good.

Vegans are idiots fixated on confounding variables.

Watch pic related before posting any further

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>meat eaters are basically dead on the inside

Paint me surprised

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>pushing nonvegan propaganda is not allowed
>pushing vegan propaganda on the other hand is totally ok
The usual vegan double standard.

>"Vegan propaganda"

I guess you spelled facts, logic and the truth wrong.

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the thing that separates humans from everything else is we cook our food. why do vegan fags never recognize this?

You vegans are just like SJW in the sense that you believe your own niche POV to be "what every sane and moral person believes."

So? Humans are use cars, vaccines and planes. What exactly does this change about all the facts for veganism?

Take this test before posting.

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that has been debunked multiple times

Please give me a single fucking argument to eat meat.

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But bacon

what's wrong with eating dairy

You do whatever the fuck you want, but you are just a random internet hostile. I have no obligation to inform you, I'd rather bash your head off of a countertop.

> prove me wrong, MOTHER FUCKER!!!!
yeah miss me with that shit faggot, go play in traffic

>Morality is not subjective edition
Please objectively prove your morals then.
>h-how do I do that
Aren't you the one claiming they're objective?

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>Morality is not subjective

Morality is subjective, ethics are universal :^)

Dude I wasn't even baiting and you still took it.

Humans are not meant to drink milk.

So you agree that you do not have any arguments. Great. Now fuck off.

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>I am not retarded, I am just pretending to

Fuck off meatcuck.

Fuck off. Vegan cooking is superior to meatcucks' "kill this thing and let it rot before we eat it"

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>I-Im not totally socially inept you are.

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>Humans are not meant to drink milk
we aren't meant to do anything


Thanks for the advertisement OP

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your argument is that humans aren't naturally equipped to consume meat, which would be true if we didn't have tools and the means to prepare food to be more digestable.. but here we are. in fact we use cooking to prepare basically all food. if you are a raw vegan then lmao at your dumbass.

>1 hour to cook eggs
the fuck outa hear

i'm sorry what the actual fuck? 30 minute bacon 20 minute eggs? eggs take 5 mins at low gourmet ass temperatures and bacon maybe 3.

I dont give a shit about veganism but whoever made that image is a brainlet.

>30minutes to cook bacon
>20minutes to cook eggs

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>essentially only whites and Indians can drink milk
>humans aren't s-supposed to...
"humans" aren't supposed to drink milk

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Racists have to go back to r/The_Donald

>Only civil discussion. Pushing nonvegan propaganda is not allowed.

agree with me or dont speak, thats how we have a civil discussion x3

kill yourself OP

don't be racist, have a bite

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Veganism exploits child workers and animals lose their habitats and die when they clear land for farms, there's no way to live cruelty free so the moral high ground act is a load of shit
Not to mention every irl vegan who's done it for more than a week has hair falling out and bags under their eyes like they're dying inside

Tastes good


user, you really shouldnt be using words that you dont understand :^)

lmao, ONLY humans can drink milk.

Once more I must embarrass you. I'll switch it up and show you chimps eating a different animal this time to keep it fresh.

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>so beta you can't even eat meat others produced for you
Lol imagine these limp-wrist faggots trying to survive in the wild or even a country where food is scarce.

Life is a cycle of suffering and death. If you can't accept it just to eat food someone else had to work for, you're a genetic dead-end and only alive because you live in the first world where you can pick and choose your little faggot meals.

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I have arguments, I won't waste time giving them to you.

You are retarded and your attitude fucking sucks and that's why if I could, I would eat you instead of the chicken I am about to eat. You are a piece of shit, you are better off as compost

OP, apparently you didn't get the memo:
>Vegan trolling is old, busted, tired-out, and from beyond Last Thursday
You are not Vegan. You are not even vegetarian. You are chowing down on a bacon cheeseburger even as we speak, and own things made of leather.

You need to go back to and LURK MOAR until you find better, newer trolling material. I'm sorry, that's just the way it is.

So going by that chart we should waste the meat rather than actually put it to use while we use the other animal parts for our cars, computers, etc.? Seems pretty fucked up to kill an animal for a nonessential function imho.

Post body or fuck off vegans.

the only healthy way to do veganism, is to stay on your mothers tit. since breast milk is vegan

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>but my diet kills less
Sorry sweetie, mortally doesn't care if you kill less, you're still killing.

What about seamen?

Reminder that I do more for animals than vegans. Reminder that my steers get 3-4 years of happy, care-free life with their friends in large green paddocks. Reminder that they happily go to Valhalla knowing they are feeding white men, women and children.

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Here I'm gonna fuck up your whole thread at once

Morality is an infantile delusion in your mind

600 lb life fatasses are extreme outliers, they don't sit around eating 100 lb of lean meats all day to get fat, they eat a shitload of carbs and fats. Vegan dishonesty as usual

> "rotten corpses!!!!"
dysphemism is not evidence

> watch my movie!!!
Sorry bud I read actual scientific studies, I don't bother with the retarded television cliff notes aimed at lay people

> ad hom

> I guess you spelled facts, logic and the truth wrong.
That's called a circular argument dipshit. i.e., "My argument is true therefore it is true"

> Take this test before posting!
So... never examine if veganism is right, just take it on faith, then go from there? Great plan bud, good thing I put blind faith in the words of 4channers

Nobody is obligated to prove shit to you, you are the one invading everyone's space demanding we change.

How about you give us an argument why we shouldn't barbecue your corpse?

White humans obviously are. See, you lack attention to detail. If you missed the obvious detail that different races are different, how can I assume you got any other details right?


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>BTFOs your entire sub culture
heh... nothin' personal

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>Takes a full hour to cook eggs and bacon

Jesus christ the absolute state of vegans.

>Vegans on average are healthier, thinner, stronger, smarter, live longer and have a way more moral way of life than meat eaters.

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1. It triggers vegans.
2. It makes vegans rage.
3. I don't 'want to be a skinny sickly vegan-like corpse.

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mentally ill delusional faggot samefagging yet again

but morality IS subjective, you doofus

The benefits (let’s not bring morals into this) of veganism can only apply to cutting, as bulking is much more difficult when fruits and vegetables are filling, like the potato and they have very poor macros for bulking
> is pasta and rice vegan?

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Vegans are healthy as fuck, and I'm crazy. Got it.

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Did I have time to shop this?

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Veganposters: you have one hour for five of you to post stamped pics of fridges/cupboards as proof of your veganism, OR you are unanimously recognized as trolls by Jow Forums from this day forward.

60 minutes starting now, go.

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>that pic
False equivalence. Animals aren't human. Killing is not inherently immoral.

they, oops, (((They))) are probably normal burger-gorging meat eaters, paid by PETA or some troll outfit to shill for veganism.

Imagine some non-white foreign retard stuffing his face with burgers and (beef) hot pockets, getting paid to shill veganism 24/7 lol.

>We're not even laughing at real vegans.

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I've been vegetarian for 19 years now. The only non-vegan food i eat is cheese like twice a week.
I'm still fat. Sad life.

cut down the sugar and carbs fatty

holy fuck what is wrong with vegans?

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Unknown, but vegans are messed up, never let them near your family.

pic related, a vegan (bite size vegan) performing in a torture porn video, simulated, or real? Branding of her body.

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i fucking hate lentils
I actualyl fucking hate most vegetables. There are a few I can eat, others make me feel like shit and taste disgusting. And I grew above average height and have a normal weight + im a swimmer, so my poor vegetables diet didnt fuck me up.

Veganism is a meme diet too. I dont give a fuck. If it makes you feel better than before do it, if it makes you feel like shit stop doing it. End of discussion.
Personally I eat more fats than carbs or proteins regardless of sources and feel great. I always did eat like that without knowing but in the last few years after I started tracking calories I realized my body loves fats. And wants a lot of fat. Makes me feel energetic and healthy.

So much samefagging in this thread from meatcucks. The COPE is real.


post body

>52 chickens per year
>equivalent to 500k vehicles burning gas for a year

Holy shit, Amerifats don’t know how to farm. My grandfather raises chickens as a hobby. I’m believe there are 60 now in his coup. He just feeds them not expensive grain and asks his neighbor veteranarian to look at them sometimes. Very delicious and free chickens for our family.

He does not need a years worth of 500k car gas.

America if you need help to learn raising chickens in sure my grandfather would be happy to visit for free and show you.

Not a vegan, but what's wrong with eating more plant based food and reducing meat?

Is not like we eat already too much meat.

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Fucking kek at the 10^89 insects. Holy fucking kek. Either whoever made this a brainlet or is trolling.

How do you COPE with having no teeth vegan activist?

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even amonsgt vegans this is notorious for being completely unscientific. just a guy nitpicking the only one or two papers to support his ridiculous claims bewteen thousands of studies on diabetes

>It's not like we eat already too much meat*.
>* In my opinion.

And we're going the other way anyway. Whatever leftists say (like go vegan) the secret to health and happiness is to do the exact opposite. (like eat raw meat lol)

(pro vegan image meme for shopping template)

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I still think that eating less than 20% meat and the rest plant food is like better idea than both extremes.

That's fine in my opinion. If you are consuming meat, animal fats products at 20% of your intake you can be perfectly healthy and avoid the nutritional deficiencies prevalent in the vegan (auschwitz plan) diet adherents.

Vegans avoid ALL* animal fats and products in their diets.

*Vegans do consume raw human milk, (100% animal fats) not considering it non-vegan, and they drink human piss, ?? Not a type that's what I said.

>Moderation is better than extremes

is there a diference bewteen being vegetarian and being vegan?

why fit shitpost about being vegan and not about being a vegetarian?

because veganism is extreme to most people

Because meatcucks are psychologically inferior and feel compelled to spam anti-vegan rhetoric to COPE. It's the only way they can defend their poorly reasoned habits. Don't forget - for them, their tastebuds matter more than the well-being of the environment, humanity, other species, and the Earth as a whole. It's the ultimate cope to deny your eating habits are destructive - they're no better than obese fatties.

even for a vegan argument, this is criminally retarded
>every cow kills 1 handler per year
>about 30 million beef cows in USA

I guess they hide that fact pretty well, huh.

>why fit shitpost about being vegan and not about being a vegetarian?

1. Vegetarians are not raging antifa activists trying to force us to eat grass and leaves like vegans. (so I have literally zero argument with vegetarians)

2. Vegetarians can drink milk and eat eggs, this alone is enough animal fats (which is 100% forbidden by vegan doctrine) enough animal fats to make sure the vegetarian avoids all or most of the nutritional deficiencies of the vegan regimen.

tl'dr I drink milk and eat eggs and vegetables/fruits like vegetarians do. I guess vegetarians are allies in this fight, not enemies.

Is there a name for the ones that still eat meat for ocassional purposes but still try to limit is consumption?

can this 'destruction to the environment' meme just stop?

>Because meatcucks are psychologically inferior and feel compelled to spam anti-vegan rhetoric to COPE. It's the only way they can defend their poorly reasoned habits.

Empty adhom, not even good or funny adhom.

>Don't forget - for them, their tastebuds matter more than the well-being of the environment, humanity, other species, and the Earth as a whole.

A- A complete lie. Pizza tastes better than raw meat, we eat purely for health (and to make vegans enter mass suicide)

B- Vegans destroy the earth with every new avocado plantation, Vegans give zero fucks about the earth or animals.

I was lacto vegetarian for nearly 5 years. the difference is 95% of vegans have been highly propagandized and are very ideological, whereas about 10% of vegetarians just think it's healthier.

I think that meme should be considered on joke level, not to be 'debunked' like it was ever legit.

>Each cow kills one human handler per year.

Fucking lol.

Such a person would describe himself as 'mostly vegetarian' "vegan till 5" or they would most likely state thusly..

>I'm not vegan, but I eat mostly plant based.

To say "I'm vegan" is a religious statement, and these nutjobs know that means zero animal products, to the point of avoiding a slice of wedding cake at a wedding of their own child, if the cake is not "specifically vegan"

Most of these type you ask about will say "I'm not vegan....bla bla" to explain that the whole vegan religion thing is not important to them, and yes, they will have a slice of cake at their child's wedding, even if the cake is not specifically a 'vegan cake" (which means a tasteless soya and cardboard cake)