Have you ever had plastic surgery?
Have you ever thought about plastic surgery?
Have you ever had plastic surgery?
Have you ever thought about plastic surgery?
the closest i'm going to get is microneedling
Docta guhna mik mi penor big
I don't need it
Yeah to fix my canthal tilt
I honestly have everything else going on for me face-wise except this
Which makes it all go to waste desu,eye area is everything
no and no because im literally the best looking person i know
>Have you ever thought about plastic surgery?
Every day for the past 4 years. I'll lost count on how many times people have come up to me to say I look like pic related, even though I'm 100% Swedish. If I had $3500 to spare I would make my nose smaller in a fucking heartbeat.
I’ve wanted a boob job since I was 12
I think about it all the time. Soon as I save up a few thousand I'm gonna get a nose job and make my jaw/chin better. Might get a full facial reconstruction if its feasible in the next 5 years for me.
But then I dont know if it will make me happy. I know that even if j do start getting women after the surgery, I'll feel like a fucking fraud. But I was going to kill myself anyway so I might see if this works at all.
Stop being a fucking cunt, you dumb cunt. Eat shit and die whore.
>lookismfag incel robot becomes mad when he gets called out on his offposting on Jow Forums
>incel robot gets mad when called what he is
>thread is still off topic garbage bottom tier shit that doesn't belong here
I've been wanting to get $6000 nipple surgery, but I kinda wanna try raloxifene first
I'm not an incel though
Sounds like something an incel would say faggot
i would let hugh dancy raw me, n-no homo
no. mother nature wanted me exactly this way. i like the way i look
I saved up some money and wanted to get a chin implant (short, relatively inexpensive procedure) but I saw a doctor and he told me he didn't think I needed it and sort of shamed me and told me that maybe I needed to go to therapy instead. can't tell if he was a fucking asshole or was giving me genuine good bro advice
What kind of reddit formatting is this?
haha get owned.
The typical cringey kind. Nothing new, no need to acknowledge him.