How come all doctors are either fat or look like rotten skellies?
I thought modern medicine was really good.
How come all doctors are either fat or look like rotten skellies?
nigga you barely have time to work out, eat well and let alone have some decent sleep
Drs make bank. No need to get ripped. They always fuck prime pussy.
as someone who is killing the aesthetic game as an actual doctor here are my 2 cents
Being physically fit when you're doing nothing
is easy, that's why years of lifting from high school all the way through med school are paying off now
Maintaining a proper diet is something everyone should be able to do, and a lot of my friends still do
Lifting for gains through residency is nearly impossible though unless you are a straight up narcissist or somehow managed to channel your autism in all positive areas of your life and manage to stay on a strict daily routine
plus right around now everyone seems to get girlfriends and they suck a lot of your time unless they start following the same daily routine as you which means not only are you a straight up ape tier human-being but so is your girl. If that happens congrats you made it, and wife that up, but for the rest of us actually lifting through the med-life we just go on flings and don't commit to women... go figure, red pilling ruined as functional people
So what you're saying is girls are gain goblins?
girls who don't value your opinion or you as a person are gain goblins and you should stay away from them
>I thought modern medicine was really good.
Top kek. Most young doctors are literal incels
Stress leads to low T
this is cope
t level is only related to the amount of muscle u naturally carry nothing more