Seal BUD/S

long story short, i'm going to shoot to become a navy seal, and to do that i have to get through BUD/S (main physical testing program with >20% pass rate). I used to be a chubby kid in high school because of video games, right now I'm in good shape, probably a little above average. Nothing special. Is it possible for me, if I train hard for 2-4 hours every day to get into decent enough shape to attend and potentially pass BUD/S within 1 year? 2 years? Thanks.

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Can you run 12 miles at a consistent rate of at least 7mph?
Can you swim 1000 yards in 25 minutes?
Can you do 100+ pushups and 100+ situps in 2 minutes each?
Can you handle being drowned, frozen, screamed at, and any other form of hazing you can imagine while operating on extremely low sleep and low calories for 6 months?
Are you okay with being seen as an above average unit that is full of bullshitters and posers on the very slight chance that you do make it in?

If you answered no to any of these questions, join the superior Rangers and shoot for 1st SFOD-D

t. 75th regiment

no, but if I'm average right now do you think I could get there within a year? maybe 2 years?

i did some looking into the 75th but it seems you don't always get a guaranteed shot at it and can get screwed over.

My dad was a seal, I don't know you personally so its would be hard to tell you will do, but I can tell you what he told me about BUD/s. First, your running game needs to be on point, when you take your pst's you better be running low 9's for the mile in a half because you will get run down for log/ boat/ and other evolution. They're also quite good at using team mates to get people to quite. For example, if your slow as fuck they'll punish your team mates which forces you to either square up or get fucked. Swimming is obviously important as well, you'll be doing long swims at all hours of the day and night so if you aren't used to cold water I suggest you try swimming in any local streams of lakes to get familiar with cold water. The cold makes it harder for you to perform physically and is a huge mental barrier for most people. You can also start taking cold showers but honestly its peanuts in comparison. The intensity honestly isn't all that bad if you're reasonably fit but they jam so much volume into their day people often break down and get injured. You need to make sure you are 100 percent mobile before shipping because any weakness there will result in injuries. the most common injuries are back, shoulder, knees, hips, shins, and tendons. Make sure you foam roll and ice during weekends and off time. But before worrying about all of that your pst scores must be solid. You want sub 8 for your swim, 100, 100, 20 plus, and finish with a sub 10. you can get away with a little less but you really should aim for those score. Today most people that attend BUD/s are much fitter than people from back in the day. You need to perform, not survive. To train for this, you need to do anaerobic exercises, get used to being out of breath and try basic circuit training. For example, if you need to do 200 pull ups for the day and they aren't included in your other workouts try every minute on the minute doing 10 for 20 mins

read the book “Breaking BUD/S” by DH Xavier

buy the Tactical Athlete BUD/S prep progeam

do long ranged shit as well,
If you aren't running go for a long swim, if you aren't doing either go for long bike rides.
look up stew smith, he's got blogs about fitness and contact your local scouts. They will work with you and get you ready. They have access to current info on candidates and the program so they can better prepare you then anyone honestly. That's pretty much it from me
good luck.

what batt mang

there's a ranger contract. your chances of making it into the rangers is significantly higher than making it as a seal. also when you wash out of BUDS you will go to some faggot job in the navy, at least when you wash out of RASP you get to still be a door kicker

t. blackhawk pilot in the army, former 11b

also, having flown both I can tell you rangers are better dudes. SEALS are a bunch of egomaniacs who generally underperform. rangers and SF are silent pros

As a current Navy Diver and just from knowing some SEALs you need to be able to swim like no other. Start treading water with plates, you should be able to tread water with a 25lbs weight. That might not sound like a lot of weight, but when you're treading water it sure is.

I earned a civilian contract for buds

You need a 500m time around 7.5 minutes
1.5 mile should be under 9 mins, preferably around 8:30
pull ups should be above 20, and after a swim, around 15-18
push ups should be about 100 in a 2 mins with strict form
sit ups should be around 120 in 2 mins with strict form, fingers on collar bones, with upper back really touching the ground

Overall, if you are not known as one of the fittest people people know (it has been your lifestyle your entire life), then don't bother.

The above were my times/numbers, and I was not the fastest runner. There were people smoking me still and i was not the fastest swimmer, but these are really good all around numbers.

Even with all of this, its not always enough. You can very easily get pinned on a rock, get pneumonia, or if you are an asshole, the petty officers will pick on you until you ring out, or find a way to make you ring. It's a team, and they don't want shitty people on their team.

"I'm in good shape" as you say, lead me to believe you should look into something else.

also this. i was unpreppared for being thrown in the pool on a kickboard for 45 mins, and then having to run afterwards. comfortability underwater is key too. clearing masks, retrieving multiple objects in a dive pool, and doing 50 meters underwater. I was a free diver growing up, so it never phased me, but some guys struggled.

Are you currently in the Navy? It's sounding like you're a civilian. I'm not trying to be a smartass, but try enlisting first. Fit guys still get their ass kicked in basic. Once you're in and see what the military's like then you can determine if BUD/s is for you. If you're not dedicated enough to even enlist in the military then I don't imagine you're dedicated enough to become a SEAL.

Anyone know about Marine special forces? Raiders, Recon, and MARSOC? What about the Air Force?

all go through the same type of bullshit
doesnt really matter just train dude
ruck, run, swim, and do your calisthenics

Air Force has Pararescue. I imagine they're all pretty similar in terms of requirements. If you're still a civilian and you're sure you want to do high speed shit, consider Army and aiming for Rangers.

you're saying my chances are fucked if i haven't been all that into fitness until the past year or two? even with 1-2 years of prep?

your going to have to push but you can do it.

thanks, i will push myself to the absolute limit. i'd honestly rather die in the training or at bud/s than fail.

im not saying you can't get "seal fit," as I believe you can. I truly believe anyone can get fit with the proper motivation and help in 2-5 years, even a fatty. time can change everything. however, character, passion, and the drive are typically ingrained in someone.

the mental torture they put you through is not for people who have a facade or a learned motivation. some of the most successful people going for seals are those who have lived for fitness their entire life, who have nothing to go back to, who are willing to die in the water and on the field. makes sense right? when you get 4 hours sleep and your body quite literally begins to break, so will your mind. its nothing against you user, its just the way it is. when they force you to hypothermia, warm you back up, and then tell you to get back in, thats not something you can train for. its mental fortitude. its an unwillingness to surrender. thats not something you can learn, and it is most attributed to athletes that excel in all areas, since the time they were young.

ive seen people break holding a salute for an hour. try it. ive seen people break when water is forced down their nose in a mask, from hypo, from lack of sleep, from shin splints, from muscles that no longer work, from rolling a shoulder out due to 45 min push ups sesh's. the PST is bullshit. thats what basic is for. everyone passes their pst, you dont get a contract otherwise. buds is about breaking your body and seeing if your mind will continue.

I wish you the best of luck dude. go train with a seal motivator, your local navy recruitment center can hook you up with one. they are regional, so you may have to travel. if you earn a contract, just remember there is still a 97% attrition rate. my class started with 180. 2 made it. the rest either rang or were medically rolled. if you ring, you are on a ship for 4 years as undeclared. they don't treat drop outs well btw.

thanks, as i said i'd rather die than fail or ring the bell like a pussy (nothing against you if you did). i'm going to train 2-4 hours every day for at least a year and try to get the contract and see where it goes. what did you get assigned when you failed?

if you can pass the pst you can physically do everything asked of you in buds its your choice whether you do it or not.

i was medically discharged for a pre-existing condition that they had previously cleared me for (neuropathy). I was therefore relieved of my contract and had the option to leave the navy, so i did, because there was no fucking way i was going on a ship. lol. they actually have cracked down really hard on who they accept now. for example, they don't like metal plates on bones, and will typically require them to be removed. they don't like large burns, or anything that might impair you in the field. this is actually not related to being a team member, and solely related to the navy attempting to cut down on the amount of lawsuits they get against them, as you are under their care. if for instance you had a previous lung condition but are good now, there is a chance they boot you because they dont want a lung to collapse and then they have to pay you for the rest of your life (saw this happen in basic).

10 years ago, they would have let me slide, along with many other people I saw get booted. but with seals becoming popular has increase the amount of applicants, and therefore allows them to be very very picky. I think of the 180, 40 or so were medically discharged and essentially never got a chance.

at basic, they do a week of medical on normal recuits, NSW gets 3 full weeks. I am going to tell you to be VERY honest with your medical history. only thing you should lie about is drug use, and broken bones, things that they can't actually figure out.

I like chocolate yes

My dad was in the SEALs it wasn't easy for him and he doesn't talk about it much but he told me that theres two people in BUDs swimmers and runners. he was the fastest runner in wisconson at one point but what really kept him going was he just wouldn't think about it and he swam for six miles at a pace he taught me as a kid. it always stuck with me if I was ever afraid in the water but I swim to it a lot and it helps: "the ocean is my home and the fish are my people" you better be able to do over a hundred push ups and situps and at least 30 pull ups in a row

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join marines and go for marsoc

Nah, I don't want to have to be a grunt for 2-3 years before getting the chance to go MARSOC. With BUD/S I can just do navy boot camp and then go straight to bud/s.

This, you might spend a year training, get all psyched up and ace the asvab only to get kicked out because you cant hear a certain high frequency, happened to me. Its a bitch and youre a number.

yeah, the motivation of having to work on a ship if i failed would be a big factor lol, i'd fucking kill myself if i rang the bell and then had to work as a dish cleaner on some ship for 5 years.

I'm going for corpsman or SWCC. Gotta get through MEPS first and I have flat feet do fingers crossed. Maybe I can just be a IT guy lmao

I know a guy who quit 0321 at indoc last year
hes an arty crew member now but he regrets it every second of it.
He was bullet proof too, except for treading. He quit at the end of the day when they were told they'd be going back to the pool.

wow, that would suck. i would beat myself up over it the entire rest of my contract. if you ring the bell, will you ever have a chance to go back during your contract and try again?

ehhhh, i have heard mixed info on this. typically they someeeeetimes give you another chance if you medically roll, as you may need a long time to heal if something crazy happens, but why would they want someone who rings (quitting) on their team. it goes in your permanent record, so everyone will know you rang. again, i think they have so many people now that they don't really give second chances. more than likely no, if you ring nowadays, you wont get another chance.

Oh look, it's another I'm going to be a seal thread, but post on Jow Forums and play league of legends. You're not going to make it. You're too fat and undisciplined. Everything feels nice inside your house and at the gym. Everything feels real fucking bad when you have been up for 2 days, have 70lb ruck on your back, and have to navigate at night through thick forest.... oh wait you're a seal so you're just going to buttfuck eachother for a day until you quit and ring your little cuck bell. Just go ahead and quit while your ahead. See you hear tomorrow posting about your sunday feels and no fap failure kiddo.

why are you talking about yourself like this?

I was expecting someone to post this sooner
stay salty bro at least op has goals

Watch this
It's possible, but you've got to be single minded

fuck you faggot

Not wrong but let the motherfucker figure this out for himself.

what do you mean “not wrong”? 1-2 years of intense training won’t get me in shape for buds? I know I have the motivation too.

>I used to be chubby
>still has no idea how long getting into shape takes.
>C-c-can I do it guys
>imma be a big rough tough naby seal

long story short the only seal you'll ever be

also fuck the military. you're all just too fucking stupid to get into a state school. Turn a fucking wrench for 3 years out of a combat zone to get a pension and demand i call you a hero. eat shit.

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And I thought I'd have an easy time being a beach lifeguard after training for it for 8 months. Fucking nope, 60 degree water showed me I still wasn't ready. I was 17 at the time, and five years later I still remember that shit. It's easy to say something. Stop trying to defend yourself on fucking Jow Forums and prove it yourself. Who cares about these virgin weebs?




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>t. Skinnyfat liberal

That shit was amazing. And it’s not often that I respect a black person

It'll be easier just to off urself bud/s

I used to train with a guy who was obsessed with being a seal. I remember those swims, sweating my balls off. Working so hard that even the cool/cold lake water couldn't cool me down.

We busted our ashes. I was just in it to get fit and it worked. Best shape of my life. I remember sprinting a mile and not being winded.

He enlisted and did not qualify. But he was a dummy, so that might have been a factor.

Put a bunch of rocks into a backpack. Walk up and down mountains for hours on end with these rocks. Swim across lakes and rivers with these rocks. At night take the rocks out and sleep on them. Wake up 4h later and repeat

This is what inspires me

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Think of something that sounds absolutely awful, like you're putting yourself through hell for no reason, and then go do that. Then go do something else awful. And again. And repeat the first thing to see how you improve. Leave yourself choking just to get some extra air. Go sprint until you can't sprint anymore, that's 1 rep. Then do that until you puke. Then do some more. Change your alarm around so it's randomised so you don't get used to a consistent wake up time, just to fuck yourself up a bit more

>t. 75th regiment

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