Mogged: Tfw I'm fit but make <30k a year. Found out today my younger brother makes $110k

We both are college educated. Similar degrees: marketing & communication.

He got his foot into tech industry and worked multiple jobs.

I've worked in retaurants and condtruction. I am currently working at a hospital making $15 an hour.

He's 4 years younger already married no kids.

I have 1 daughter out of wedlock.

I'm 2 years clean from a decade of alcohol/drug addiction.

He never struggled in that area.
He's in his 20s I'm in my 30s.

Literally all I have is that I'm fitter and not balding.

He's much smarter and people like him more. But I'm better looking.

I can/cannot believe how pathetically failed I am as a man. I guess I'll take my broke ass to the gym and work through the tears.

Ever been mogged by siblings this hard /fit?

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The fact that you're this distraught over it shows why you're most likely in the position you are in.

You should be happy for your brothers obsess, rather than worrying how it makes you look.

that's honestly a cucked way of thinking, OP should strive to better himself as a man and become better than his younger brother, clearly OP can do much better than he is right now. Your post reminds me of the whole "forgive your enemies

Just man up and ask your bro for a job. Jesus it doesnt even have to be groveling just say
>hey bro I'm looking for a job anything available
He probably already knows your skills and work ethic and can hook you up.

Based altruist

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its his fucking younger brother. If youre not anything but happy for him off yourself

Nah, not at all the point. The cuck mentality is having a pity party because his brother is ahead.

He should instead be happy for his brother while focusing on bettering himself.

To think out of all the shit that gets posted here, this image is what triggered me.

I'm more concerned with my lack more than I am happy for him, yes. I'd think that's normal given the success disparity.

Try living in the shadow of your older brother so hard that nothing you've done has been good enough. Doesn't help that said brother is a prick to everyone, more often than not.

Nothing was taken away from him to aid in his brother's success.

Where is your competitive fire? Do you not have the urge to beat him in terms of success?

I'm an only child so have no experience being a sibling

What a cucked comic character.

It’s a good thing your brother is so successful, you can maybe live on his couch or in his pool house someday when your life falls even more apart.

Both my sisters are med school graduates yet i'm in community college

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Seems like it'd be worst to have successful sisters (esp in STEM) than brothers. No offense, keep grinding user

>marketing & communication.

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yeah, that's good too. you're right.

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>his brother doing well for himself is a 0 sum situation where his brother is directly stealing his ability to earn more money

Drooling autist desu

big difference between this and being happy for your brother for making it
that comic is for latte sipping faggots

I’m jealous/ envious of my friends who have good jobs and gfs. I’m the only one struggling. But I’m still working hard to make it. Only one year out of college and i still don’t have a full time yet. Doesn’t help i started college late tho. Really feel awful sometimes guys

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It’s ok user. I was the dumbest (by education) in my friend group. Then i worked really hard and ended up going to a far better school than anyone i know. Including my doctor parents kek. Still love to rub it in everyone’s face i don’t care how much of a prick it makes me look like, everyone doubted me

I’m 20 years old and my brother is 18. He does better in school than I did. He’s going to college unlike me who never liked it and decided not to go. He’s also 6 foot 4 inches and I’m 5 foot 11 inches. However he’s 230-240 pounds and I’m 180. More social than him too. If he actually lifted and lost the fat on him he’d look like a fucking monster.

You should help him get in shape

>being jealous your brother who wasn’t a drug addict is doing better than you in life
My younger brother works at an investment bank and makes 2x my salary and I’m happy as fuck for him

Try going in to med school at 28 when everyone here is like 19

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You're a faggot. Be happy for your brother and strive to one day be like him
ITS HIS FUCKING BROTHER. It's not a random nigger stealing his bike. This fucking board man.

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i'm in the same boat except i have no children, am balding, do not have a chemical addiction, and am employed as a mechanic. i have two younger siblings who, in addition to not being bald and better looking, also also gainfully employed, married, and making substantial amounts of money. i couldn't be happier for them, unlike you.

not everyone can be successful, but there's no reason to give up hard work and there's certainly no reason to be unhappy or jealous of your family.

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You could've done the same but instead you decided to procrastinate on Jow Forums.

So according to this comic it's ok to steal shit as long as it makes you happier than it makes the other person sad???

Fuck yeah gonna go steal my neighbors shit cause I'm an alturist

don't discredit how important it is that you're fitter than him; it's entirely within the realm of possibilities that part of his success can be attributed to lucky circumstances at any pivotal moment(s) in his past, or that your lack of success can be attributed to unlucky circumstances at any pivotal moment(s) in your past.

assuming your younger brother doesn't have any medical conditions that prevent him from lifting weights, being more fit than him is the one thing that can't be discredited due to luck

>pic related

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