Mogged: Tfw I'm fit but make <30k a year. Found out today my younger brother makes $110k

We both are college educated. Similar degrees: marketing & communication.

He got his foot into tech industry and worked multiple jobs.

I've worked in retaurants and condtruction. I am currently working at a hospital making $15 an hour.

He's 4 years younger already married no kids.

I have 1 daughter out of wedlock.

I'm 2 years clean from a decade of alcohol/drug addiction.

He never struggled in that area.
He's in his 20s I'm in my 30s.

Literally all I have is that I'm fitter and not balding.

He's much smarter and people like him more. But I'm better looking.

I can/cannot believe how pathetically failed I am as a man. I guess I'll take my broke ass to the gym and work through the tears.

Ever been mogged by siblings this hard /fit?

Attached: images.jpg (259x195, 5K)

The fact that you're this distraught over it shows why you're most likely in the position you are in.

You should be happy for your brothers obsess, rather than worrying how it makes you look.

that's honestly a cucked way of thinking, OP should strive to better himself as a man and become better than his younger brother, clearly OP can do much better than he is right now. Your post reminds me of the whole "forgive your enemies

Just man up and ask your bro for a job. Jesus it doesnt even have to be groveling just say
>hey bro I'm looking for a job anything available
He probably already knows your skills and work ethic and can hook you up.

Based altruist

Attached: DOinMW5UQAA_omS.jpg (680x680, 79K)

its his fucking younger brother. If youre not anything but happy for him off yourself

Nah, not at all the point. The cuck mentality is having a pity party because his brother is ahead.

He should instead be happy for his brother while focusing on bettering himself.

To think out of all the shit that gets posted here, this image is what triggered me.

I'm more concerned with my lack more than I am happy for him, yes. I'd think that's normal given the success disparity.

Try living in the shadow of your older brother so hard that nothing you've done has been good enough. Doesn't help that said brother is a prick to everyone, more often than not.