High Bar or Low Bar?

High Bar or Low Bar?

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Doesn't matter, do whatever is most convenient if you don't compete.

doesn't matter unless you weightlift (in which case highbar because more sport specific) or powerlift (in which case lowbar because most people can move more weight with it)

Highbar unless you squat over 4pl8

Depends. Usually high bar though as I've been favoring weightlifting over powerlifting as of late.

powerlifting, low bar so you can lift more
bodybuilding, high bar for quad development

Shove that bar up your ass, nigger.

Muscular development doesn't change with bar position dumbfuck.

you have to be a real fucking scumbag to lowbar

Just google it and stfu

You're misinformed and retarded lol

dude its a fact high bar gives better quad development and low bar better hams and glutes

if by "a fact" you mean bullshit spread by newfags with no basis in biomechanics, sure

No it literally isn't. I'm not going to bother typing it out for the umpteenth time to inform another person on this website so just watch these videos. It explains it fully, and you don't even have to read.


Front or Zercher.
In all seriousness though, I typically squat High bar, but I feel I should switch to lowbar because it doesn't strain my spine as much.

Mid bar

if you knew the difference between high bar and low bar you'd know that low bar requires more trunk flexion in order to keep the bar over the middle of your foot, resulting in more hamstring & glute activation than a high bar stance, dumbfuck

Literally not true

What variation to cum on that face every night?

Color Printer x 1

no bar

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*a challenger approaches*

[spoiler]SSB squats[/spoiler]

Then how come SS victims often end up complaining that they have weak quads? Before you say ‘no they don’t lol who says that??’ I can attest that me and some buddies who all did SS ended up with noticeably small quads compared to our glutes and hanmies AND you should check out the SS forums where people regularly talk about having to program quad dominant exercises.

Is that a real thing?

What I want to know is am I okay with somewhere in the middle? I never high bar but I have trouble getting all the way down with low bar.

High. My body seems to squat better more upright, doesn't seem to be the same way for a lot of other people though

High bar squat is for real strength and muscle development.Why?Well because the low bar squats uses leverages to help you lift more weights,just as the sumo,the rack pulls,and any other gimmicky lift used by unconventional lifters use.
If you want to get really strong and really big,you must work out from movements that limit your leverage,high bar squat is one of them,so is pause bench press,or an overhead press with a pause.
The less leverage the movement needs,the more muscle and strength is needed to perform it.
High bar if you are a man,and low bar if you are a bitch.

>low bar uses leverages to help you lift more weight
imagine being this retarded

that's like saying deadlifting with any grip other than a snatch grip is just leverage cope and you're not a man if you're not deadlifting with your hands touching the sleeves or benching with your hands touching in the middle of the bar.

Go read Starting strength,Mark says so.
Its not my fault its this way,tell me do you like Alphadestiny too?

Blue pill: high bar works the quads more and the back less, and doesn't train hamstrings as much as low bar

Red pill: There's virtually no difference in muscular recruitment in the leg and back muscles, hamstrings are barely used in either variation, the lower back is at a stronger position on the low bar since the bar and weight are loaded closer to the hip.

Attached: rippetoe uniform.jpg (720x960, 82K)

Low bar is better in the only thing that matters: ass

Mark doesn't say that low bar squats are for bitches and high bar are for men at all, furthermore he is not really an authority figure when it comes to strength training, he literally only trains athletic and genetically gifted beginners and associates himself with guys on roids because they're the only strong ones he actually gets along with.
With that being said low bar makes it so your lower back is stronger and less of a limiting factor when it comes to squatting heavy weights, that's why rippletits promotes it, it is a superior strength training exercise, it's not for "bitches", and it's also easier for people to not fuck their backs on low bar due to the very fact that your back is stressed far more when the bar is loaded further away from your hip specially if one's femurs are normal sized.
Might as well do nothing but front squats then if you want to be super duper edgy and manly.
High bar fucks people's backs more often than low bar does for this reason.

DYEL detected

It's true though, lower back is stressed more with less weight on high bar, hamstrings are barely used on both high and low bar squats, there is no measurable difference.

This is true,but that's because of bad form.If both movements are performed correctly there should be no injury on both sides.
However,High bar squats are used to supplement Olympic lifters and build powerful quads and gluts,the low bar will give you massive posterior chain gains,simply because of the way the bar is positioned as you said.
But,you have to read between the lines user.
But he trains corssfit so hes shit I agree.
Also, Olympic weightlifting>Powerlifting.

That's not true, weightlifters squat highbar because it's more upright and therefore more specific to their competition lifts. Powerlifters mostly squat lowbar because for most of them they can squat more weight lowbar.

>literally not true
>provides no evidence, theory, or even conjecture as to why, it's just not true because i said so
go watch a side view video of a low bar squat compared to a high bar squat and tell me both squatters have the same torso angle
you'll notice the low bar squatter has a similar torso angle to the conventional stance deadlift
what are the prime movers in the deadlift? glutes and hamstrings
this shit has been common knowledge in weightlifting & strength training for decades now.

Safety squat bar. Really good accessory for powerlifting/bodybuilding. Hits quads really hard. I recommend it over front as you Don't have to hold front rack position the whole time which makes it amazing for volume/rep work.

I tried lowbar for about 3 weeks but I'm just not flexible enough and get a lot of hip pain. I can lift more highbar

As for me, I prefer low bar due my build (long femur and short torso). I don't see point in doing high bar when I have Safety squat bar which is even harder than high bar.

stretch reflex isn't the same as leverage, idiot
the equivalent to pause presses is a pause squat

Yeah I know,I was just giving you an example of proper exercises.
The ones that matter the most are the ones that put you at a mechanical disadvantage and force your muscles to work from a shit position.
Obviously with proper form.
I bet you think sumo is a good deadlift stance.

I already did provide evidence.

I honestly don't understand the difference. I think I might be retarded. I know how you describe each, but I can't tell when I'm squatting which one I do.

You're probably doing high bar then.

If he doesn't know weather he is doing High or Low bar,we can just assume he starts with high bar,and when the weights get heavy he gets to a lowbar midway,and if they get really heavy it becomes a goodmorning.

Switched to lowbar, somehow my knees now cave in less than with high bar. But I still have to work on the grip, my palms hurt after.


Uhhhhhhhh you don't know what you're talking about.

kill yourself you massive fucking nigger

also OP, alternate between back squat and front squat

Front squat plus romanian deadlift for ultimate development

>misinformation gets corrected
>fit can't handle it

I do high bar and deadlift. Low bar and deadlift both work out the posterior chain, so if you deadlift, do high bar.

I had to stop deadlifting due to back pain, so I switched from high bar to low bar to get my quads and glutes the work they need. Not sure if I wanna do leg presses or front squats to keep my quads up to par, though. Front squats would be better but they hurt my wrists too much.
