Natty lifting sucks ass let's just be honest here...

Natty lifting sucks ass let's just be honest here. Of course i'm natty 4 lyfe because my soul is pure but don't fool yourself. Talk about a waste of time :'(

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Waste of time? Making this thread was a waste of time.

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Waste of time? Making this post was a waste of time.

Attached: immanuel-kant-9360144-1-402.jpg (300x300, 16K)

Waste of time? Replying to that post was a waste of time.

Waste of time? Saging this thread was a waste of time.

Waste of time? Living life is a waste of time we all die anyways.

If you want to mog the world, sure, but if you want quadruple the strength of a standard dyel and look more than decent with your shirt off, natty is fine.

you're not pushing yourself enough

>natties can't lift big wei-

Attached: 320-deadlift.webm (747x420, 1.01M)

>waste of time
>literally prolonging your lifespan and overall quality of life


Well done Isley

I'd love to compete in this shit aswell but no way i'm going to wear that gay ass outfit

>he doesn't cycle test only for the rest of his life.

>British power lifting
>banner has arab man and white woman

Isley, isley, isley
Ye never leern man, ye never leern. Like someone's geeting sceerd cause dey gonna git outtoteled; like whaddaya gonna do whin it hippins isley? Whaddaya gonna do - it's iniveetible. It's just iniveetible. Like. Y'know. I got ya squat...een the bag. Like. I'm cumming (honestly how he pronounces it) up on ye diddlyift I'm not evin like less then twenny keelo awey from your bist diddlyift men (inhale) an' don' eevin git me sterted on binch. Whad ees it like your bist binch is like a hunna twenny five keelo; whas dat like two anna helf plate an some I cin rip dat shit like twenny times now an trow it troo a roof it's almost like a wahm up fer me I conseeder two plate a wahm up. An'! Whahappens when I binch like..three anna..three anna quater binch, three anna three quater plate whad ees it one hunna sevenny keelo?! Thin wha? Thas like...whad ees it..forty five keelo dif'rence mate. The bar is (ININTELLIGIBLE) set too low man. Like yer ginna lose man. Dere's like...y'gonna git...y'gonna git OUTTOTALED by some like random nanny who hasnt bin training fer like...two yeers. An I started whiff nuffing. Like seexty fihve keelo whiff no muscle miss whatsoiver. An...Whit were you four yeers ago...? Four yeers ago...tha's right, four yeers ago I saw dat veedio an' you were a nintey keelo thin. An' now you're nintey three keelo. So whit have you bin doing fer the last four yeers?

based and mongpilled

Just lift and reap the benefits

My mental and hormonal balances are wack as they are.

I just wanna lift some weights man.

agreed, user

>natty lifting sucks
>of course i'm natty 4 lyfe
Everyday this board get more retarded.