/fph/ fat people hate thread

People getting stuck to chairs edition

How the fuck do you get so fat, and then realize you can't move?

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lmao even he had a gf, fit btfo

>his girlfriend

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W-we're gonna make it boys

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Jamesposting is obligatory here

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How do they do it?

>his gf
Ahahaha holy shit half this board just got fucking destroyed


>his girlfriend

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Probably a toothless bottom feeder leeching from his disability check and feeding him. It's not the kind of gal a Jow Forumsizen would be seen dead with.

They allow a toothless homeless woman to move in with them. If that makes you jealous and that's the kind of woman you want, I don't know what to tell you. You'll probably find twelve just like it in the nearest trailer park. Just make sure she's legal, she may look forty but be only fifteen.

I work at a grocery store and something weird I've noticed is that fat people never buy the stereotypical fat people foods like twinkies and cookies. They usually are buying ridiculous amounts of protein bars, halo top, Atkins treats, and lean cuisine. Usually skinny people are the ones buying actual junk food

>It's not the kind of gal a Jow Forumsizen would be seen dead with.
a Jow Forumsizen isn't seen with any girls at all...

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Fatties have this retarded idea that they can consume limitless calories as long as the food is marketed as "healthy." They are such retards, and a huge waste of resources. We should put trackers on them to prevent them from buying dangerous amounts of calories.

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>when you have $5
I have enough for a huge pot of beans and a package of bacon to go in it.

She's not entirely wrong in this one. The US is kinda fucked up geographically and food deserts make fast food the cheapest and most convenient way to make sure you're getting two or three meals a day.

>baby carrots will keep you full for 10 minutes

You don't need three meals a day. Especially not if you're fat af already. I swear, every person I've heard complain that they're staaaaaaaaaarving weighs at least 100 to 200 lb more than they should. Someone should make these cunts experience what it's actually like to be starving.

This is false.
I can eat for a week on like $35.

Hamburger is one of the more expensive variants of beef, by weight at my walmart, because hamplanets populate it and that's all they know how to cook with.

I can get 6 chicken breasts for $6, a bag of rice for $3.75.
most canned veggies for like $.40 cents a can
fresh are even cheaper, by weight.

Bitch is too stupid to cook. "pasta in red sauce" is literally one of the most expensive things you can cook at home, because you know lardass isn't mashing and cooking down tomatos in last night's beef broth to make it, she's buying prego.

seeYou know, you can also score a gf anytime, its just she wont be any thing close to 10/10

>this is 10% whoring
>20% fetish
>50% concentrated disability check

All the canned vegetables I've found are cheaper or as cheap as fresh

Frozen vegetables work too

as a poor you don't buy prego, you buy the cans of hunts which is a lot cheaper. By cost of calories pasta is cheaper than meat. I'm in california though so my grocery costs are fucked compared to the rest of the world

that this person "only has $5 to her name to eat" yet is posting online about it only further clues me in to her incessant narcissism, stupidity, and overall mess of life

regardless, noodles are shit tier food and expensive.
You can get one meal tops out of a $3 package and you're hungry an hour later because it's mostly sugar.
It's because she eats shit like that that she's never sated.

bump give me ideas for cheap food Reee
I am not too enthusiastic about life

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what a Chad

>you're not out buying the freshest ingredients
>you buy frozen or canned stuff. BAD food
>so the solution is McDonald, which is obviously better, right?
Fuck off, frozen veggies are almost better than fresh one

Some old stuff i saved

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I started off buying fresh broccoli but sometimes a batch will spoil faster than another so I just went with frozen vegetables. Tastes the same when I fry it with some meat sauce

This shit tends to happen when your doctor tells to lose weight before surgery but you're too lazy to listen to him
God i hate fat patients, and here in europe they aren't even that massive, like 300-350 tops, i cannot imagine how horrible is to operate a 500 lb hambeast

>not buying groceries for an entire week on your day off
>not prepping meals for the next day when you get home from work
>being full is your main concern (...) not nutrition
>eating until your stomach is filled to its physical capacity
>not until a combination of calories and nutrients triggers a hormonal satiety response
Being fat is a mental illness.

This looks like a Quake 4 screenshot.

Fatties are always like
>but what am I supposed to eat, reeeeeeeeeee?!!
If you're fat already, how about you eat nothing for a while, you cunt?

>her dad did send her to fatcamp, where she got kicked out for assaulting someone over food

I love to reread this occasionally, she's such a role model, it gives me hope.

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Why can't high-calorie foods like chocolate bars have photos like this on their packaging, like cigarette packs have images of stained teeth and black lungs? After all, poor diet causes a lot more deaths than tobacco.

we shall post this on the preggo reddits, on the preggo facebook groups, on the preggo twitters, and on the preggo tubblrs. We shall never surrender, and never risk knocking up a fat bitch.

tl;dr : I'm extremely lazy and can't bother to learn to cook. Ignore all the millions of working-class families who do manage to get by with cheap and healthy food, take my experience as the only valid one.

>Bacon, Eggs. Chicken, Beef, and some vegetables.
>Fast 2-3 days out of the week.
Congratulations, you're eating cheap as shit and your diet is in the 99th percentile for health.

Because not all fat people eat cookies and chocolate bars. Weight is only caused by excessive calorie intake, whether what they eat is healthy/low calorie or not is irrelevant

Hey gggguys is Keto a meme or should I jump all in. I’m 6’1 and 210 lbs skinny fat. Most I’ve ever weighed and wanna get fit again.

Pasta is carbs
Sugar is carbs
But pasta is not sugar you retard.

we could print this shit on stickers and go guerilla post it in super markets.

>tfw can’t even tell which body part that is


Because people like me burn 1600 extra calories on a workday and even after getting all my macros I still have a few hundred calories left to eat in order not to turn into a skeleton. I already only weigh 165 at 6'2" FFS. Sometimes I eat a few extra eggs, sometimes I like to treat myself to some chocolate and I'd prefer not to have my appetite ruined just to keep some retards from eating themselves to death.

gluten, whatever the fuck, it does nearly the same thing as eating white sugar.

>210 lbs
You're chubbyfat, not skinnyfat.

Imagine being so insecure you make a thread to pick on fatties

Gluten is protein. That said even white pasta only has a GI of about 50. If you want to cut pasta out of your diet you should also cut cereal grains like rice and oats as well as most fruits, potatoes, and some vegetables with a GI above 50.

>cut oats, which contain protein etc
>eat pasta instead, in place of delicious oats because lmao GI is the same

user, you're not gonna make it.


Imagine being so fat you look at computers and see food.

Whole wheat has more protein per calorie than oats you tard, better vitamins and minerals as well

>eating whole wheat pasta

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White pasta has more protein than oats as well

Thanks for the reply. I only say skinny fat because I look skinny with a shirt on cuz my limbs are skinny and tone ish but I hold weight around love handles and abdominal region.

Honestly I'm 6' 200lbs and I'm not even fat definitely higher bodyfat than I'd like, but I have been lifting for 3 years which kind of skews the weight.

Here’s back when I was like 150. Skinniest I’ve ever been

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>Weight is only caused by excessive calorie intake
Yeah, and lung cancer is only caused by tar, not tobacco.
Chocolate and other sugary things are a big contributor to this obesity epidemic and should be treated as such.


>Imagine being so insecure you make a thread to pick on fatties
Insecure? No. Disgusted, we are.

You've activated my almonds.
>as per google
100g of white pasta has 31g carbs at 6g protein 148cal
>.193g protein per carb
>.04g protein per calorie
100g of oats has 12g carbs at 2.5g protein, 68cal
>.208g protein per carb
>.3g protein per cal.

Oats are better unless you're going for a bike ride or something.

>use fat bitch as cum dump
>9 months later you don't have to worry about her or the baby because they're both dead

I'm not even the user you were talking to earlier, I'm just agreeing with you, that if you're not a weak fagling, 6'1 210 isn't that bad.

I mean I’m definitely the fattest I’ve ever been. Just eating around my girl and her mom they’re always eating junk so I’m going to change the momentum and go my own way eating healthy and best case scenario I make gains and my gf joins me.

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>GF and family always eats shit
I feel you, I have a sweet tooth, and they always want dessert, mostly they want to taste it, but chocolate on anything turns me into a little gluttonous whore.
I'm getting back into the Jow Forums lifestyle, my girlfriend lost 30lbs because I told her straight up everything about her is hot, but I was afraid she was gonna lose a foot on me if we kept dating. She's a short chub mexican girl, and we're almost the same weight and it's making her feel bad, so we're losing the last bit and what I put on when I met her together. I was doing centuries and sometimes double centuries weekly when we met, I was 170lbs of only muscle, it was great, I miss being able to do backflips.

Too bad none of that ever happened


This made me so happy

But yeah, that's about what I look like too.
Post highschool comfy gf and beer gains.

Yeah man my girl is Puerto Rican and it seems like she gets bigger by the day and if I don’t do something it’s gonna get way worse for both of us. I’m fortunate to have a competitive swimming background I can fall back on for cardio but her, idk man.

Hell get her swimming with you. The fun about pools is you're getting your cardio if you do pretty much anything besides float like an old person stretching for their arthritis.

Not nearly as extreme but here in Chile food with high sodium, calories, sugar or saturated fats must be labeled with these, so a chocolate bar would have at least 2. The national equivalent of food stamps can't be exchanged for anything with more than 2 labels either so people with lower income can't spend them on junk food.
Also it's illegal for unhealthy food products to have mascots or anything that appeals to children, so Tony the tiger, Chester Cheeta and the Grimace are forbidden.

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>people with lower income can't spend them on junk food.
That's a damn good idea.

But food stamps in the US aren't about logic, in the sense that it's for the people footing the bill, in most states it's just a way to use the dumbest of the dumb to funnel money to FritoLay and subsequently the medical industry.

I legit heard a similar story from my brother working on ambulence. Only the man lived in an appartement and they had to call the firefighters to tear down part of the concrete wall to get him out of there. His feet were dead and fell off in the ambulance when they tried to sit him inside. One of the trainees dropped and needed an IV.

We have a bariatric ambulance for that stuff. It has one of those lifts they put on the back of trucks to drop pallets to ground level.

We used to have to get the Mobile ICU which is effectively a semi truck with a box on the back that can pull a trailer with more beds in it and self contained generators etc etc. Their insurance would sometimes drop them after the $19,000 bill for transport.

The people complaining about bills are ignorant to how much goes into getting their lard asses to the hospital alive, because of their own shitty lifestyles. Don't make everyone else pay for that, 75% of critical patients who would otherwise need transport like broken limbs cuts and old people, drive themselves to the hospital because our response time gets fucky sometimes when we all get busy dealing with Stalin's useful idiots.

Frozen chicken
Frozen broccoli

You just got a week's food for well under $105 (the cost of 3 cheese burgers a day).

Fat apologists really are stupid. $5/day is enough to live on.
>day 1: 0.875lbs chicken thighs, 0.5lbs spaghetti: 1738 kcal, $3.60 total spending. $1.40 remaining
>day 2: 3 eggs, 0.875lbs chicken thighs, 0.5lbs spaghetti, 0.5lbs broccoli: 2016 kcal, $4.28 total spending. $2.12 remaining
>day 3: 3 eggs, 1lb chicken thighs, 0.5lbs spaghetti, 0.5lbs broccoli: 2151 kcal, $6.05 total spending. $1.07 remaining
>day 4: 3 eggs, 3oz oats, 1lb chicken thighs, 0.25lbs spaghetti, 0.5lbs broccoli, 0.25lbs spinach: 2117 kcal, $5.78 total spending. $0.29 remaining
And so on. I wasn't even hunting for sales and was able to save money very quickly while still getting 2000 kcal.

Bonus: You would only have to go shopping 11 times in the first 31 days of doing this as opposed to going to a fast food place 3x a day every day, saving yourself a ton of gas.

After the first week, you would only have to go shopping every other week or so.

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user that was like, a lot of numbers, I'm not good at math, lets just get the 5 for 5 at Arby's, that's a good deal.

Sadly I know people like this. I just realized after re-reading the thread that it implies they are eating that way for 3 meals a day. 3 meals/day * $5/meal * 31 days = $465/month. You could buy a fuckton of food with that. With my plain, you're only spending $100/month. Use the remaining $365 to buy more fruits/veggies/dairy, vary things up, etc. Or just save it for emergencies.

Also I just used spaghetti because I like it and it's cheap. You could easily substitute for rice, quinoa, etc


That's a good model by the sound of it.

How do you shit and piss if you're stuck in a chair?

Just because it has a vag doesn't mean you'd want to fuck it.

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Better idea, round em up and gas them, all that fat would probably make a fine fuel for our tanks

Sounds like Heaven. Had a Chilean ex-pat Spanish instructor here. Smoking hot, she was.

A-user kun?
Care to share rutine? Thats pretty much my goal body

>inb4 lift and be hungry

I just wanna die in my autistick sleep

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Surgical technician here, that mess is looking up toward the head end of a freshly dissected panniculus (fupa gunt) during the revision surgery of a grossly obese fat cunt, likely with diabetes or other peripheral vascular disorders given the pockets of infection and tissue necrosis.
>tl;dr: don't be a fat cunt and get pregnant.

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I currently spend $3 a week on food. Granted, I'm fasting, but this fat bitch should be too.

Being poor in a 1st world country is different from being poor in a 3rd world shithole.

Your tattoo sucks

>you throw away the ingredients after cooking a single burger

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user, as a comrade in the great battle that is fitness, please look back and forth at the two pictures you posted and fix your shit. If women are fucking it up cut them out of your life but you need to get back in your old habits again