Who else here /movedoutpill/?
>easier to resist eating snacks and shitty food since noone will buy it but you
>no soda
>been losing a small amount of fat bc eating better and not as much
>cut down on fapping bc flatmates
>noporn bc see above
>being more social bc flatmates and the people they bring home
>feeling more inclined to speak to friends from high school and home town bc wanna keep up the contact
>cycle atleast 2km a day getting to and from school/shopping
Haven't gotten a new gym card yet since I'm still getting used to this new life but I already feel better and it's literally in the building next to my apartment
Who else here /movedoutpill/?
Ah yes, the /movedoutpill/, i.e being a normal, functional adult. Don't pat yourself on the back for doing something you are supposed to do at 18.
You need to leave this website for a while you insufferable cunt.
mommy cooks me healthy meals and compliments me on my gains feels good being mommy's special boy
>moving out at 18
Fucking boomer over here
Who else here /waterpill/
>hydrates you
>no sugar
I knwo that feel bro, although living with parents is better for your income
>falling for the liquid jew
Cringe and cuckpilled
I bet you drink tap water.
Chill out Granpa not everyone gets to move out at 18 anymore
>cut down on fapping bc flatmates
>noporn bc see above
Autism. I bet you are scared to take a shit when your roommate is home
Don't listen to the others user, I'm proud of you and jealous that you can do what I and many others can't
>tfw wanna take the pill
>tfw no job that pays enough for me to be able to afford it
I just wanna fucking have a place to myself where I have 100% control over my life. Is that too much to ask?
>prepositional because
You'll always be a faggot
25 and still live with parents. It's not weird
I really want to take the /moveoverseas/ pill....fuck Auckland, fuck NZ. Place is going down the shitter
Based and redpilled mommas boy poster
Based High IQ individuals.
Christchurch here. I hate this country.
I... I like NZ:(
What happened
It's very fucking weird you slack cunt.
Stop leaching off you're parents you should of moved out 5-7 year ago. Grow the fuck up kid.
Move to Sydney cunt I'll room with you, my roomies are shithouse anyway
>moved out
My dad needs help, fuck you wanker
You haven't really moved out if you're living with flatmates.
>easier to resist eating snacks and shitty food since noone will buy it but you
exact opposite for me. usually I eat really clean and can literally resist every sweet in any kind of social gathering. put me alone in a house for a few days and I start doing eating disorder-tier shit.
Your dad has lived 50+ years I'm sure he can do the other 30 without you even if the old cunt is dying.
What's your game plan? Look after your father until your 50 yourself? Sounds like a sick life being cucked to your family for the rest of your life.
Still pathetic that you're 25 and living at home. You do know there is a awesome concept where you can go and visit him once or twice a week, fuck! make it 3 times a week.
You're back and forth all over the place man. Is it pathetic that I'm living at home as a leech, or pathetic that I'm living at home working to support my dad?
Pathetic because you live at home and it's a pathetic excuse to stay at home. So Let's say both. Didn't think they would be hard to understand?
The main reason I don't like living here is because of how everything is so goddamn expensive. People in this country don't make a lot yet everything costs a dickload.
Don't sweat judgments from posters on a nigerian fried fish board.
If you're taking care of your pops, you're just being a good son. Life doesn't always work out as neatly as possible for everyone.
Just because you got kicked out of home at 16 doesn't mean everyone else's homelife is shit. If it's what the dude needs to do the he's going to do it, don't need to be a dickhead about it
What does one drink while swallowing the water pill?
Exactly. You can't get ahead here unless you've already got plenty of money (sure, this is somewhat true everywhere). For most people it's just a case of working to live
Fair enough. They were conflicting until you defined that it's my excuse to stay home. Why do you think it's an excuse for me to stay at home? I'd much rather my father had family or friends to live happily with but he doesn't. Why is looking after loved ones such a pathetic life?
I've made my decisions, nothing's going to sweat me. This tripfag is passionate enough about this to be THIS vitriolic over my own personal life and that's almost flattering, I'd like to understand the reasoning.
Left home at 18 on my own accord. Came from a perfect child hood too, was never spanked once in my life or abused. I just wanted to have my own life not tied to my family.
Give up his own life in the progress for a bloke who is going to die anyways? Sounds like a good way to waste your life.
>was never spanked once in my life
it shows
Some people place more value on family than others. Just because he doesn't follow the same path as yours doesn't make it any less valid
At this point I would say you've become use to the routine your in so your quite comfortable where you are. Now at 25 you've put off the idea of moving out because you've got to "look after your father" using this excuse/reason to stay where you are.
It's pathetic on yourself how can you say you've had any quality of life looking after your father for the next 30 years? How do you expect to grow as a person if your always stuck in the same routine? Do you honestly think this is the life your father wanted you to have? Each to their own if you want to throw away your life for a man who is dying go ahead but you'll regret it once his gone or when u get older. Its going to be all for nothing, I just hope it is worth it.
Dairy creme
>live with parents
>saving for house deposit
thats what i tell myself anyway
Why does looking after my old man halt all other progress in my life? What makes you think I'm stuck in the same routine? Why would my routine or goal progression be different if I moved out and didn't bother to care for my parent? If I don't have the drive to keep if from stagnating here, why would moving away help that?
We're all dying man. My dad's last days are going to be happy with his last family here, not alone. It's absolutely worth it.
God you're such a faggot
>Why does looking after my old man halt all other progress in my life?
No matter your objective in life there will always be a main objective which will come first and that's looking after your old man. It will effect personal relationships, work opportunities and it's currently effecting your ability to move out as a 25 year old.
>What makes you think I'm stuck in the same routine?
The fact your father has no one else besides you. Meaning your his only source for happiness, support and social interaction. That would take alot out of anyones life meaning there daily routine is going to be very repeative since you feel a need to give all your attention to this one man.
>Why would my routine or goal progression be different if I moved out and didn't bother to care for my parent?
Well all your time won't be spent looking after 1 person so you would have more freedom to work towards your goals. Moving out in general gives you more sense of freedom, it is much better for your mind set. You have no drive because your in that situation I can guarantee if you moved out you would gain much more drive since you'll focus more on yourself than someone else.
Yes we are all dying but your father is closer to the grave than you. How long have you looked after him and what is actual wrong with him?
Well I do suck dick and eat ass. Want a sample daddy?
*crack* *sip* *slurp* Ahhh. Those were the days.
>xeno-oestrogen: the liquid
It’s like you want to cuck yourself.
Unironically based and redpilled.
Alright, well I'm getting pretty tired of this. I was interested to hear your extrapolation on why someone needs to move out, but now you're moving away from that and spending more and more time dictating to me blatant assumptions on what's going on in my life, and why I shouldn't spend energy on my dad and instead on myself, this doesn't interest me. Take it easy man have a good one
>calling your dad some bloke. Lmao was your dad shit tier? Why the fuck weren't you spanked? That's fucking weird
Mmm his a bit of a shit cunt but his always been a "mate" more than a father.
Both my parents didn't believe in it. They would rather sit me down and talk about it then yell or hit me.
If you read anything I said that whole explanation was about why you should move out.
Have fun beating that dead horse. Let's hope his left you something big.
You to m8.
>Mmm his a bit of a shit cunt but his always been a "mate" more than a father.
Hahahahaha you shouldn't be giving anyone advice about family
feel sorry for you mate
Shit cunt as he in he talks alot of shit.
Who here /oxygenpill/
>maintains you alive
>great for gains
I'm saving money until summer but I can't wait to move out. It's going to be so nice to only see people at work and when I go out
>breathing oxygen
enjoy dying in your late 90s/100s
not everyone is american and moving out at 18 you dumb fucking mongoloids, in europe people still love their family and enjoy spending time with them while also helping around the house unlike amerilard manchildren who live with their parents till 30 and never helped around the house, goddamn boomers kys
Get a load of this cunt.
Do you realize that, for most humans who have ever lived, all they ever had was the human beings of their own blood for comfort in this cold, cold world?
That life and death depended on the people at your side?
You are so bluepilled, so incredibly onions, so lost and corrupted that you probably won't understand. But think on it for a sec. I'll give you a tip - there's nothing else out there. You came in to this world looking for your mother, and you will leave praying there is blood at your side.
Did it ever occur to you that some families actually might not be dysfunctional and actually supportive?
>moved out when 17yo
>daddy paid for my rent for one year
>got a job and now live in a campus for ~50 euro a month
>gym every day
>no fap for 150+ days now, stopped counting
>can actually study for school
>read a shitload
>still avoid socializing because i don't speak the local language well
>3+ messages from girls from school on my phone, never had the balls to open them
feels weird man
but yeah /movedoutpill/
God I wish that were me
>tfw 2 drug addict parents
How long on no fap before user can open the messages on his own phone?
Been to alanon/narconon?
more like how long on no english
i don't fucking speak this gay language and i stutter when i try to
it's spanish by the way
Unironically this
>t. failed retard still living at parents at 21
Each year there are a few weeks when I'm alone at home. You don't start properly living until you live alone
>Mfw some of you autists focus your energy on getting swole and try picking up girls when you havnt even left mommys basement
My god, it's like someone pressed pause on your brain somewhere in highschool
I'm from Europe. Moving out after highschool is normal here. Lot of people move to live in dorms too
What are you talking about? Only failed retards still live at home after 22/23 even here
>"""moved out"""
Too late for that I feel. I'm moving out in a couple months anyways and don't plan on keeping in touch with them much
This. No wonder this board has the most amount of incels and other disfunctional retards.
Worrying about your muscle insertions and bodyfat and blogging about your jerk-off habits when you still stuck at home and not improving in life. Jesus christ
idk where you live but at 22 most of my friends still live with their parents and only very few of them live in dorms
Its a bad feel
There's no real need to move out unless you just want to because you want privacy and space from your parents, or you're moving somewhere else. Truth is that you're still totally reliant on lots of people (your employer, landlord, government, bank etc.) so it's really not this great independent thing that you might think it is. It's just not difficult at all, even the most pathetic, mentally-ill, deranged people in our society are capable of doing it. There are other things you can do that are actually difficult and require greater personal will and development, and none of it requires moving out of your parents' house. In fact, my impression is that most people who move out early mostly do it so they can have an extended adolescence. They have dirty kitchens and party all the time, and then in their 30's they haven't really grown up, because in our modern society as long as you can hold down a job (not difficult), you don't really have to.
Frankly, unless you really just want your own place, you're just being a dumbass for wasting so much money on rent. When you don't have to pay rent it's like you have endless money. There's no stress. I live in a really nice area of one of the most expensive cities in the world, in a nice big house, and have loads of cash. Meanwhile my friends who've moved out live in shithole areas in shithole flats and barely save anything. Oh but they're still partying like they did when they were 16. Very mature.
Try it sometime just once, it's good to relate to people who've been through similar things
Same here (Balkan). I just finished faculty which means that I will at least 3 years to move out. People here usually move out at 25-30 if they're not emigrating to Western Europe because of our shit countries.
Youre most likely sorrounded by other losers mate. How do you even bang a girl if you still live at home?
Reminder to everyone, don't feed the tripfag, he is most likely a 35 year old incel projecting is self loath
>he wants to turn into a woman
uhm no thanks
this is the final chadpill
>soi in gas form
I'll stick to /BRAPS/ thanks
I find it incredibly hard to believe that you don't have any need for personal space
This unironically reeks manchildren no matter how much muscle do you have
Based af
anyone else here /mayonnaisalpilled/?
parents kicking kids out at 18 literally only happens on the USA
witch part of spain? be carefull with the feminist
You should not feel this way if you actually had the will to start your life and stop being a manchildren
Lmao at this pseudoenlightened cunt
i dont feel anything thats how things are
I literally dont know a single person in my age group who has moved out unless he absolutelly had to (like living in a small city and having to move out to college)
i dont think the way they do thinkgs in the USA is bad tho, i admire it, but its just not viable in most places since housing is expensive
and eve the ones who did move out, none of them have a place of their own
You're larping, I live in a shithole eastern european country and even here most people move out in some way, only people who don't move out who literally can't during University because they are poor but usually the moment they graduate and get a job they move out too
Moving out is part of growing up, youre just afraid to leave your comfort zone so much you defend living in momm's basement
alright dude youre the grown up getting mad at people for no reason
There is literally nothing wrong with living with your parents. The only problem is that most parents are worthless Boomer faggots that love niggers and jews more than their own children.
what did he mean by this?
>When you don't have to pay rent it's like you have endless money. There's no stress.
Sure it's endless money when your parents pay for eveything