How do i do this exercise without feeling my forearms will break in half?

How do i do this exercise without feeling my forearms will break in half?

Attached: Zercher_Squats.jpg (808x443, 223K)

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why do it?

No Squat Rack so i use the ...things that come from my bench to Squat

you don't do it ever

go to gym with a squat rack. Until then stick to other leg excercises

Whats this pussy mentality, nothing wrong with zerchers

if you want to train your legs, do front squats instead. if you want to also train your core, do core exercises afterward.

whatever the case, don't do zercher squats.

it's a retarded exercise
you're a retard for defending it

op is better off doing back squats from the bottom position than these

>back squats from the bottom position
those are called anderson squats, you heathen

>it's a retarded exercise

just do regular front squats whats the difference

The wrist position on front squats is fucking retarded

Front squats disable my clevivles for at least 4 days.
Zerchers only kinda hurt my forearms if the knurling is deep.

Are people retarded just take two towels and put them around your forearms

just keep doing it you get used to it

Learn proper form fags

>Zercher sqaut
>achieving maximun T. Rex mode.
There are foam protectors for the bar.

Attached: 1482869785938.jpg (650x639, 53K)

no, they're not

Yes they are

Just asserting something doesn't make it true you mong.

>he grabs the bar with his entire hand

If zerchers are good enough for grizzly, they are good enough for you. Stop being a bitch.