>cutting because fat
>lost 110lbs but need to lose another 30 before I'm satisfied
>customer drops off a box of donuts for the staff at my new job
>apparently this is normal
>my two female coworkers (one fat and neurotic, the other one is skinny) tell me to have one
>say no thanks
>they keep pestering me all day
>the skinny girl says fine, she'll just have one and get fat by herself
>tell her I doubt that could ever happen (she's skinny as fuck)
>end of day
>they get mad I won't take the box home
Was I in the wrong here?
Cutting because fat
No you're not wrong you fucking retard
Hell no. If you don't want it, you're not gonna take it. Simple as that. Fuck em.
No. Youre fine. They are base level intelligence and only operate on social instinct
Eat the donuts and skip dinner you mong.
>My stomatch isn't feeling too good right now but thanks for the offer
Was that so hard OP?
>eat a 300 kcal of pure sugar instead of a healthy dinner of protein and greens
one 250kcal donut isnt going to kill your diet
just eat a fucking donut you fucking dweep
yes, actually just remove the carbs you were going to eat for dinner and keep the lean protein
gymcel fucks
dont get dragged down by the crabs op
It's nearly 20% of my daily calories.
>eat a 270kcal donut instead of 100kcal of broccoli and spinach
cringe and bluepilled
based an redpilled
>complying to women
You did the right thing. Never bend for a women.
I always hate my family for that
carbs doesn't refer to broccoli or spinach but the the portion of sweet potato, rice or pasta any regular non gymcel eats for dinner
It’s actually helpful to eat some junk food occasionally while on a cut. 80/20
No, women are miserable cunts. They wanted you to eat that shit because they don't want to feel alone stuffing their faces with refined sugar.
I don't eat any of those 3 on a regular basis. Those being starches are far superior to the quick burning sugar found in a donut.
You did nothing wrong OP. NPCs don’t have to worry about their health, they never die. You, on the other hand, need to keep yourself healthy and strong
Take one and pretend you're going to eat it later. Trash it. I work at an elementary/middle school in South Korea and it's common for the kids to give me snack food. I always make a big show of thanking them and then put it in my pocket/bag and throw it out when I get home.
No feelings hurt and no weight gained.
Bretty much this.
This is called Oozaru you plucking pong
Me too. Also the kids have garbage tier personal hygiene skills so that shit goes straight in the trash.
source for that
The glycemic index between a donut and some veggies is vastly different.
One is mostly cellulose while the other is all refined flour and sugar.
Who the fuck cares if OP eats donuts or not?
his ass
Been through the same shit. What I usually do:
>Co workers bring donuts
>”user you should have one!”
>”Sure, thanks!”
>take a bite out of the donut while I walk away
>leave it on my desk and throw it out when it gets stale
these threads are cancer
this is the equivalent of body positive hamplanets posting on whatever they post on
I seriously doubt this story even happened
If it did, stop being a little faggot and blogging about it here
>having a job a woman can do
it happened
it pays $17/hour and has good hours while I go to school, so I'm not complaining.
Stop babysitting your thread newbitch. Stick to QTDDTOT.
>unironically being this new and calling others new
go back to your home on
Not sure if trolling actually this new.
In either case go back to your babypay and hit the gym fattie boom boom.
the point
your head
Stop being an autist and count your calories if you are that concerned about one donut.
good on you for staying strong... I know its hard to upset social convention.
Just be honest with them user and maybe they will stop bugging you or take the donuts home and dump them in the trash.
I dont know what the fuck is up With normies but they act really strange around Food. Espeically if there is someone fit around. They will be really insecure around eating sugary Things, they'll try to get their collegues to eat a lot of them, they say they dont want any of those but they feel really guilty when they do, that is part also why they want others to eat those Things as well.
Amen to that. I once took a great big bite of what a kid told me was "homemade fudge." I'll give you three guesses as to what it REALLY was.
I suppose nobody's interested in guessing. Well I'll tell you. It was a fucking piece of his store-bought fudge.
According to Google a single 4-inch donut is 225 calories. Let's make it between 225-300 to add in added sugar and frosting. They expect you to eat, what, 2 or 3? So less than 1k calories. 30 minutes in the sauna is 300 calories, and any workout routine worth a damn should expend another 500. You're probably almost done. That night, just skip the meat portion and eat a vegetarian option for dinner.
Or you could show how autistic you are like a neurotic woman and refuse to eat certain foods
>passing off store-bought fudge as homemade
Fuck anyone that does this
I could tell right away. I spit it out and called him a lying faggot in front of this other kid who was obviously gay and really sensitive and depressed about it.
Why ask if your just going to throw around matrix terms like they're not the normiest of the normie terms, especially considering what those "brothers" became
It doesn't hurt to eat something sweet once in a while, even if you want to lose weight.
Shitty store bought donuts are nothing but bad for your health. He's not at somebody else's house, the co-workers weren't the ones who paid for them, its not somebodies birthday. There's no reason to feel obligated to eat one and there's no way to reasonably construe it as rude.
Do what I do and take whatever it is they are offering you home and throw it out the window on the drive home. Seems normal to them and if they ask why you wont eat it now just make something up and tell them you like to eat your donuts frozen or some shit.
i'm in the military and this shit happens all the fucking time. normies dont care what they eat, after PT on a friday morning, someone will come aorund with donuts and when they get to my office they all joke "haha gotta replace those calories we just burned right? LOL"
no. you fucking cow have some self-control.
sorry op this is something i am passionate about. i hate my fat coworkers
You were wrong in not turning them into jelly donuts on the spot if you know what I mean, for not creating Boston cream pies if you catch my drift
OP you didn't do right by them but you did right by yourself. Good shit and keep it up.
are your coworkers small and green?
of course not, why the fuck would you be wrong?
bring them broccoli and ask them to eat that, and get mad at them if they don't take it home
what people eat is their own business
>compulsively saving face with women
literally be yourself or they won't respect you anyway
>eat donuts (mostly sugar + onions) instead of meat (protein and fats)
Never gonna make it
>bring them broccoli and ask them to eat that, and get mad at them if they don't take it home
Please, please do this. And record it. I want you to act just like all the fat donut-pushers do to you, but flip it, and serve broccoli.
"You don't eat enough. Here, have a donut" becomes "you eat too much, so here, have a vegetable".
"Gotta replace those calories we burned" becomes "gotta eat less calories so we don't become fat!"
Etc. You get the idea.
Do it. Veggie tray in the office, and shame them all. SHAME. THEM. ALL!
Shame to fatties!