Deadlifts niggaaaa

Why can't I do deadlifts at the beginning of my session? I consider them my most important exercise and I don't want to wear my legs down with squats before I get to them.

Attached: my wifes sons mother.jpg (567x800, 262K)

Why are you doing squats n deads on the same day? What's your program?

fucking faggot mods stickying a shit thread

Attached: fit nigger.jpg (914x232, 90K)

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Made for BWC.


>my wifes sons mother

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Why is this a sticky?

Please be bait


BLEACHED aesthetic

Are black chicks just naturally better at deepthroating?
Last night I got blown by this half-black qt. She was shocked at the size of my dick and said it was the biggest she had ever seen by far. She then proceeded to gulp it farther than any chick before. She didn’t manage all the way to the bottom but definitely deep. Shit surprised me.

Should we tell him?

Wtf why did the mods sticky this thread?

obviously, black guys have a lot bigger cock than whites so they're used to some rough deepthroating

it always works.

wtf why did mods sticky this

I know I know but I could tell her reaction was legit. She wouldn’t shut up about it and her facial expression told the whole story. Now go project somewhere else

it's an important question

Thanks for sharing

Attached: 1536358919662.gif (209x172, 87K)

You’re welcome weeb

>incel weeb triggered

put me in the screencap

Deadlifts fatigue the lower back and you don't want a fatigued lower back during squats or your form can break doen.
Also, you should be throwing pretty much everything you have into deadlifts so you shouldn't really want to squat after them.

This is good meta bait, i love it

So I should do squats beforehand? I feel like throwing everything I have at deadlifts and taking it easier on squats after.

Made for Johnny Sins

why is this stickied??? Whats going on?

how hot does a woman have to be for you to succumb to stepfatherhood

She looks like she fucks white guys

lel that was me
faggot mods i swear


>bumping a sticky

Attached: 1511692894806.png (703x911, 19K)

but it keeps sliding down