What a perfect human being
What a perfect human being
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In the garbage
I don't dig those obliques desu
Do you wanna suck his cock, OP?
t. Does never think for himself and borrows his opinions from the internet
Is that a uterus tattooed on his chest?
Basedboy confirmed.
>Zipper abs
Shut the fuck up faggot.
We are approaching dangerous levels of C O P E, captain, I suggest we dial down the thrusters.
>Achieving more than a scrawny 12 year old's body
Choose one
>shit ab genetics
Yeah, go fuck yourself faggot OP
>omg bet he can't even benchpress 1050lbs xD
he is literally a god among men
this is the perfect body
>he is literally a god among men
Only if you consider asian men to be men
Personally I consider them women with penises
This. Rich is right.
Compare him to Dick Piano
He looks like a baby girl
you mean just like anyone who has tattoos.... they are the biggest sheep.
Post bods anons