How do I obtain FLAT but muscular pecs

How do I obtain FLAT but muscular pecs

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sleep on your stomach

When someone is doing a leg press ask them if you can position yourself between their feet and the pressing platform. Make sure that their feet are on your stomach when they press.

remove carbs and especially grains and fiber from your diet completely


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frick dude that looks like a kid I know

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removing fiber from diet haha, gl trying to take a shit

focus only on upper chest


get big pecs and have small bf

Did your benor go in his bussy?

Is he gay

Focus on decline bp, alternating with dips and incline. Let them be your mains insted of bp (but do not ditch it)

Bench, press, and have low body fat.

fucking degenerate

>getting manlet boyfriend
oh fuck off

One eye is hooded?

roids with no water retention

have good insertions

high test insertions

look at jason blahas boob pecs kek

insertions stop normal benching alot and do more upper chest so you can get rid of your titties

just bodyfat %...

>upper chest

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>upper chest

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It’s genetics man