Redpill me on testosteron

Redpill me on testosteron.

I am considering doing the recommended first cycle on Jow Forumssteroids. I am M23, 5'11, have been lifting consistently for 5 years. My goal is mainly to look and feel bigger without health risks. For that purpose this approach seems perfect to me. How dangerous can it really be? I am planning only doing one cycle. I heard it is possible to maintain almost all the gains even after the cycle because of the increased number of nuclei in the muscles.

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Muscle changes after cycling test but you wont lose everything if you eat and train right. A lot of guys cruise once starting to keep that growth going

> one cycle
90% of us got baited into this thinking lmao

Nobody just does 1 cycle, you feel to godlike to stop. But yea do it pussy

if u stop taking roids, u stop having gains

I’m also OPs age and considering the same, I’m also curious what the risks are? What risks are there if I just cruise forever?

Not OP, but what about irrevocable fertility damage? That's my main concern.

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I'm 24 and cruise right now. You need to be on an AI like aromasin while on cycle and also make sure you have proper PCT if you are going to come off.

Risks? High cholesterol (need to really watch diet) and of course male pattern baldness if you are prone to it

Just started my first cycle (~10 days in). What do you do for cholesterol? My diet is already low in sat fats.

Well I know I’m going to want that godlike feeling and end up doing more cycles, so if I do this I’m just cruising for life. If I decide to or ever have to come off though, I know with PCT and just time that my body will return to baseline, but what about the gains? Even with the right nutrition wouldn’t I lose a lot of the muscle