Is IQ positively or negatively correlated to physical strength?

Is IQ positively or negatively correlated to physical strength?

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Little to no correlation at all.

Zero correlation. Next.

Physical strength is something you have to cultivate, so the people who have it are going to be people whose worldview prioritizes it. I doubt it correlates with IQ much.

people with high iq aren't unable to gain muscle, nor are they more dispositioned to have it. the only reason anyone thinks so is because of the dumb jock + weak nerd sterotype perpetrated by hollywood

To properly project and implement a long term plan that would be conducive to strength training requires some degree of intelligence.

If I had to guess there would be a mild correlation with IQ for lifters and no correlation with the gen pop.

This. Hollywitz wants you to assume everyone is equal and thus has the same amount of "points" to spend on good qualities, like in some RPG game. In reality some people are just better and others are just worse. The ripped white jock might have a 155 IQ and a heart of gold, and tyrone might be a weak pussy on top of his 70 IQ and poor moral character.

Believing in conspiracy theories is correlated with being physically unattractive. Physically unattractive people are more likely to be ostracized so they come up with all sorts of theories to justify their status as a victim.

Higher IQ is (somewhat loosely) correlated to greater height. That is, taller people have a slightly higher average IQ. Similarly, strength and height have a loose correlation. Taller people tend to be a little bit stronger. As such, while I've never seen any data linking strength to IQ, it would make sense for their to be at least a small amount of overlap.

But really, it's not likely to be noticeable through anything but large statistical samples.

The absolute state of flat earthers.

Correlation isn't the same as causality.

Low IQ which is pretty backwards since lifting and keeping in shape actually helps produce BDNF

>Physically unattractive people are more likely to be ostracized so they come up with all sorts of theories to justify their status as a victim.
Thus the white nationalist and incel movements

True. Though in this case there could be a link. I don't have data relating to this for strength, but in the case of both higher IQ and greater height, the link is in what people might term 'positive' genes. That is, both IQ and height tend to rise as healthy people with good genetics have children together, and conversely they both tend to go down when people are inbred, or when people with genetic disorders have children together.

Strength may be different in that regard, and not develop in the same way as IQ and height do. But then again maybe it does.

Not true. I'm a 9/10 and I know the syrian gas attacks were false flags.

Personally I suspect nutrition plays a huge role.
I come from a short family but growing up I had better access to food and good nourishment than they did so I came out significantly taller. I also happen to be one of the smartest ones from both my father and mother's families.

>and I know
Well that just makes you dumb
And a liar

They were false flag attacks. We are aiding Al Queda right now in Syria but thankfully Assad is winning. It's regime change attempts like Libya all over again. Assad stands to gain NOTHING from gassing his own people. Do not believe the mainstream media lies. Tulsi Gabbard 2020.

I don't know what my IQ is because I never took that test or cared but I'll list my stats.
>2nd dan Judoka
>Sergeant Med. Tech
>ACP in a major city
>MSc Biochemistry
>BSc Paramedicine
>5'10 215 lbs
I don't know if its directly correlated but my dads family is super competitive in terms of lifestyle and education so growing up my brother and I basically had to outdo our cousins, and in some ways we did, others we didn't. I won't be as hard with my children in terms of training, but you bet your ass I'm going to beat my kids with mcat and lsat books.

Any ape can lift weights and get strong.

High IQ people tend to put their time into more constructive things (cultivating wealth, power, influence, status, etc) than they do lifting weights and are therefore physically weaker.

Take "fighting" for example. A brainlet European subhuman thinks that he'll beat me in a fight because he lifts and knows mma. I on the other hand will simply but a gun and blow his brain all over his mattress.

>Assad stands to gain NOTHING from gassing his own people.
You mean the dissidents that his religious sect doesn't consider the same people? Sure

That's actually a very interesting subject. There's tons of evidence that better nutrition during youth increases all sorts of metrics as people grow. Height, strength, IQ, and more, they all rise in the presence of good nutrition and fall when it's lacking. However! There's also evidence that as people age, the heritability of those traits increases, regardless of nutritional factors. That is, a child that gets regular meals of good quality will grow faster and develop quicker, both mentally and physically, but as they age into adulthood they'll end up being closer to their parents. Similarly, and very interestingly I'd say, there's some evidence to show that even without good childhood nutrition people will tend to approach the level with regards to heritability as they would have with good nutrition, just slower, and later in life.

That is to say that it's possible that good childhood nutrition acts as a jump-start to development, but has less effect on the final outcome.

Education is also similar, though the data there is more hazy.

>but a gun

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Assad is almost secular, not a zealot. We are backing Al Queda as an insurgent force. Tell me one way in which radical regime change will benefit the Syrian people. You've been drinking the Kool aid. Find me any evidence of gas attacks that isn't Brian Williams or Anderson Cooper showing some still image with a lie for a caption. Think for yourself

Honestly I know quite a few average smart at best naturally athletic guys but very few that are really smart. The smartest people I ever met would typically get picked for a team nearer the end of selection.

Beauty and brains is actually a serious minority among the really intelligent.

Proportional by inverse square law

Tell me again how Libya has become such a success after we went in an deposed Gaddafi. The Middle East should not be a military playground for multi national corporate interests. Quit licking the boot

most of the people around here are pretty dumb, so positively.

Are you Muslim?I ask because I know quite a few Alawites and there is very limited text that has been translated from that sect of Shiites. So I'm calling bullshit on your claims unless you provide evidence other than slanderous media outlets that have been know to falsify information.

>mfw this notion literally fries the brain of your average western millenial
I blame boomers

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Slightly positively correlated.

The dumbest will lack impulse control and ability to plan. Smarter people will generally be better able to plan.

The very smartest may not be huge but they'll still recognize the importance of physical activity and be stronger than the very stupid.

>unironically bringing up fights when discussing usefulness of fitness and physical strength
ignorant brainlet detected, post disregarded.

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>actual genius level iq
>slowly making gains
I want to re-roll

It was a hard shock when I realized that in the beginning of the 9th grade. sat next to some ugly fatass in a science class. I just assumed he would be smart given his unfortunate physicality, only to eventually realize he was borderline retarded as well.

are you me? when i was younger i totally bought into the beta bux thing and thought to myself that when I'm older and established in my career I'd get all the ladies then. the truth of that is that girls just want to settle down with someone with resources after having their fun with chad in college. hell, if i waited that long i probably would end up raising someone else's kid like a cuck

Why the fuck are you even on Jow Forums?

It's negatively correlated socially, but not genetically. That is, western society assumes that if you're strong, you're dumb, and if you're smart, you're weak.

So be both strong AND smart. You'll be in the top 1% of people if you do this.

i knew this guy in highschool that was pretty much like that but always larped about his life. he would always say he lived in a mansion and had flaming swords or whatever and it just hurt to listen to him. he always sat with me in class whenever he could but I'd never turn him away because I'm not a complete ass but man i think he would've been so much better off if he ditched the larping. in bio class i remember we were doing a project where we all had to make a comic or song or whatever on the process of photosynthesis and this literal madman sent in a my little pony fanfic where one ppny was explaining it to the other with cookies and shit. in gym class he'd always say he was the strongest and he was only overweight because he was all muscle (so basically a bloat god). we had to wait an extra 10 minutes on the mile run for the fat fuck to finish walking his mile. i could go on about all the shit he did throughout my four years

mine was much more boring. just kind of went around being incredibly dumb and oblivious. after high school he became a prison guard and just gets fatter and fatter every year.

i don't even know what mine's up to these days. back when we were graduating he said he wasn't going to college because it wasn't a place for smart people like him. my guess is he's probably a full blow neckbeard who browses Jow Forums

>wasn't going to college because it wasn't a place for smart people like him
god that hurts. the universe is cruel and miserable place

he scored a literal 900 on the SAT too and chalked it up to him being a bad test taker. if i were in his place I'd just cut like mad and lift weights, then either learn a trade or just do manual labour

All great men have been manlets. Manlet rage is the motor of history

I realised this sometime in middle school. When I was younger I kept getting fed the message that
>just because someone is ugly doesnt mean that they're mean
>just because someone is attractive doesnt mean they're nice.
I quickly learned that people who are ugly on the outside can definitely be ugly in the inside and that attractive people could be some of the nicest.

In my experience with girls, it has always been that the most attractive ones are always the nicest. The literal goblinas are always the rudest and bitterest

>"ugly people tend to have a nice personality"

lol my ass

The mentally retrograde elements are usually the most virile and they exert the most physical strength, in contrast to the softer, less hormonally driven upper classes.

another reason why I'd never date a fat chick. I've yet to meet a sweet fat girl, but sporty chicks are pretty fun to be around

>Hollywitz wants you to assume everyone is equal and thus has the same amount of "points" to spend on good qualities
It's more like characters are easier to write when they have both strengths and faults that interact with themselves and those of others. Also allows for improvement and development.

>it has always been that the most attractive ones are always the nicest
Yeah they tend to be super nice.

>The literal goblinas are always the rudest and bitterest
They can be nice to but what you describe without a doubt exists. From what I've seen it's those that have the top in their sights and can go down or up that are the most willing to step on people. Stacie's outer circle who will bite and claw to keep and assert their position.

my bad. last two meant for

From my understanding of SAT its basically an IQ test with weird scaling isn't it? Of course you get handicaps depending on race too.

Partly, but its skewed some because there are actual academic skills tested as well. Like someone who has never taken algebra 2 may not know basic differentiation which will usually show up on the test

flat earthers are just fucking with you. they dont actually think the earth is flat. Its for a reaction and people keep feeding it over and over and over.

Its like everyone forgot what the internet was like less than a decade ago and thinks everything has to be super serious



Ah. We high school certificate. Basically you choose your HSC subjects at the start of year 11 and do a final assessment (or major work) for each subject you study. It's 50% course work and 50% HSC exam. Your raw marks are then converted into UAI (now ATAR) which is the mark required for direct entry into a degree. The required entrance marks are basically decided on supply/demand basis.

Most high schools in the state have just general requirements to graduate, with only a handful of subjects requiring sequential classes (i.e. maths up to algebra 2 is the minimum). My school started implementing a sort of major system towards the end of my schooling, but everyone got the same end certificate. The only difference was what medal(s) you were awarded based on your performance and focus.

SAT scores, as well, are very generalized, which allows the post-secondary schools autonomy in determining acceptance based on that relatively arbitrary standard

The SAT thing sounds better than our system imo. Ours simply proves how well you can regurgitate. At least SAT gives some indication of actual intelligence and, to my limited understanding of it, gives more flexibility for teachers since I'd assume there's less teaching the test.

Well you're both beta manlets so why not transition into being pretty girls(boys)

>there's less teaching the test
There is, but it's based on national standards so theres some teaching to it. The biggest issue is that while it sounds more conducive to testing general aptitude, the arbitrary scale set by universities mean there is no insurance that required skills/knowledge is there. That can sometimes fuck people up if there is a minimum standard set by one state, county or private school, and another standard set by the university itself on what qualifies as "entering freshman level understanding of a subject"

Because I'm smart, not mentally ill

>That is, taller people have a slightly higher average IQ.
That's because white people are both the tallest and smartest (and overall best) race in the world.

>be manlet
>want love
>can never earn the love of a girl because you're a subhuman dwarfboy
Clearly the smart move is to transition.

>>want love
>implying implications
I want to be taller to be more intimidating. I stopped holding onto love 10 years ago

Good for you buddy.

>Retards lift to get big and beat people up
>Normal/"Smart" people don't care about their fitness
>Geniuses lift as their body is an extension of their mind and self, lifting to become virtuous humans

Maybe I should rephrase that: I want to be taller to have more interpersonal credibility. I've gotten unwarranted shit tests from people because of my height, and its fucking annoying

>tfw too intelligent to lift

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That’s not a conspiracy tho. Truth be told, the media lies about so much dumb shit that the whole “nutjob conspiracy theorist” trope is starting to lose its novelty.

High IQ is correlated with high testosterone levels. High testosterone levels are correlated with strength. I would say yes.

Mouth breathing is negatively correlated to physical strength

Thats a pretty stacked resume user but what's an ACP?

Muscle mass correlates with strength, otherwise teenagers would be the strongest. In reality they haven't had time to develop muscle yet.

It depends on the situation, as developing strength is related to genetics + individual values, along with their current situation which would either motivate, or demotivate them to develop strength.
A person with a high IQ who can find true value in developing strength would be able to do so much more effectively than somebody with a low IQ.
Ex: high IQ individual needs to develop strength to protect themselves: high IQ individual finds the most effective means of developing strength.
Also, a person with a high IQ who sees no value in developing strength would put very little effort into doing so.
This is why so many STEM students are skellies, they spend all their time studying or sleeping.

This - anything that requires a plan and showing up for something several times a week etc is probably positively correlated. Actually attractiveness and IQ are correlated and having a healthy weight and IQ are correlated as well. So it's probably a positive correlation, although the magnitude might not be large idk.

Idk how people still falling for this bait

Negligible correlation, except for old age.
Older men and women that have been working out throughout their lives are more intelligent, as any form of exercise decreases the effects of intelligence loss from aging.

This is true. They're also more likely to take up social justice causes as well. Really just means that typically extremists are less attractive or they perceive themselves that way.

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Where does this imagination came from? I'm a STEM student, although I have lots of laboratories and study 4 hours a day and have a 1 hour driving until I'm at home, I still have enough time to work out 40-90 minutes 3 times a week and can sleep 7-9 hours per night.


>High IQ people tend to put their time into more constructive things
>implying having your body as healthy as it can be isn't constructive and won't improve how quickly the brain can process input

i don't know if IQ is positively correlated to physical strength, but what i DO know is that lower IQ ranges are common among the obese and heavily overweight - as long as you're not a planet who is totally unaware of their own health there's a good chance you're probably not an absolute brainlet

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im a stem student and you really dont need to spend ALL of your day studying

>In reality they haven't had time to develop muscle yet.
They have, we just live in a very sedentary society.

It depends.. I would say that there are some stereotypes that are true for certain groups of people. Typical "nerds" spend more time with academic pursuits and as such are often considered to have a higher IQ than ordinary people.
Jocks spend more time building their physique, which is just as noble a goal (and a more painful one at that), and tend to reach their intellectual potential some time later.

The difference is the the "nerds" give up when faced with most physical tasks and often finds themselves depressed and without social skills. Jocks know how to deal with pain and difficulty, because they understand that this is needed to progress as a human being.

People who endure rigorous training are more likely to not give up when they set their mind to a goal. Nerds on the other hand only get the same drive when they're vindictive about something or when they're stalking their dream woman (who doesn't want anything to do with them).

The greater your weight, the lower your IQ

Slight positive is my guess.

S.o.y.boys are kind of a meme. Only a few are actually high status, the rest work at Starbucks. Watch actually successful people. They tend to be fit.

High intelligence would lead one to recognize the need for physical fitness.

high IQ people have greater competence in all practically relevant domains, so one should expect that they are also better athletes

Depends on who's observing and who's being observed. Correlation is not causation. Welcome to critical thinking.

eugenia cooney 500 iq

It comes from people competing in the pity Olympics that want to make it seem like their life is so hard because they study 24/7. The reality is that most of the time they are "studying" is actually spent on social media and they are mentally weak whiners

I think the people who have inner drive achieve both.I work out a lot, am strong , and look great. I'm also an English teacher and adjunct professor. That in itself doesn't make me "smart" but I attribute my want to succeed in academics and all the learning I do there with the same drive that makes me want to deadlift and power clean multiple times a week.

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smartest mans do not have biggest muslce


you must be a bodybuilder

I lift to be better at my sports which is judo and was boxing. So I lift to beat people up I guess, but also sport and health.

>High IQ is correlated with high test
Really cause the only notable causes I’ve heard about are you get really fucking horny, aggressive, and take more risks, which sure as shit isn’t correlated with high iq

I guess a better way of phrasing it is "chimping out"
You should be able to defend yourself and your rights but some subhumans actively seek fights with whoever, whenever

unless you suffer from ALS, and your name is stephen hawking, there is no relation