
warning: 19 year old fat butt in pic

Jow Forums please help me untuck my retarded ass posture. My ass literally sticks out more than most girls and I can barely fucking fit into a 34 wise pants because it’s so fucking big. obviously I’m losing some body fat but how do I untuck my ass and posture? it’s also causing lower back pain. thanks.

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it’s worse than it looks in the pic btw, it sticks out a bit more


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Post boipucci

Don't squander your gift you fool, men with big asses are coming back in vogue among women

can’t and won’t

Do you guys think if I start sleeping on my back, doing some stretches and lose fat it’ll go away?

Sleep on your back with a pillow or rolled up blanket under your knees. When sitting, sit directly on your ass bones. There are YouTube vids on how to fix it, it takes a few months

honestly user just lose body fat and your lower back and ass will be normal

I lost my big ass by cutting real hard and it never came back since then. It was such a relief.

mobility bitch

not op but I'm a skelly (visible ribs, borderline underweight) and i have it too. i was doing a bit of research last night on it, since it might just be parts of my back being untrained. this is what i came up with anyway

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So Jow Forums is now an ass board?

is that per day?

yeah but his curve isn't that bad, once he loses his ass fat it'll be p normal and he can just do planks and shit

Most women like men with good butts like that one

Source: am femanon


>Pls b in londun

Post butt for reference.

Attached: pls be.jpg (381x736, 36K)

I have the same problem, no lordosis. It's just a shitty fat distribution genes. I also carry fat in the tits, no gyno.

Attached: arab + jew.jpg (1003x1260, 853K)


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>have dat wagon
>call it shitty genes

for a dude it feels gay ass fuck. i just want a normie flat ass with calves protruding beyond the ass, not the other way

women love that shit though

Fuck it looks like my bf's. Actually your entire body does. I think it's hot as fuck. I'm gay tho sorry. But I'm a bottom so maybe women feel the same way

I know your pain brother

>that feeling when constantly pulling shirt down in the back to make sure you boy butt isn’t too noticeable

Nope, sorry
Cba atm
That attracts even more attention, why are you ashamed of having a nice butt tho?


what % bodyfat are you?

no idea, that was last year and i'm currently 180 lbs at 5'10

I know this feeling. It's not a good look. It pushes out your gut and generally makes you look retarded. Anterior pelvic tilt. I'm trying to fix mine with stretches.