Jow Forums the manga

Since we are all /f/ags here, Let's discuss the best manga ever

Danberu nan kiro moteru

It actually has some adequate exercise and dieting explanations. Surprisingly based.

So if you meet a neet female who needs to get swole, let this be your bible.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I just read it for the gags and tits.

Jason Sgatham a best

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Glutes for the sloots

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>Danberu nan kiro moteru
Is this disguised muscle fetish porn?

This should be a Jow Forums banner

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All here

not really, unless you're into the dudes

if anything it's something made to make going to the gym more attractive to NEETs and gives real lifting/dieting advice

>mfw even manga characters e-stat their lifts

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this fucking manga desu

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>hand grips
fuck that gay noise, just do farmer's walks. They build your forearms and improve your grip a lot better than those pussy clamps

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>Unironically believing in any advice given in gook cartoons

we used to have threads for each chapter scan, but they stopped and by the time the scans picked up, everyone here forgot about it.

>not having a forearm day
Stay mad, wristlet

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To be honest with you, the advice is pretty shit in the manga
Okay, you don't need to have a seperate day for forearms to make your wrist big because there is no muscle to grow at your wrist. Your forearms will be absolutely insane though.

hello newfriend!

>fat weeb calling anyone a newfriend
back to /a/ with your dyel advice faggot

>Coc grippers

Nofap the manga

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Mugumi no sprinter btw. It's about a guy working to increase his testosterone.

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Is there actual nudity or is it always a tease?


Too much nudity to post here, but not completely hentai.

Then it sucks
I’d rather read teppu

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So like nozoki Ana?
> btw good read and fap, highly recommend

I only read that a bit, but I think it's the same kind of sexual situation, bit it shows less nudity.

Fuck can one of you help me, what's the Manga where there's this guy who is about 500lbs of muscle due to some condition in hs and he's a train wreck about it, but there's a girl who has a muscle fetish who's obsessed with him?

Based and Fappilled.

>reddit spacing
Youre a faggot but at least you have good taste in manga


squats for the thots

you know nothing

I've actually been looking to increase my grip lately. Since I've already been doing DL's and hangs, I guess it means I've got the right idea, I just need to keep on it?