Smoking general

>he doesn’t smoke for the health benefits

I pity you

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I smoke weed, grandpa

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>not slonking wax

boomer pls

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710 brother

Holy fuck that guy was good looking

Menthols are fucking weird

Tom Selleck. Google.

>70s stache
>hazel eyes

Damn, Selleck was the epitome of Chad.

No homo.

>this bait again
0/10 check these digits

i think he knows

What's the point of lifting if you smoke? Or do you lift only for aesthetics?

Not bait, and I’ve proven smoking is healthy

I lift for strength and health no point to lift for “aesthetics” if you can see your abs

Cigs are an appetite suppresant so I can stop being a fat fuck more easily

If you're addicted to cigarettes and want to quit then I highly recommend this book.

I smoked for 8 years and this book helped me quit without problem. Best decision I ever made.

No shill. Download it for free if you want i dont give a fuck what

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A likely story ... Mister Carr.

lmao just stop smoking you weak fuck. I smoked a pack a day for abit over 10 years. Stopped over night.



This. I did the same thing with this book.

>nobody smoking cloves
Fucking plebs