Why do women care so much less about aesthetics in their partner than men do?

Why do women care so much less about aesthetics in their partner than men do?

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Power, wealth and status are equally important.

They only look past aesthetics if you're rich as fuck

Because men are hopeless...

Because a man's attractiveness scales multiplicatively with his money.

women love aesthetics dude but they don't fall in love with how you look but who you are

lol what a naive faggot. women don't feel emotions like people do

awwwww :)

>they don't fall in love
correct. women are incapable of true love

Men exist for utility. Looking pretty is nice, but doesn’t boost odds of survival or child survival.

Women exist for no other reason than receiving sperm and are useless for basically everything except socializing. So men just go for the prettiest we can hump if we’re gonna commit.

cucked and bluepilled

Not quite.

Women DO love men very much. It’s just that their brand of love is opportunistic and 100% conditional. No woman will risk her life or the lives of her children to stay with a (in prehistoric terms) loser. Female love is more like a fawning hero worship. If that hero displays weakness or great failure then she’s out. It’s love, but not male love. Women love according to “what have you done for me lately?”.

>Fucked me silly?
>Bought me nice things?
>Took me out to big important social gatherings?
>Saved me from an attacker?
>Fed me some emotional stimuli?

It’s all about what you have done for her within the last week or two. They’re not ungrateful bitches, just present oriented. Women love men and ignore their flaws if they’re small enough to create this perfect champion in their heads.

Male love is more of an adoring devotional type. We love women warts and all. Many guys will gladly admit they would even die for the girl they love.

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Because they've already fucked all the aesthetic chads they wanted and now need to find someone sensible to settle down with

>No woman will risk her life or the lives of her children to stay with a (in prehistoric terms) loser

This is a lie.

See them through rose colored glasses at your own peril. Too many failures in her eyes and you’re out for the next man in line.

my mom had a bastard son with some nigga who ended playing in the NFL for very short at some crap team (this is what my grandparent told me) the guy didnt want to take charge of my brother, then she married a "beta male" and raised him and then they had me, i have sucky genetics for lifting and sports whereas my bastard bro is a freak at everything, he's also pretty smart

so idk what women really like about men sometimes they like the guy that threat them like shit, then they go with fatty whiteboi

Because men and women are different.

The redpill is that they care about aesthetics just as much as men but are even more picky due to having few eggs vs sperm.

If a main is not genetically great he can compensate with large amounts of status and wealth but still loses out in love since only women can love the genetically top 10%. However, the average looking rich man does increase the genetic quality of his offsprings even if he gets cucked by Chad later in the marriage.

stop being this desilucional please, women and men have different tastes

you will see ugly women with hot boys and viceversa

Suddenly all the cuckposting makes sense

This is what wishful thinking looks like

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I would have to agree with every word of this - and kids, note that he is not bitter about it like some MGTOW fagbot. Love a woman for what she is - not some fantasy. It’s like cat owners that think their cat loves them.

I level with y’all. I got married young and my wife cheated on me eventually. Why? Because I was a 26 year old video game playing fat ass loser who was sexually demanding and emotionally tone deaf. Thank god I went to a therapy guy that told me the truth. He said it was my fault and told me how to fix it. I dropped 100 pounds in one year - got a man’s job, threw my video games away literally, stopped fapping cold turkey, changed everything about who I was, and became who I wanted to be.

My wife and I fixed things between us, bought a house, had a kid, and five years later we're happier than ever. Expecting another one soon. My son is on his way. Now I could have hated my wife and left her, that would have been easy. Instead I grew the fuck up.

And she didn’t actually cheat - just texting shit and some groping in parking lot. Still, it was a wake up call. She was a good girl. Her cheating on me was like google being down... the problem was on my end. Once I became a man, I never had a problem with a woman.

Women desire a man who can protect/provide for them and their children
Men desire a woman who has the necessary physical signs of being fertile for child bearing and rearing

no you are the one that is delusional. Physical attraction is mostly objective. You mistake people "settling" and coping with what they, nature, and biology really wants.

You are coping yourself, just do the best you can in life, get the best girl you can, and hope your children come out better than you are :^)

Wrong. They’ve researched this.

Aesthetics stimulate the female brain for about 14 seconds of the initial viewing, then it suddenly becomes significantly more irrelevant.

When a male sees a beautiful woman his brain fires up with activity and doesn’t stop even long after she’s gone.


Yes and no. When a woman is not ovulating, or is pregnant, or is aging she prefers men who protect & provide.
When a woman is ovulating (especially during the fertile years) they prefer dark triad men.

Not true at all
Women are gneuinely attracted to rich guys (who aren’t absolutely hideous) in a similar way that they are attracted to fit guys

It's because men depend on women for sex but women depend on men for everything else.

A woman's primary value to a man is sex. The hotter she is, the more you'll enjoy having sex with her. Therefore you value her hotness above all else.

If you want comradory, loyalty, shared interests, mentorship, etc you don't find it in a woman. You find it in a fellow man.

Men on the other hand literally provide everything else. Money, status, protection, humour, planning, emotional support, conversation, philosophy, leadership, mentorship, guidance, etc, etc, etc.

Because women depend on men for EVERYTHING else, sex is only one component of this. Therefore women tend to value men for the "whole package" rather than just physical appearance.

Of course women value physical appearance too, just as much, if not more than men do. It's just not the sole focus of women.

Another thing you have to factor in OP is that heterosexual sex is EXTREMELY easy for women, even ugly women to obtain. She can get sex from average to hot guys within minutes of being horny if she wants to. Therefore sex is not something she really has to worry too much about, it's always on tap. A powerful important provider though? She needs to lock one of those before "all the good men are gone"

A corollary to this is why women love socialism so much. Socialism aims to replace all the traditional functions of males (providorship, money, protection, etc) with the state. If the woman can get all these things from the state then her interest in traditional males becomes less important and she starts to focus more on sex.

And why do they prefer “dark triad men” becuase they are strong and masculine which in a primitive level means they can provide and protect even if realistically they can’t in the modern world

>just do the best you can in life, get the best girl you can, and hope your children come out better than you are :^)

you are saying the same i think, where im desilusional ?

was it brett kavanaugh?

No, because in 10,000 BCE terms it means he is the big tough chief who can do whatever he wants. Women actively prefer beta provider type men when they aren’t fertile. Dark triads are only attractive at mating time.

>you will see ugly women with hot boys and viceversa

Exceptions and outliers aren't the standard


Looks matched couples are actually the exception, not the rule.

Unless you live in an some kind of upper-middle class, preppy college town or big city you'll find that nearly every couple is significantly imbalanced in regards to looks.

Usually the woman "dates down" in regards to looks and if you travel to pretty much any working-class town you'll see the town's hottest girls with guys that have the body and face of the shotgun boomers.

uh no, one of yall are saying money=genes, which is so laughably cuck thinking.
you are retarded, I think I know the study you are talking about. it wasn't very good. listen to your delusion. Animals mate for the best genes, do you really think in your brain and heart that women don't desire the best genes for their kids just as much as men do? Do you really think women are that stupid? Do you not see this pattern throughout the animal kingdom?

This kind of mind tricks guys play on themselves is ridiculous. The matter of the fact is simple, if you cannot control this very important, often deciding factor, in sexual attraction and reproduction, men will, in order to protect their ego, cope and lie to themselves.

I promise you if you try your best in life, get a passion and hopefully make good money from it, you will increase your chances of a good wife. While your relationship and the optimization of it will be much different and better if your genes were of higher quality, you will still be able to be very happy when/if your children turn out great depending on your wife.

what a cuck

the most attractive guys i saw in my life were dating 6/10 girls if not less, and their standars on women were lower than mine

idk why im so picky about women, my face is "average", i have a good body but im not hot by any means

women date down because their are few "Chads" and marriage is purposely monogamous for this reason. Our forefathers were not stupid. More women for every man = more men contributing to society. If polygamy was legal most men will be cucked by the "Chads".

>mfw that guy with top tier genes
>mfw 400 lbs bench and 40 inch vertical within months of training
>mfw that kind of guy is also those who get killed at 15 by the cops

people with good genetics usually die young and barelly mate

what the fuck are you talking about?

real man is focused on himself. he welcomes free pussy if it flows his way, but never makes any effort to chase pussy. this explains alphas with 6/10s. not anyone is a gynocentrist pussy worshipper

...dude, I’m the guy you replied to and you are a fucking cuck. Touching another dude is instant cuck status. They fucked, and you’re an idiot for not immediately leaving her.

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>texting and groping
>not cheating


Assuming this is real, you're an absolute fucking cuck and she's literally fucking your neighbor as you read this here and now.

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i was on board until you said you went back to her
what were you thinking, dude?


>Why do women care so much less about aesthetics in their partner than men do?
Women care about aesthetics way more than men while riding the cock carousel, but when they are post wall they look more for bucks and care less.

>It’s all about what you have done for her within the last week or two.
Jow Forums isn't ready for this redpill user, but you are 100% correct. With women it's "what have you done for me lately"

lmao fucking pathetic cuck
>just texting shit and some groping in parking lot
and a retard too, since you believe that's all that happened
i pity your son for having such a cuck for a father and a whore for a mother
he'll definitely grow up to become a spinless loser too


This. Drop her like she's hot

this is why i still visit this trash web lol

Kek you are just a cuck bitch, have some selfworth m8

This better be fucking bait

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What do I do if I’m 5’9

>I improved myself, so I could take back a cheater

Attached: click.jpg (400x430, 51K)

bait bait abort abort

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The ultimate black pill here is that the only man a woman will truly unconditionally love is her son

do you imply we should youtube.com/watch?v=X0DeIqJm4vM

user I-

Please tell me your trolling/shitposting

>user gets fucked over
>gets convinced that it was his fault
Is this how battered housewife syndrome manifests in men?

Only thing that is direct implication of what I said is that you cannot expect woman to love you the way you love her. That is reseved for offspring.

this is true, but why would i care what a woman loves? i only value my own love for myself, women is meat for fucking.

Nice pseudo science, bro

>the absolute state of incest fetishists

t. incel


this is a very good bait post, you earnt these replies.


This thread is just proof that Jow Forums has never spoken to women.

Only a mother to her kid is capable of unconditional love to her children. A love between men and women will always be conditional and transactional in a sense and there is nothing wrong with that. You would not stay with a girl either if she suddenly got 400 lbs fat or dropped out of work and started laying in the bed all day while complaining.
The problem is you are emotionally stunted, you're not looking for a girlfriend but a mother. You need to have something you can offer to women, whether its your looks, your status, your charm, your jokes, your fun company, your money, your interests, your personality, etc.
Every single of these threads people complain that they don't have a single thing they could offer, don't have any qualities, then get mad when women don't choose them over men who have something.
In the most materialistic sense, you need to prove your worth, need something to offer. Arguing about which quality is more important is pointless, it will always depend on the individual. Some women are attracted to money, some doesn't give a shit. Some are shallow as fuck, some are don't. It's pointless to worry about it

You should focus on overall improving yourself, both physically and mentally instead of focusing on getting women.

Why do you even expect unconditional love? A women looking at you and thinking youre the best person who has ever existed no matter what you do? How is this a realistic scenario in your head and why do you expect this to happen to you specifially? Or if you expect this to happen to everyone how does it work in your head on a bigger scale? Every women has that one guy they fall in love with unconditionally and cant move on in the rest of their life, no matter how the guy reacts?

You incels keep making retarded implications and argue against made up strawman that only exist in your own head.

Based psychology poster

Here is your (You)

Its essentially like being an Apple fan. The product isnt at fault the user is.

I’m glad it worked out for you.

coping cuck

No, its actualy a lot more important than your looks. Women don't realy care how good you look, if you have no money, no succes and no social standing