Unlimited time and money to get Jow Forums

hello Jow Forums my dad just passed away and left me with a lot of money. I'm a neet thus I have a lot of time on my hands. so I've decided to work on my body. i have never gone to the gym or gone on any diets.

> 5'11 and 175lbs rn

i will try to follow a regiment one of you guys recommend

lets get me Jow Forums guys

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buy steroid

Read the sticky and maybe you’ll make it.

Alternatively, skip all the fuss and just kill yourself you disgusting zoomer faggot.

... Have you been not lifting, but still shaving/waxing your body hair? Seems like an odd combination of choices.

im asian

Dude wtf. I have a body exactly like yours and I'm the same height as you and I'm 220 lbs. what gives?

db press
bb press
db curls
bb curls
lat raises
pendlay rows

calf raises

Start with low weight, high reps
Eat and sleep a lot

>waited until your dad died to start caring about your health
Well everyone starts somewhere.

Fellow asian bro here. I started at 175lbs as well at 5'10". Cut down to the 136 in 2 months via fasting and some jogging/cardio.

Attached: skinny fat to skinnyish.jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

Start with the routine stronglifts 5x5. It is the best routine for beginners. Easy to follow, 3 days per week. Do this for around 6 - 9 months then move onto a novice routine. You're a lil chubby so you should probably cut for like 2 months before you start bulking. You won't make much strength gains during this time but its worth it. After you've lost the fat you'll wanna start bulking. Eat lots of meat, cheese, milk etc whilst doing this. Anything you didn't understand in this post control f in the sticky. The routine is linked in there too. Good luck friend I'm sure you'll make it.


Stopped reading at "Stronglifts is the best beginner routine"

also should i go on any diets? i heard keto and paleo is just a meme

This is bad advice. Op if you follow this you're going to end up fat again. At least Skinnyfat. Guaranfuckingteed. You need to cut to skelly and STAY there for a while so your body can readjust and recalibrate how it utilizes nutrients. Once you hit skelly, eat maintenance and lift as hard and as high volume as you can for at least six months if not a year. High frequency if you're a natty, axaxaxa full body type routines for a long time then and after. Too many fitizens bulk immediately after their cut and don't understand why they aren't getting shredded or can't bulk fast enough with a minimal amount of far. It's much easier to do it then rather than later down the road and you've only reinforced your cells stupid ideas of what to do with food and you'll have even more of them at that point.
Suck it up, be small, be hungry, lift hard, and force your body to adapt. If you do it right you can bulk without penalty. Bulking is going to be a problem is you're an ex fatty, thats just how it is. You have an exceptional chance to drastically change your body and how it compartmentalizes and uses the nutrients you put inside of it, do not waste it. You're not getting any younger

do you recommend any diets to go skelly, also how do u guys feel about personal trainers

Stopped reading at "hurrrr durrr I'm a fucking moron who knows so little about fitness he's asking for help, but thinks he knows enough to reject advice"

This guy has the right idea.
Starve yourself and do cardio, then once you get to 100lbs or so start eating lots of wheatbix and doing pushups and biceps curls (12 reps x 10 sets)

i agree entirely with this post. cut and hard. it doesn't matter how, you can fast, you can 500cal deficit, whatever, just cut to skelly. then stay fucking lean, lift or even just do bodweights, again doesn't matter.

just get lean, stay lean and do some form of resistance exercise. then a few months later look into a proper program and whatever you do, don't eat too much. you WILL turn into a fat cunt again

nigga thats not OP

ok thank guys i will report back in a couple months

get a fucking job you faggot.

Remember to keep coming to Jow Forums for more quality advice from people with the bodies of 12 year old girls!


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redpill me on fasting? skinnyfat 5'11 at ~153 trying to get the fuck out

what an embarrassment to other asians. Your dad would be rolling in his grave rn

not him but its unbelievably powerful for cutting and retaining lean mass. I did bodyweights daily while fasting 4-6 days of the week and eating one meal of ~2000 calories on eating day(s). I actually had significant noobgains while on this massive deficit and went from pretty damn fat to ottermode in six months.

i want to get healthy and i have the means to do it full time, why shouldnt i

get a construction job

Congrats.Do not neglect your mind and your social skills.