If you cant do 100 burpees with the push ups part in under 6 minutes you arent really fit

if you cant do 100 burpees with the push ups part in under 6 minutes you arent really fit

birpee thread

Attached: helmut5.png (581x582, 151K)

its literally the best exercise to get and stay shredded ever i do 200 a day and manage to have vascularity no matter what

I've yet to meet anyone who swears by burpees and isn't a dyel try hard skeleton looking to prove how they "outwork" others . Please prove me wrong, I want to be wrong

my arms are 14 inches unflexed i have to do them or i will get gassed doing other things such as running from the spic gangbangers that chase me home from school everyday
thats why i started doing them now im miles ahead of them every time one tries to mug me for being white

you must be over 18 to post here user
That said what the hell does your unflexed arm size have anything to do with your dyel status? You've only just proven burpee guys are autists

that was 6 years ago
how many can you do?

>worrying about speed over execution
>purposely jumping with less height so you can do them faster
you fool

I don't know lol, don't care to find out either. They certainly aren't part of my regular lifting. What else do you do besides burpees?

Show us the vascularity user pls
I want to believe

actually I do 20 per minute divide than into 100 and you get five minutes. there is one dude who managed to do 100 in 3:33(checked)

here ya go cvnt

Attached: mepostcut2017(you wish).jpg (480x360, 11K)

Nice bf levels. I'm assuming not natty.
Still small chest and raisin dry, I'll pass.
What is your height weight?

What does your back look like?

holodomor if over fren

>not natty
lol so is euginia cooney on roids on clen aswell?

Don't know who that is or care. I only assumed because of the bf % not size. Props if not. Again I'll ask height/weight

there are plenty of overweight long term steroid users trust me

I can do 150 burpees. I've done that before. I usually do 70 every 3 days. I was into doing pullups until I got double testicular cancer and had my balls removed. I dont believe in using steroids so I refuse to take any TRT or whatever cheaters use. Once I got back to workingout I went hard on burpees. I used to do 15 pullups and thought I was tough, nah son that wasn't shit, I can do 100 burpees all natty baby.

shit man can you please post a video?
like doing 150 in a row?
ive never seen that before and i think itll be a record on youtube.

Op is not a faggot for once

I make anal fisting videos with my face in them so I can't do a burpee video it will hurt my porn career. And I wanna get into politics one day.

no idiot you showed your face in those videos do whats wrong with doing the HIIT thing
just wear a mask lol

i feel like an asshole doing them but they seem really good for athleticism

>I make anal fisting videos with my face in them
>I wanna get into politics one day.
You've already fucked up m8.

I have vascularity no matter what and I don't do stupid pog monster energy exercises.
Try not being a skelly for a while so your body learns how to act when it gets to the big leagues instead of trying to clean up the mess after your bulk

Least necessary pose in existence

100 burpees in 6 minutes? Are you retarded? That's impossible.

I can barely do 5 sets of 10 in the same time lol

Literally all those shredded navy seals do burpees

>6 minutes is the length of a wrestling match
>one burpee every 3.6 seconds
this is a good goal