Daily reminder to brush your teeth twice a day anons
Otherwise you'll never make it
Daily reminder to brush your teeth twice a day anons
Otherwise you'll never make it
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And use toothpicks every night!
Probably also brush and scrape your tongue
Clean out tonsils
lol i only brush my teeth twice a week and that is only before work haha
feels good to have clean tap water
Adding to this,
Don't forget to floss
My gums start to hurt if I brush 2 times a day.
Am I brushing too hard?
never flossed a day in my life and have zero cavities, is flossing a meme or is it that i don't eat bread?
Flossing isn't about cavities, it's about preventing gingivitis from the shit that gets stuck in-between your teeth where the brush doesn't get
Get a softer brush
Hope people enjoy your halitosis
t. A dentalfag
how bout i brush your dick faggot
I fucking love flossing so hard it makes my gums bleed
makes my mouth feel so good
Don't floss so hard senpai, you're breaking the top fibers that keep your teeth in their socket (at least the top ones), just one pass with the floss at either side of the gym is enough.
Y-you too.
ok mr dentist, what about if I haven't flossed in a week, is bleeding normal then?
Also, if i go up and down a side of a tooth 3-5 times and go really deep to clean it, is that the wrong way to floss?
thanks dentist
my teeth are yellow even tho I brush regularly. Wat do?
Flossing doesn't do shit the advice is to use inter dental brushes now. You should know that if you're really a dentist.
It's over for me already, I have croocked teeth and I try to never smile because of that
>tfw fasting and got a tooth pulled
breth smells like ass and cant brush the tooth side
>breath smells when fasting
Never happened to me. Don't forget to brush your tongue and cheeks too.
could be the teeth healing then. hard to brush the tongue i get vomit reflex from it
Floss once and then smell the string afterwards and try not to puke. You'll keep flossing after that
The Monogatari Series
It's a great show if you like weird but well made shit
Could just be dehydration too. In that case
Drink your water (more), buddeh.
Thank you.
ok will do buddeh ty
Stop poisoning yourself with carbs and you won't need to brush all the time. And if you're vegan no amount of brushing or flossing will save your teeth long term.
>flossing isn't about cavities
>it's about gingivitis
lmao the COPE
non-floss brahs are the true redpilled dental chads
there isn't a gap between my teeth though so i never get food inbetween them and a string would never fit lmao
floss brahs are DONE
>enjoy your halitosis
this happens from mouthbreathing, and now i know that you are one
>t.facultative anaerobe
>Flossing isn't about cavities, it's about preventing gingivitis from the shit that gets stuck in-between your teeth where the brush doesn't get
There is no gap, dental fag
That's what I used to think but infact where there isn't a visible gap its actually the worst. There's all kinds of small decaying particles and bacteria there that have been fermenting for YEARS without being able to get brushed or flushed out. Floss it once and you'll discover some eldritch truth
Flossing is more about gingivitis, not cavities
Stuck shit causes inflammation, when you remove it it bleeds. Just floss daily.
White teeth are a meme. They look white from contrasting with your skin, that's why niggers look like they have peaky white teeth. The color varies between red and yellow with varying levels of grey
Floss covers the contact points in-between teeth, interproximal brushes only account for the papilla.
Get them fixed senpai
You can brush the socket lightly, with care and no paste
what is the source of this absolute truth?
probably truth to this. My teeth felt best when I was on keto
How do you clean tonsils?
Dental bro, I have flurosis. What do?
Don't drink tap water, get more calcium, and use fluoride-free toothpaste. That's what I had to do when I had fluorosis as a kid.
>White teeth are a meme
yeah but still. I want my teeth at least a little less yellow
>Clean out tonsils
>having tonsils in 2018
You can get veneers, otherwise you're shit out of luck. In the worst case scenario in which the internal structure of the tooth is compromised, the treatment is crowns but in mild cases it's only an aesthetic malformation of the enamel, and giving the front teeth veneers should fix it (posterior teeth don't need anything since nobody actually sees them).
You probably had fluorosis on your temporary teeth as a child. Fluorosis only takes place with high fluor intake while teeth are developing, building unaesthetic enamel in mild cases and structurally deficient enamel in bad cases. Assuming he's over 18 in this mongolian basket weaving forum, he can't fix his fluorosis using your method.
then get them whitened senpai
>then get them whitened senpai
Can't i just brush them with baking soda or something
How do I make my teeth less sensitive to cold and hot water?
nope, what gives most of the color on the teeth it's the dentin, and it requires to be treated with hidrogen peroxide to get it whitened, but in a very specific manner so you don't fuck up your mouth.
Get one of those home whitening kits or get a professional whitening with a dentist
Sensodyne/sensitive teeth toothpaste desu
I've been using sensodyne for years. Hasn't made any notable difference.
have you tried other sensitive toothpastes? heard good things from colgate
A Roald Dahl book, I think it's the twits
No I haven't, but I'll look into colgate. I'm always skeptical with big brand names just selling me snake oil. What are the main compounds that help prevent enamel erosion?
fluoride desu, it strengthens the enamel structure and lowers the critical pH it demineralises at, making it less susceptible to cavities and erosion.
also try using fluorated mouthwash and a soft brush.
if colgate doesn't work, try different brands, there's gotta be one out there that works for you.
thank you very much, it checks out
>tfw you are doomed
No thanks I don't eat your plebby bread and banana boo-boos
my gums start bleeding everytime i brush, what do?
I fucking hate dentists
Softer brush
Pic related
More vitamin C and E. And drink more water.
This is absolute bullshit
Who else read OralHygeneBro stories ages ago?
If you got them I'd love to read them senpai
why the fuck would this require a reminder of any kind
>daily reminder to wipe ur bum bums after poop
>daily reminder to exhale after every inhale
Wow I read it all at once. Damn! I hope at least some of it was true.
>that feel when no sister wife to impregnate
And floss
You would be surprised how many autists are here who really need a reminder on how to be a basic human being
That sounds like an ugly thought, user.
are electric brushes a meme?
Not really, they aren't really better than manual toothbrushes, but they're better suited for people with mobility disorders.
They're kinda like the mobility scooters of toothbrushes, lazy people use them but don't really need them
fuck dude I love doing that so much. The back top molars are the sweet spot, especially the left side second from the back, always have the most food there when I floss. feels so good to floss it out and make muh gums bleed