Take off her clothes

>Take off her clothes
>fat stomach and a smelly puss

Anything else that is an absolute no for you

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>Jow Forums - fitness
>shit of a thread that could fit somewhere else other than Jow Forums

I've only had sex with petite bodied girls, so cannot relate.
If you're aiming to get interesting replies, why not go to r9k?

>talk about getting sex with a bunch of incels
Seems like a plan

You realize this is a fitness board and not a personal blog

>nipple/genital piercings
>top-heavy physique

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Smelly pussy aside, when OP needs to take off a girl's clothes to tell she's got a fat stomach.
Go back to /b/ you ass hat.

Girls can hide that shit, unless they’re bloatmaxxing

>Not breathing anymore
>A dick
>Visible STDs

It`s difficult enough with this criteria.

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>posting non fitness related threads.

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>Hey babe what do you want on your sandwi...

What a bitch.

>took off her clothes
>Apparently she used to be fat, so a LOT of loose skin.
I continued, but it wasn't a good experience in retrospect.

>Takes off shoes
> flat feet

>lean in to kiss a girl
>putrid sewer breath

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>being this disgusted with tattoos and nipple piercings

it's a good thing you don't live in LA, it's basically impossible to find a girl that doesn't have at least one or the other

>take off his clothes
>tits and pussy

Attached: 1332042144000.gif (212x176, 925K)

>armpit hair
>leg hair
>chest hair

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>Anything else that is an absolute no for you
if she's:
>unnatural colored hair
>piercings besides ears
>has gay friends
>has nigger friends
>listens to shit music like bubblegum/mumble rap
>acts like a nigger
>does drugs besides weed sometimes
>smokes cigs
>watches tv
>watches bad movies eg capeshit
into the trash she goes

>watches tv

Good luck finding someone who doesnt

>kissing this qt
>she has sewer mouth + alcohol combo
>still fuck her

Keep your eyes on the prize boys

>unnatural colored hair
>watches tv
>watches bad movies eg capeshit
you already said fat

i dont like tattoos but its not a deal breaker unless her whole body is full or if she has a tattoo in her face or something but other than i dont have much of a prefernce (im a virgin)

enjoy you eskimo girlfriend

Reasons beside my autism why I will never have sex or a girlfriend - the post.
