>tfw no fph thread
let's get started for the day, folks. just got something fresh for you
not that bad, what is the problem
She is honestly not super fat. Maybe it is the angle, but she looks like a typical middle aged american.
Shit OP image
Where the salad at?
she's a dietitian with a degree, check her account, she's telling people to eat donuts when they have cravings and to substitute fruits and vegetables with industrial cookies with "2 servings of fruits and veggies" in it
>she looks like a typical middle aged american.
and that's not fat?
t.coping fat roastie
That slop makes me gag everytime I see it.
Is this the fasting thread?
Don’t see what there is to hate
>a typical middle aged american.
you wish, the average woman over 30 in the usa is literally 40-50lbs overweight
Delet this and make new thread with a better starting image
she seems around 20-30 over
what is it with amerilards not understanding what's normal weight at all?
>this much butthurt
lose weight, fatties
>number of posters has remained the same, while posts by "different" anons agreeing with each other increase
must be a butthurt fat roastie samefagging.
>fat people HATE
>post wholesome
the post says diets are damaging, go back to tumblr fatty
Meanwhile, in reality
>she got married
Jesus christ. this dumb bitch is a doctor and she doesn't even understand the basics of diet and exercise. This is why I don't take people seriously just because of a degree or education despite myself having one
She actually looks fairly healthy on the right. Maybe a bit overweight but not obese or anything. If she is able to eat how she pleases and maintain that body and is comfortable with that I don’t really see a problem.
Part of that is that her hair, makeup, and lighting are way better in the right pic. Left pic is just not a flattering picture of her.
Fatties think the cutoff for fatness is around Steve Assanti’s size kek
would still smash
why does the poster count never increase when there's some user saying she looks great?
based gooks
No son
OP you complete newfaggot, this is not a fph image. They should cause rage and revulsion, not baffled indifference. Hop on roids and get on our level.
t.LARPing fat fuck
Look at her giant right arm and how her legs are bulging out of her pants. She's wearing clothes that hide what she really has going on.
Stop eating.
I dunno, lol.
Also this.
Jesus this is a dumb bitch. She has this mantra that "food has no moral value," therefore Oreos are not "bad" calories and zucchini isn't "good" calories.
She knows perfectly fucking well both that there are non-moral uses for "good" and that people are talking about macro profile, vitamins, fiber, glycemic index, etc. but she just felt like being an edgy cunt
Yeah looking at her arm you might have a point actually. I think she’s carrying her weight well in that pic and her lighting and makeup are helping.
I invited a muslim girl to my house, she wore a cute dress and looked fairly slim. When we started making out, I started feeling her up. I couldn't find skin anywhere. Underneath her dress she was wearing full body spanks and refused to take them off. She was fat asf with a good looking face and she was wearing a giant body condom to hide how overweight she was.
>wearing the same shirt
>pants don't fit anymore, though
>fat still protruding out of new pants
Good one, OP.
She's barely even fat though how is that a good op image to you? It may be new but you can barely tell it's fph. You're the triggered one here so I'm assuming you're the projecting roastie.
she said to eat DONUTS though; that means she's fatpeoplehate material
>barely even fat
she's CLEARLY well into the overweight range
>you can barely tell it's fph
yeah because saying dieting is bad as a dietitian is perfectly reasonable
>you're the projecting roastie
>b-but she's barely even fat..
Bad photos. As in literally bad photos to show off the body. She guarantee looked 5x better naked on the left
You seem to be more butthurt than anyone else here if you keep responding to people who don't like the op pic faggot
newsflash newfag: dieting is bad because dieting is temporary.
you sound like a toastie, and no I'm not butthurt lol stop projecting fattie
samefag, she's literally saying you should never count calories and to eat donuts and oreos
tfw today I learned you can never eat under your TDEE with donuts and oreos
Youre literally throwing my own insults back at me dude so I'm pretty sure you're seriosuly butthurt. Im not some roasted out fat chick either so you can stop ruining the thread now.
True as fuck, when someone "diets" they usually eat cabbage for a week, lost 6 pounds then go back to eating like a retard and getting fat as fatass again.
if you read her fucking posts she's against counting calories, stupid fat cunt
I wasn't aware counting calories is a requirement for your body to expend energy.
Proof Jow Forums is full of fat fucks with no discipline
Can the fatties even fit past the bollard?
Dude Bing her and read her Kikebook pozts. You'll rage
do you even know what TDEE means?
When normies diet, people here are slightly better about it but you wouldn't say you're dieting, you'd say you changed your diet. Here it's not a temporary change as much as it is a lifestyle change.
Total Daily Energy Expenditure
Do you know what it means?
>caring this much about words and not substance
based dietitian helping fatties into coffins by providing the one thing they’ll quote to justify eating shit
>tfw mombod is best bod
and how would you calculate it if not by counting calories you stupid bitch? how do you know you'll be "under your TDEE" like you said?
i should stop taking the bait. but whatever
>you get fat, I cheat on you
Should be on every prenup.
if I eat one donut and two oreos in a day I'm pretty sure I'm under my TDEE.
You're acting like it's impossible to cut without counting, which makes you look like a fatass that can't keep their mouth away from food.
I really hate cheap shredded cheese but potato salad mixed with cottage cheese actually sounds kinda good not gonna lie
TDEE IS fucking calories, fat roastie bitch. it's based on a calculation.
>I fucked up, time to get my cardio in by backpedaling
I have no standards. Not sure about anyone else in this thread. I would throw it to pretty much anything rocking more than a DD cup.
Anyone have that side by side comparison of Fatties Against Facism and the Dredd comic?
She wasnt even skinny before
Fat people are basically zombies:
>only form of movement is a slow shuffle/waddle
>bodies are rotting away
>brains are rotting away
>they try to infect other people with their disease
Yeah, it's a number. You really wowed me there. If you eat nothing in a day and don't know your number, do you lose weight? Or in your experience are you such an endless void of fat that you attract mass without eating?
fat people are so boring jesus christ.
She KNEW she was going to be there for hours. Why the fuck did she do that?
>all you can eat salad bar
>piling 5lbs of different salads on one plate
Why did it have to put the entire salad bar on one plate instead of just getting 2-3 plates? There is no way you can eat that without making a mess, shit has already spilled on the table and all the fattie has done so far is take a picture. Is it so that it wouldn’t need to waste precious calories getting up for more plates of precious “salad”?
What a dumb fucking OP picture. Woman on the right looks just fine.
>i havent read her other posts where she recommends satisfying all your cravings and be bodypositive
Telling someone to eat what they want to eat is not fatlogic.
Because she's fictional
Every time you see someone's face on that blue and red background, you are reading fiction
shhhhhhhhhhh don't spoil our secret
>bodypositivity is not fatlogic
It’s the substance as well. It’s a different mindset and approach to think you’ll be eating healthy for a limited period of time, as opposed to just deciding to start eating healthy and never planning to stop. In the first you’ll just try to get through which doesn’t sound very productive, and after the time period your diet ”fails” because you get fat again — but it was just a diet so that was truly the plan all along. It’s not (only) that diets fail, it’s that they’re designed to leave you fat in the long run.
I didn't mention body positivity faggot
I'm well aware, I just couldn't fight my incredulity at the idea because I'm certain something similar has happened because of fatlogic.
>but potato salad mixed with cottage cheese actually sounds kinda good not gonna lie
It really doesnt you disgusting amerifat.
What a failure of a /fph/ thread
Weight Watchers is a scam, though. My nan was hitting the weights and getting a clue, and these faggots told her to stop working out because the muscle she was building was making her weigh more.
>Implying she is capable of getting pregnant at that bf%
How awoke was your nan, lad?
Fucking phone posting
Been to that station. You wouldn't believe all the triggered westerners
redpilled and based
Jewgle turned up a post where she talks about her honeymoon. Really want to know the year on that. If it's since the 2014 pic, which seems possible or even likely, el oh el.
>Make a fuckoff huge amount of chili
>Load it up with extras like peppers n shit
>Lasts me forever when I freeze it
>Tastes good
>Pretty healthy
>Costs less than £1 per meal when added up
So expensive.