Reminder it's all about face genetics. You don't even need to show your body to get thirsty women to drop their panties

Reminder it's all about face genetics. You don't even need to show your body to get thirsty women to drop their panties

Attached: Photo Editor-20180924_132046.jpg (480x480, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying that's a good face

He's quite handsome user. Got like that turk face and genetics but + blue eyes, relatively good jaw, good proportions, strong brows. This is a strong 8

post face

marlon texeira is a strong 8
the guy in OP is a 5, looks like the average turk/italian hybrid. failo nose and unremarkable rest

I understand what youre talking about but he still looks like a lesbian

Holy shit the


ITT OP tries to post a subtle brag thread but realizes that he looks like a female to male transition picture

What kind of slut publicly comments perverted things?

>implying people like this browse Jow Forums
We're all ugly here, stop being salty user

t. OP
pic related, actual strong 8/10, makes the guy in OP look like a subhuman
OP is a 5, maybe a weak 6

Attached: Tyler-Mayher-The-Model-Wall-FTAPE-10.jpg (800x800, 136K)

post a 10/10.

Only thing he has going for him is his jawline, everything else is a strong no.

>male model with 10/10 face is an 8
back to sluth8 m8

>”Don’t make me say perverted thing”
We don’t date ESL students in 2018

This is 9/10, 10/10 only exists if it fills a niche of an individual

He'd get fucking mogged by this guy

Attached: Photo Editor-20180924_133845.jpg (480x581, 90K)

fact: x/10 ratings should go by what percentile of looks the person lies in for their age range
this guy who's a model is probably more handsome than a thousand other guys, so he should be the top 99.9th percent, or 9.99/10

Is that the youtube guy that had ads ,alpham or something

>no neck
>feminine eyes
>shitty facial hair
>legitimately looks like a female to male transition

at least you're not fat, user.

Lmao you're so salty

lmao you're so average


If that's average I assume you fall somewhere under "ogre"

Yea right, look at those nigger lips

I may not be beautiful but I'm also not mentally ill so it's never a problem for me

>literally a model for Diesel. Philipp Plein, Calvin Klein, Versace, Alexander Wang

Holy fuck Jow Forums is truely the most delusional board.

Attached: 1529147768748.gif (360x346, 170K)

Eh, i dunno...

10/10 is personal preference. 9/10s are david gandy (before he entered wrinklemode), francisco lachowski, tyson ballou, jon kortajarena and maybe sean o'pry
too bad women don't rate like that though buddyboyo, to them the average 50th percentile male is a 3/10

looks like a white elliot rodger

women don't rate at all, only neckbeards on the internet do

2/10 best I can do

Literally false. You can get women with simply being nice and not resembling a biohazard.

inb4 hurr durr beta

give me evidence of women talking like OH MY GOSH JORDAN IS SUCH A 9/10

of course they have preferences, it's not what I'm talking about


Attached: 1522683870785.png (640x480, 20K)

PSL ratings are accurate for performance in the current hypergamy age
9/10 = a chosen few male models, cream of the crop(one in a billion)
8/10 = second tier male models and extremely handsome actors(99.99th percentile)
7/10 = most handsome actors and some third tier male models (99th percentile)
6/10 = 95th percentile looks (chad)
5/10 = 80th percentile looks (chadlite)
4/10 = 70th percentile looks (beta bucko)
3/10 = 50th percentile looks (creep)
under 50th percentile = subhuman

that wouldn't make sense, seeing as jordan bloatlett is only a 8/10

who the fuck is jordan bloatlett

>this much delusion

>unkempt facial hear
>ear gauges
hard pass

>Average as fuck face
>dyel body
I've never understood this "model" meme. Most male and female models are average and often weird-looking.

ironically it is fairly accurate to how women see men in general

they rate nearly three quarters of men as 'below average'

Attached: xpzreh.jpg (1125x1125, 384K)

why do you know who this is

im not

why don't you

What went wrong?

Attached: 1529861323630.jpg (1349x1330, 744K)

he went through a chubby phase. He looks like left again. Pic from 2 days ago


I think you can bump 95th percentile up to 7/10. 90th should be 6/10

Remember how women are programmed. Regardless of how good your face is, you will never be as sexy as the dude who just beat your ass.

Attached: 1497414246700.jpg (135x152, 5K)

Aside from hunter eyes, he looks like shit.

Oh wow, what a twink.

Attached: 1518058002444.jpg (1279x795, 229K)

that would mean 1 in 10 guys is a chad - I think 1 in 20 is more accurate for just Chad-status and 1 in 100 for handsome actor tier
but yeah, for sure you can slightly shift the percentiles and also the definitions a bit. The key message is that 80% of men are seen as below average

>all about the face

Attached: 1532987465553.png (441x549, 301K)

can I make it bros

Attached: 4A0822E6-D201-46AF-82D6-B8FA5DA2C0CD.jpg (750x1334, 137K)

post face

Yeah maybe if you get teamed at work or some shit but she will cheat on you whenever she get the chance. The only way this isn't happening is if shes lower than a 5.

so this is your brain on autism

You are not white, so no. You are ugly as fuck too

You're gonna make it, bro
>lift big
>take the Mew pill

Post again in a year

mmmmm no

You like like gay elf from a cheap R-rated parody of LotR.
Hoe is 2/10 at best.


I concede that Im not gonna make it but I am literally white what are you talking about

>t. nonwhite claiming he's white

this, its crazy how much losing weight and training neck adds to your facial appearance

Op I created an account on Jow Forums just so I can comment on your ugly face
Your face is ugly

Is that genuinely considered a good face?

I've spent too much time online and now anything less than pic related looks ugly

Attached: LS9Qwax.jpg (443x527, 55K)

Name of this guy?

just a bad pic i guess
>inb4 jordan pls go

who is this semen demon?

No, that means Chadhood starts at 7/10 95th percentile. 75% of men are considered unattractive, not 80%. Seems trivial, but it's not

Chico Lachowski. Pic related is entry level requirement for being Chad

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This dude is kinda ugly though.

This. I didn't realise what was so off-putting but I think you're right - it's a tranny

How’s it lookin lads? Currently gymcelling to escape inceldom.

Attached: E452FAC7-C78E-4B09-81FE-D3761B4344DD.jpg (720x1280, 218K)

What race are you?

Latino, specifically Med Euro and some Native American.

that haircut doesn't help your long face