I remember reading from a hairlet on this board that he uses peppermint oil to treat his receding hairline since it is...

I remember reading from a hairlet on this board that he uses peppermint oil to treat his receding hairline since it is a strong anti androgen. Does this mean we should be applying peppermint oil to our hair/scalp as hair loss prevention? I'm scared to lose my hair boys, I already have an ugly long face so if my hair is gone I'll never make it

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no, it means some know nothing on the fitness board of a new guinean prion slurping forum said that peppermint oil works

do research

And then report

>peppermint oil inhibits testosterone
>DHT causes baldness
It makes sense to me

Peppermint oil is a potent dht inhibitor. Its smart to use it on your scalp.

really interesting, fingers crossed for human study

I'm a little spooked to use it proactively in case it's a meme. forget studies, I wanna know of any peppermint oil horror stories

Just dont consume it internally and dont get it near your dick and balls. You'll be fine.

This doesn't say anything about reversing hair loss though.

If you were trying to reverse hair loss wouldnt you want something that promotes hair growth?
Well that what the fucking title of the report says retard! Literally first words of title:
Peppermint Oil Promotes Hair Growth

Peppermint and spearmint are HIGHLY estrogenic. Men get loss of libido and get gyno when regularly consuming them. Thats why putting it on the scalp helps reduce dht, Its common sense.

Peppermint is probably too weak to be effective.
If you want to go the hormonal route just take finasteride. It's nasty stuff but at least it's been proven to work.

Remember, until that hair cloning technique becomes widely available and cheap the only viable way to save your hairline is blocking DHT and/or getting hairtransplant. Minoxidil doesn't work long term and everything else is a scam.

My barber suggested a hair shampoo called Nioxin. Says it works great to delay balding but you might have to have your barber call his wholesale seller and get it for you unless hes cool with the wholesale people and will allow you to pick it up yourself. I haven't tried it so i cant personally tell you but someone else might know

What does it do to balls?

it's just biotin and ketoconazole in a fairly low concentration

it effective or he memeing me?

it's effective but no more so than generic nizoral, which is cheap but prescription, and has a higher conc. of ketoconazole

If it inhibits DHT i guessing getting it near your dick and balls might affect your libido and test.

If you eat meat your already getting more than enough biotin. Ketoconazole is anti dandruff and anti inflamitory may help a bit but not addressing the main issue

How would someone ask for this kind of haircut? Probably an obvious question but I don't know anything about this stuff.

This type of hairstyle is something a stylist probably has experiance with. You just show them a picture of the hairstyle you want from multiple angles so they know

Does this style have a name so I can look for other examples?

Pompadour. You need a face like that to look as good as he does, obviously.


Ffs I've been inhaling peppermint essential oil between lifts. Fml. I read it cleared airways and boosted strength

I'm the hairlet user who posted like a week ago. I really think I've gotten thicker hair since using the mint oils mixed with minox. I also think my nofap has helped too, The only time I nut now is when I see my girl which is usually only on the weekends. Before, I would fap like everyday 1 or 2x. But i been no fofap for a few months now. I dont even think about pussy unless Im about to get some. Basically, anything that will reduce dht without taking drugs or harming my test levels I do. I quit coffee and trying to reduce my stress with mindfulness exercises too. I had many requests for before n after pics, so I took a photo about a week ago and will wait about 2 months and will post progression pics.

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I remember doing a bunch of research before going on Finasteride. I was scared of the sides, of which there are countless stories online. I finally said that I'd do it because I wanted to be sure I tried everything rather than give up.

So far, I've had no sides. I've been on it for 4 years and it stopped hair loss and I even grew a bit back. I went from stressing out when I looked in the mirror to liking my hair. I get compliments on my hair now. So if you still have any doubts about finasteride because of the horror stories, now you have a success story.

As my doctor said before I went on it: if the sides were as prevalent or as bad as the horror stories make it out to be, they'd never be able to sell it.

doubt it works but i bet it smells awesome

>I also think my nofap has helped too
stopped reading here

Thats because you're weak minded and refuse to do what it takes. Its proven that sexual activity increases serum dht levels. Its also proven that dht causes male baldness. Therefore, if you're losing your hair it makes sense to limit your sexual activity. I limit mine by eliminating all auto erotic sessions.

>not inhaling ammonia between sets

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Facts. If you don't have a square face you will look utterly retarded with it.

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It smells good atleast. It also causes my scalp to tingle/burn. Don't know what it means.

sorry bro, but treating a receding hairline is a major cope

is spicy

>new guinean prion slurping forum
and only

> What does it do to balls?

It's mostly menthol so ouchies mostly. That and burning sensation from mint. If enough of it passes the skin barrier and you apply it directly to your gonads, you could maybe see an effect.

Post tfw not a hairlet

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Brah a lot of people know about prion diseases thanks to mad cow and video games

Even worse, a facelet

show this to your barber man

I gurantee he would look better with this hair

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Ive had my hair like that pic. But alas I took the long hair pill and theres no going back. The ladies love it.