Day 3 of nofap

I feel like I'm going to explode, but the fucking zinc, and my fucking test

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This sucks lads. I've never been more angry in my life. I just wanna punch my monitor and jump out my window.

I'm probably on day 2 or 3. I once went for 2 weeks, then I texted my ex because I was horny. She told me to fuck off. Good times.
But desu I'm not even keeping count. I'm just trying to quit things right now. Trying to quit drinking, cigs, and fapping. It's so hard.

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Testosterone = calmness
Testosterone + Estrogen = Anger
Eat broccoli and St johns wort

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you are like a child

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whats the point of St Johns wort and other shit like horny goat weed and yohimbe or whatever, are these things scientifically proven to do anything?

I'll agree but it's probably the nicotine. That one has been that hardest by far.

St johns reduces est and increases calmness, fairly safe
No idea about goat weed
Yohimbe or whatever increases calmness, reduces anxiety but can be bad in large doses


I successfully went 66 days without fapping, and now I no longer have an orgasm when I ejaculate. This was never an issue for me before nofap. Now, it's just a pleasure-less ejaculation. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there any way to fix this?

try inserting your whole fist into your ass

I did a 40 day no fap. After I fapped on the 41st day, it actually hurt to orgasm.

Never gonna do nofap. I'll just to two weeks of nofap for Maximum test boost.

St. John's is comparable to the antidepressant imipramine in efficacy. Works very well against anxiety and moderate depression. It has some effects on the metabolism of other medicines though, so you should be careful to take it with other stuff.

>In a 12-week, 2011 clinical trial with 73 participants, neither St. John’s wort nor a standard antidepressant medication called citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), decreased symptoms of minor depression better than a placebo.

I'm on day 7 and I feel nothing.

After the first week it's easy OP
first 2 to 5 days are hard
I swear no fap either sets off a pheromone or increases situation awareness because women look and smile at you it's like you're being rewarded for no fap
> went 4 months with no fap and cold showers

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Day 20 of nofap and your 5 year old sister touches your hand

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start juuling instead, keep those test gains and pods are cheaper than a pack of cigarettes

Fap on day 7 thats when test level increase before it crashes, then continue the cycle. Ideally to No porn cuz porn industry is jew

Chad faps every day whenever he wants

Been having potential heart problems so the doc hooked me up with a sensor for a month. I don't want to fap because they might see it on my heart activity. This is my chance to finally reset my dopamine receptors and hopefully get rid of my brain fog. This is my boogie stomach staple moment where I can actually force myself to overcome this addiction.

I can't do this anymore. There are way too many sluts at uni that aren't sucking my cock. I want to fight and fuck. Aaaaaaaaaaeggrg

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>Try nofap
>Usually make it around 7 days
>Get so extremely sexually frustrated that I'll cave in and fuck an escort
>Feel shit about myself after

it's probably the way you're carrying yourself. better posture or better skin from zinc gains, things like that. I always notice clearer skin after a week of nofap

are you me?
it's always so underwhelming

me in the back

DAY 32!!!!!!!!!!

Never made it this far before. I find in the mornings my mind is fixed on hiring a massive titcow escort, but by the time the afternoon rolls around, that is gone...Just need to make it through this morning and get to day 33.

Been going strong all month. 25 days and I am about to explode into a chick on the 2-3 of next month. I will say I do feel like I have been a little bit more productive at work and a little bit more energy. Also had a wet dream; something I haven't had since I was 14.

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Start with the drinking. Then switch to lower-harm nicotine (vape or gum). Then just assign yourself a weekly fap day, really.

Lemme one up you

I had SEX after SIX MONTHS hardmode. THAT felt weird. Yeah it almost hurts when you get that first nut. Then your dick is all tingly afterward. Like being a kid again

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Kek, same. Longest I did was 30 days after I visited a domme and was so disguted with myself afterwards.

Seems like neverending cycle.

That good feel when you have hyperspermia and your girlfriend practically chokes every time you ejaculate in her mouth

>that one time she kissed you after an hour long blow job and spat the load into your mouth and you thought you were gonna die and begun gagging

shit was seriously disgusting brahs

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nigga you gay

Lol imagine simultaneously being this pathetic and having such shit taste. Kill yourself, my man.

i thought id like it but in the end it was extremely uncomfortable. i will make sure she swallows it every time from now on; ive already warned her that if she spits it out again or tries to give it to me i'll be very offended and not do the gay things she wants to do (e.g., watching cartoons etc). she used to swallow it all the time but then she started making excuses that swallowing it made her have to shit more or something like that.

why are you so insistent that she eats it

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because its rude, i dont want her to waste my gift i made for her. i like to watch her swallow it or listen to her gulp it down. i cant help but force her head down deeper onto my dick when i climax, i end up grabbing the back of her hair really tight each time without even fully meaning too. i told her that carrying it to the bathroom and spitting out offends me, shes getting the message now finally.

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>doesn't want to drink the delicious cocktail made of both of your bodily fluids as a sign of eternal love

SHE has to drink it. i always willingly french kiss her afterward though. we even share her own pussy jizz juices.

>staying busy mentally all day
>some shit head posts a woman on here

>stay mentally active and busy all day
>some billboard ad for a solarium or a bus stop down the street and your reptile brain whom you worked so hard to put to sleep now awakens

i hate that society has to remind us constantly about sex

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>swallowing it made her have to shit more or something like that.

she had an "accident" 7 years ago and they had to remove most of her bowel so now she cant eat chocolate or she will become constipated (needs an enema or my sperm to soften the poo poo) and she has to drink a laxative most days. she ends up shitting after every meal. so apparently my cum disagreed with her mutilated gut. also i might have been imagining it but i SWEAR when i fucked her in the ass once (only did it twice so far) there was like a left over anomaly from the surgery and it left a temporary mark/dent on my knob.

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dude just let her off then why do you want her to drink your man laxative if she's sick

well this man-laxative effect only started happening when she came to stay at my house. when i lived with for a while my diet was very different so maybe that had an effect on it...standard western diet by her, plant based diet by me. also i think shes more comfortable shitting in her own house than mine.

>plant based diet

Is there a way to disable image searching in google chrome, preferably the one that doesn't involve switching browsers? Because I'm 99% sure that's the reason I fail most of my streaks.

yes, eating the diet of hunter-gatherers is bad. enjoy your insulin resistance, good goy.

uhhhh dude r u ok

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I think fap every 3 days is best cycle for test and prostate. Someone post the pic with the spiked test levels

nofap is a fucking meme, just stop. if you consume a shit ton of zinc and magnesium every day you wont need to abstain from ejaculation

Day 60 here, record was around 150 so I'm still far from that.

Been using nofap to improve my working and intellectual abilities. It's doing wonders.

how is your libido, do you get erections?

>tfw not even doing nofap, just haven't fapped for a while
>tfw nocturnal emission

Had no libido in August, probobly because I was summer wagecucking literally every day. Now it's fine.
It would be hard to get trough that without nofap.

Alpha if i ever saw one

Found the loophole to NoFap/NoPorn
>do NoFap for at least 1 week
>get so horny that i just stimulate my prostate until i cum hands free
>feels amazing + no fear of death grip + no prostate cancer
feels good brehs

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Try three years ; )

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whats death grip

A band :^)

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*a gimmick

stop edging and watching porn you fucking faggot, day 9, I feel no earthly possessions, follow the Christ and slay your demons

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you had to do it to him

If you want significantly higher test why not just fuck with serms?

I am on day 16. I am more emotional on both the high and low side. Also I'm getting morning wood like i'm in 7th grade (27 y/o). I am hanging out with a girl on Thursday, and don't want to cum in my pants. 80% sure I'll jerk off before I see her.

this dude looks like my sack in a cold shower


so are your balls larger too, or is it just ur load? how big is ur load? peter north?

Its porn the one who fucks with your brain, you can fap once a week and everything is fine.

Daily reminder that nofap is a meme. Just NoPorn and Fapmaxx

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>tfw retards thinking 0.0000000001 extra test from nofap is going to make a difference when you actually need a super-human amount of test to see any performance benefit

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Those scars in his leg, i bet she have a big cock

>faps when I feel like it (usually once every 2~5 days)
>no porn, just happens naturally
>relief stress, feels good
>never feels like a retard loner
you niggas are way too obsessive. Want to stop fapping THAT hard? just do heroin

>It's so hard.
not only is it hard, it's difficult not to fap

>I think this has everything to do with the fact that you watch some chad fucking a girl while you are not participating. That's pretty beta cuck thing. Just imagine standing there irl, fapping and not getting any. When you just look at nudes, or solo videos even, you are your own man. Just my couch psychology.

> your biggest kink is watching other people fuck while jacking off.

> Watching porn can be a gateway into more and more degenerate fetishes. No on starts out being into cuck or furry porn. It's because of something called the coolidge effect which is a biological phenomenon in which the brain is aroused by novelty. Sex and masturbation are natural, porn is not

> i'm not saying there's anything wrong with fapping. i'm saying fapping to porn rewires your brain to make you associate pleasure with watching someone else fuck. It also slowly warps your sexuality. check out the website 'yourbrainonporn' and make your own mind up. i'm saying this as a guy who used to jerk it to porn every single day.

> you're watching someone else fuck a woman that you wanna fuck through their eyes. Your mind knows this deep down which is why it's psychologically demoralizing. The only way to break the cuck cycle is to actually get laid. The best alternative is to fap without porn.

> That's normal for a healthy male. You need to blow your load now and then. Nofap faggots are no better than porn addicts, they are just addicted to not fapping.

> this. I always get this feeling of intense dread and lethargy after fapping to hardcore porn. plain nudes and lingerie/bikini doesn't invoke same feelings.

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