Stop eating gluten

Stop eating gluten.

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Stop eating dairy.

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No :D

Stop eating sugar.

Attached: face-sugar.jpg (496x496, 21K)

Stop drinking alcohol.

Attached: face-wine.jpg (496x496, 16K)

Stop making threads.

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meat face

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meat face

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Stop eating cock.

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I don't understand how to interpret these images.

Make me bitch

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girlfriend has celiac and we eat gluten free just because it's easier to not worry about contamination by not bringing it into the house
if you don't have celiac, and avoid gluten for any reason, you're fucking retarded

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How do you know if you have celiac?

>How do you know if you have celiac?
was going to give a smart-ass answer like 'go to the doc' but its actually a huge pain in the ass to get a legit diagnosis. google it

Reminder that it doesn't just effect those
with Celiac diseases. Varying degrees of Gluten sensitivity is estimated to be found in around 40% of people


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>eat loafs of bread daily
>no issues
>eat gluten free oats
>diarrhea and terrible gut pain

Gluten free is a fucking meme

Oh look, women blaming hormonal shit on food because they can't stop surfing their dumb faces full of cake.

*stuffing, lol.

You need small intestinal biopsy to definitively diagnose it, so not an easy one.
So many self-diagnosed gluten sensitive idiots around. Kills me everytime

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Cake is food. Is this some meta-bait?


there are certain antibodies that can signal it that a doctor can screen your blood sample for, but after that a colonoscopy is typical to confirm and assess damage.
if anyone tells you they are gluten intolerant or celiac but never officially diagnosed, they are fucking stoners and you should tell them to kick rocks

Everytime I eat oats for breakfast I crash hard about 30min later. I get super tired

Could I have a mild gluten sensivity or it might just be carb overload?

I had to get a biopsy of my small intestine to confirm the diagnosis, it was awful


This shit pains to me read every time, imagine being that deluded.