I get to the gym, there are people already training

>I get to the gym, there are people already training
>do my training
>these same people are still training

It happens every time. Am I doing things too fast or people are just slow as fuck? I always kinda feel bad that they see I arrive later and get out earlier.

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how long does your workout take?

Can relate
I do 8 different excersises, 4 sets of 8 for each and im almost always done after an hour.
What the fuck are people doing so long at the gym?

some people like to take 10 minute rests, others like to do 30 different accessories. As long as you hit your goals you should be fine

Most people have no idea what they are doing and will stay there for hours doing low weight reps because "I'm not tired yet so I should stay"
Gyms are concrete proof that motivation without brain gets you nowhere.

That filename

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When I did 5-6 day brosplits, I was usually done in 45-60 min.

Now on PPL I can easily use 1h 30m up to 2h. The first two movements alone account for 50% of the time, 5x5 long rest times stuff.

Yeah that's bullshit. 4 sets of 8 exercises is 32 sets in total. You have less than 2 minutes to complete a set AND the rest period until the next set. If that is what you're doing, you're simply not training hard enough because there is no fucking way your muscles recover after 1.5 minutes of a heavy set.

My workouts normally only take 40-50minutes and I only train 3 days per week doing full body training, yet I am still probably one of the most aesthetic sick kunts at my gym. So, as long as you are progressing each time you step foot in the motherfuckin gym, the amount of time you spent in the gym doesn't mean shit.

My workouts last an average of 2 hours, that is 6 exercises and 4 sets per exercise. I take an average of 4 minutes between sets, anything less and I cannot give it my all in the next set.

Most normies fuck around at the gym for about 2 hours at least.

Mine would take 1:45 from entering to leaving but I usually take 2:30+ because it's crowded as heck no matter what time I go, and asking to work in seems to be the next most offensive thing after literally slapping them across the face with my dick.

I recover 1 minute

No you dont

Yes i do

No you dont

Fuck you

>always kinda feel bad
Por Jesús,.....why are you so insecure? And who the fuck cares if you go too fast or too slow??
You feel you trained your body? Feel the pump? Feel the sore? GTFO of the gym, go back to your place, take a shower with your GF and fuck her right after to achieve maximun post-workout test.

Working out should take at least an hour if you're doing it properly.

Either you're on drugs and can work out for hours, or you're natural and do a full body workout 3x a week.

If you look good then who the fuck cares

Same, my workout is about 50 minutes.

A lot of people just like to kill their time in the gym, they don't really work out very hard.