Do women not realise how dumb they look in high waisted workout tights? Or high waisted clothing in general?

Do women not realise how dumb they look in high waisted workout tights? Or high waisted clothing in general?

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Are you a faggot or something?

But i want to see the midriff, not that dumb shit, i'm not a faggot.

They obviously wear them to hide their fat and accentuate their lack of an ass.

Any woman who wears these will 100% have a shit tier body

they just buy size or two bigger ones and stretch it up to their tits, they are too fat to fit into right size

Guys aren’t really sending those signals when they still line up to get a chance to fuck them

So no

i am faggot and my homoradar is off the charts for op, you are truely the gayest homo faggot i ever encountered

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Tbh this is whore materials when they go out in those clothes.

>not looking dumb
pick one

They don't look dumb because it has become the norm

It'll probably stick for a while since it's so amazing at hiding love handles, belly fat & make your butt look much better

it's like a soft corset

i dont know, OP, but I know my dick realizes how frickin fuckable they look

Imagine how much worse this pic would have been if she wore high waist shorts, high waist is for fatties who want to tuck in their bellies.

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What a sad faggot

I'm gay and I agree with you, being able to see a nice belly is way better.

Why does every single brown roasty mutt have this hairtstyle?

This 100% it's to hide their lack of ass, shove everything into the spandex and give them that frumpy look
Obviously it's sexy as fuck when the girl is in shape buy that's almost never the case

Shit taste, friendo

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I hate that mom jeans are back "in style" it's disgusting.. pancake ass everywhere and fupas shoved up past the belly button.
Like pressing lard into too small of tupperware

>where does the ass begin and the leg end? No one knows it's a flat plane on your stick figure

I agree OP. They look fucking stupid.

I dont have any issue with them but I hate seeing hambeasts and fatties wearing these.

High waisted stuff can look good though

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idk man I kinda like it if its a proper tight fit but then again I also prefer one piece bathing suits to a two piece so I could just be a lil weird