Tfw doing pull ups my right arm is back dominant while my left arm is biceps dominant

>tfw doing pull ups my right arm is back dominant while my left arm is biceps dominant
how to stop this?

Attached: Cat17.png (597x799, 586K)

Why is your body retarded?

Slow down and work the mind muscle connection.


by doing the exercise correctly?

Google it.

done, what now?

do more bicep curls with your right arm and pull with your pinky on your left hand

stop imagining things

why the pinky?

Focusing on your pinky helps activate your lats a bit more.
Try doing pull ups while focusing on your pinky, you should be able to feel your back better

Based. Thanks for that bro


this is absolute nonsense
stop spewing complete garbage

Gonna try this my next pull day
Thanks bro

Do fewer reps with perfect form. If you can’t do any with perfect form then do negatives.

You might have a winging scapula which is making the lat on that side weaker, so the bicep compensates. Put your back against a wall and see if one of your shoulder blades sticks out more.

So I'm a lanklet that works construction and I constantly use my right hand for majority of the work. The asymmetry has gotten pretty noticeable both aesthetically and practically. When I bench do push ups curl etc I feel it in my right-side almost exclusively.

Should I switch to dumbells?

It's not nonsense. I focus on my ring fingers and he definitely helps. Even if it is placebo it helps.

Why would it help? If something is causing your muscles to be loaded unevenly, using dumbbells isn't going to help because it's an even load on both sides. Also
>Stronger right side
>Can only feel it on the right side
Doesn't make sense

Left side is weaker. Assumed working on that side more would correct it. Maybe something is wrong with my form on my lifts that is making my right side take majority of the weight. I'm fairly new to lifting.

You posture might be shit from carrying things with one side of your body all day. If your form is bad on lifts and you twist your body when it gets hard, start with lighter weights than you;re used to (like 30%) and gradually work your way back with good form. I've done this with my quads