Don't mind me, just being the best protein bar on the market

Don't mind me, just being the best protein bar on the market.

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Looks like a bar of soap. What are the macros?

Get that overpriced shit out of here, Quest shill.

ok be the problem then,

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those taste awful fyi

Are there any non chewy, crunchy protein bars with good macros i can take to work and let them sit there for an eternity, until i need them?

These are absolutete shit and almost unedible. Go for the Kind brand protien bars at least they taste like real food

These do taste gross and are like $2-3 per bar but the macros are godly compared to other protein bars. Better off just doing shakes if you can

Quest bars are absolutely disgusting, I don't know how they've managed to become so popular. On the other hand their tortilla style chips are great.

>he’s gonna make me post it
So you’re gonna make me post it, huh?

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Maximuscle for me. Can get them for £1 each as well

Alright, bros. How the fuck do they make protein bars so THICC and without the use of oats etc??!?!

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And chewy!

I like the double chocolate quest bars desu senpai

Brownie ones are better, but the best tasting ones are the smores.

Probably soi lecithin and artificial thickeners


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This might be the truth unfortunately. Maybe coconut oil is good because it becomes hard again when cooled down but I wouldn't bet on it.

Too bad they cost a newborn child

I could eat nothing but chocolate peanut butter pure protein bars for a year

Does this mean they are shit?

Protein bars are trash

read my fucking search-for-protein-bar-recipes thread

just eat a can of tuna and a hard boiled egg
protein bars are brainlet fuel

Stop eating onions !!!!!!!!!

>anything processed
I used to think modern food was the shit, but slowly realizing that closest to natural and unchanged food is what we need as humans

Whaddya guys think about this. I got a box of em recently and they actually taste decent. Only thing I'm worried about is onions protein fucking me up but i cant really find anything that actually supports onions protein being that bad for you..

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if it has onions-lechtin thhats fine, I don't think thats estrogenic. Onions protein on the otherhand...

>buy a “””protein””” bar
>look at the nutrition facts
>it’s 70% carbs and 10% fat and 20% protein

Yeah OP, keep munching it down

Personally I want a bar to be a bit higher calorie to actually hold me over so I've been buying mre bars

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>make regular bar
>call it an MRE bar for the american buyer

Yeah it's got onions-lechtin. Some muscleman at the store recommended them to me, said not to waste my time on the other shit, he seemed like a cool dude


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>onions protein


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The whole company is military themed for whatever reason

I ate one of these and couldn't shit right for a week.

Onions onions

Omg thats hilarious..... bahahahahaha

Soi is the new s.o.y.


This is the most Jow Forums sounding bar I've seen

Nope, they use sunflower lecithin in the products that need it. Their stuff is good, but still not as good as a steak.

Zero s o y in the powder
Not sure about the gay looking bar

*blocks your path*

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>non chewy
I’m afraid you can’t. Protein is chewy by default

Don't mind me, just literal quest bars but half the price

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The best protein bar is the one that pays you.

Also less than half of the flavors.

Birthday cake isn't that great though and that white coating gets all over the place when I eat it. I prefer blueberry/smores.

On my second box of these. Hope they come out with new flavors though.

I buy these ones because they are the highest protein content at costco.

The taste, the texture, the sweeteners, almost everything about these bars are awful. The only thing they have going for them are the macros if you're avoiding carbs.

Canadia isn't getting them back till Christmas...

why must life be so

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