I've finally developed my skills to the point where I get invited to parties by chicks. What do i eat or do to maximise my ejaculation power and volume as to make sure the girls never forget our encounter?
>especially things that are effective within 5 hours
Horse cum
Diet and holding it in for at least 3 days. Worked for me and I was jizzing 7 long ropes when I gave in.
-No fap for 4 days
-Take 100mg pygeum extract 2x /day, 4 days
-Take 500mg l-arginine 2x /day, 4 days
-Take 500mg horny goat weed 2x /day, 4 days
-Take 100mg maca extract 2x /day, 4 days
-Take 2g lecithin granules 2x /day, 4 days
-Drink 3 liters water /day
And zinc
Do kegels too
Zinc alot of zinc avocado and strawberry for the flavor
Thank me later
Dude you aren't gonna be remembered you're barely a drop of water in the sea of cocks these girls take
Not going to tell me your secrets? Take zinc and stay hydrated.
Usually, eating fruit and tuna(not combined ofc) helps
i actually used to make a smoothie that not only made me cum giga loads, but also good tasting loads acording to multiple girls
That's why he's trying to make his drop bigger you dip
Doesn't matter how big he makes it dude these girls go through so much even shooting a gallon sized load wouldn't matter
What's the optimal vitamin stack for cum/test increase?
St John's Wart
L Argentine
Thanks for the help bros, I'll take a load of zinc tablets and drink a few litres of water. When I nut I'll be thinking of you
>horse cum
that's your answer amigo
If youre a good fuck, no chick gives a fuck about your load unless its stinky/tastes bad. Unfortunately eating lots of protein causes both. Load up on fruits (pineapple especially) as well.
>focus on cum
>forget to get with a girl first
lmao Jow Forums focus on the most retrded shit ever
Don't take pills on an empty stomach,especially zinc.
>onions lecithine
>celery sticks
Ana Cheri is the best
How do you get invited to parties? Does this shit tend to happen after final exams?
Every white man has the national duty to impregnate as many as he can brown qties.
Race mixing is a sin if you raise the kids,but if you let the kids get raised by some other faggot its all good.
This is how you help the third world.
Oh,and brown people love it when their babies have blue eyes.
Post smoothie recipe
This is good advice, makes me nauseous as hell personally.
Took some without breakfast, as well as a very light dinner the night before, and had a very unpleasant morning.
be friends with the right people
I just started uni so it was easy for me since they dont know I'm retarded yet. I just asked them questions and made small talk then they invited me out. I think the tight shirt helped.
Feels good.
why do you think chicks care or notice about this.
They will when its shooting down their throat and they cant breathe
You'll probably nut inside them though.
Anyway aside from any diet advice, the best advice is just to remain in a prolonged edged or aroused state for as long as possible. The longer you're in that state, the more cum your body backs up.
Its easy to see, if you have a quick jerk off and go from nothing to cumming in a minute or so its not much but if you do it for a while maybe 30-60 mins of edging its usually buckets.
Also drink water
Big amounts of sperm is the best,especially when its thick and white,its a sign of fertility.
Its the same as women with big tits,a small tit can feed just about the same as a big one,but so can a tiny drop of grayish sperm.
If he cums buckets,women will think he is a stud,and the rumor will spread,OP better show himself in good light,and he will have pussy until he leaves collage.
This, but on the plus side if you ever want to get out of something, take about 50mg of zinc 1-2 hours before and you'll be too ill to do it. The good thing is the cure to instantly fix it, literally within 1 minute, is just to eat.
My girlfriend always comments on how thick and white it is, says it looks very healthy, i think that turns her on.
foreplay always makes me shoot a huge load when i finally let it out.
i think the key is to not bust fast desu.
how do I manage that? The leap from my own hand to real girls might be too much for me.
That good feel when you have hyperspermia and your girlfriend practically chokes every time you ejaculate in her mouth
>that one time she kissed you after an hour long blow job and spat the load into your mouth and you thought you were gonna die and begun gagging
Still not cum inflation level though sadly.
>1 Apple
>1 banana
>Pineapple slices or pineapple juice
>Teaspoon of ginger
>Teaspoon of cinnamon
>Teaspoon of nutmeg
>Vanilla(you can use vanilla extract, i used vanilla sticks)
Water It down a little so its smoother when you blend it(you can use more Pineapple juice for this) and add ice or put It in the fridge for a while, It tastes better freshly made and cold