/fph/ thread!

No /fph/ in the catalog?
Let's fix that!

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This is not fph related but sort of related to your pic. Saw an old man shit his pants the other day walking around the mall. Felt really bad for him

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An old greentext of mine, reposting because why not.

>be me, about two years ago
>working for one of the big three pizza places in downtown of a medium sized city
>our store happens to deliver to the medical district as well, get plenty of deliveries to nurses, doctors, and patients of all sorts.
>night is dragging along, I get stuck with a delivery to one of the crappier hospitals.
>2 large ultimate pepperoni pizzas, extra cheese, a Philly cheese steak sandwich, a chicken Alfredo breadbowl pasta, and an order of cinnamon sticks
>meh, probably family or a bunch of nurses ordering
>get to this front desk of the hospital (it's neighboring the ghetto so I can't just walk where I need to without checking in first)
>tell the front desk the name on the order, a lady takes me back to a nurses station.
>tell those nurses who the delivery is for
>instant concern on their faces
>one nurse looks to another and asks "is she allowed to order food??"
>they take me to the customers room
>open the door only to see a blob that roughly resembles a human
>we're talking in the 500-600 pound range, fat spilling over the sides of the bed, tubes up her nose hooked up to oxygen, IV in her arm, only one in the room
>fuck, all of this is for her?
>the landwhale is on the phone, hasn't noticed me yet
>"uhh, hello?"
>she quickly says goodbye to the person on the phone and hangs up
>"sorry! That was my mom, she probably wouldn't like me ordering this, haha~"
>my face is now mimicking the nurses from before, a combination of shock, concern, and disbelief.
>feel like a drug dealer selling an addict their fix
>internal debate on whether or not I should even give her the food
>fuck it, don't want to get bitched at by my manager
>have her sign the credit slip and leave asap
>learn later that that part of the hospital was the heart center
>tell my coworkers and they said she's been ordering all week
>she stopped ordering after that night
>mfw that I may have sold her the meal that killed her

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can someone post the pop off james picture please

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I was linked here by a coworker and let me say that as a female slightly on the heavier side, I find this discussion awful! What's wrong with you people!?

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lurk more, faggot.

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dear god are you even a human at that point


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ahahaha btfo

don't feel bad user, she would've died that night with or without the pizza in her stomach. at least she got comfort eating one last time (though yeah it's kinda fucked that she got in that position to begin with)

that "disclaimer" is the gayest fucking thing i've ever seen since gay came to gay town

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>unironically using epic

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>25 gallons

wtf I love gooks now

Jesus fucking Christ

what the actual fuck, is that even possible?

this desu absolutely rages me. how the fuck can u be a dietician and be *any* amount overweight

The more I look at this the more I feel pity instead of hatred.

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That's a tough position, not sure what I'd do. I think by morals wouldn't allow me to give her the food. I'd probably explain to my manager what the deal was and that the hospital wouldn't allow it (even if they did, I'm 99% sure it's supposed to not be allowed)
But at the same time I believe people reap what they sow, she knew what she was doing despite her situation. I just wouldn't play a part in it.

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God. Is he dead? Or paralyzed?

I cringed pretty hard my guy

who cares if reddit steals "our" memes they're just fuckin memes

Does anyone have the full image of the black and white japanese guy used in the cap


"boring cardio class" TRANSLATION: "I couldn't keep up with everyone else waah"

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>inb4 50 replies

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>Tfw the woman who brought us the 12 hour marathon has been defeated by jumping jacks

Oh my.

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Jesus fucking christ

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>tfw so fat you have 3 ass cheeks

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broken pelvis no doubt

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fucken kek

>>When you go to sign up to the gym at your new uni and see this interviewing new students

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more like SLYTHEROUT

Just think those hospital resources which freed up after her death may have then been used to save someone elses life, someone who was willing and wanting to fight to survive.


m-muh dick, n-no

Sounds like your coworker is trying to save you from becoming one of the very things we make fun of

Based Coworker




> as a female slightly on the heavier side
lol fatty

I wonder if this guy made it

Fat Jewish Mark Riptoe?


Wholesome image

please don't waste the get on anything else than reminding everyone boogie dies this year

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boogie will die this year

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goddam I hate fatties

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also checking actual get

Goodnight boogie

There are no words

>she does it, the madwhale

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And also have some standards degenerate

Fixed it. Hopefully the cringey version will vanish.

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Do you mourn for the fly or mosquito when you squish it? At least they are acting with purpose and need.

You got banned for life? You weren't really 4 in this story were you?

I'm not fat though, I was born curvy. I've just read other comments in here and it's quite depressing.

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Guys, please, help me. I struggle to fing a comic, where the author states that he is not fit, as he paints himself, and then comes up with stupid excise like "I'd rather read a book". The text blocks are painter in yellow, I believe. Thanks in advance!

That whole picture is just gay as fuck.

Damn, Richard Spencer let himself go.

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>before you judge the book by its cover, make sure you read the pages
....is it just me or does this irk anyone else?

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Knew a fatcunt that had fungus growing in his armpits. It is possible.

England, never change

According to the numbers, Britain is fatter than the US

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You realize you're talking to a .jpg

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