You ARE mewing right now, right?

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y-yes mr mike mew


No, see, I was born with a huge chin so I don't have to do any of this silly stuff

chin doesn't matter. it's all about the M A X I L L A

Wait, do people actually fall for this meme?

How to mew? Like a kitten or like a flacon?

what if my maxilla is high enough but too far back
Do I mew differently?

>huge chin
You don't understand anything of facial aesthetics do you?

reminder it doesn't have any proof in adults

can someone tell me what mewing is?

Yessir I've been mewing 24/7 this whole year except when sick

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Because it doesn't work on adults. Dr .ew has said this himself


im 18, is it not too late?

You're out of luck if you're older than 14

any results?

You have to do it backwards, or wem, so to speak.


stretching so at one point you will
be able to suck your dick, see for me it was natural i both have a big dick and im flexible but most people need some training aka "mewing"

growing your bones bigger by chewing gum

it's keeping good oral posture where your tongue is resting/pushing on the soft palate of your rear-upper mouth (back near you uvula) and where your mouth is closed and your tongue isn't resting between your teeth

but thats just how it normally sits for me??

God's gift to mankind

Then there is no hope for you

Yessir. Took a while but my maxilla widened out. Used to be narrower than my jaw now its wider.

Our lord and savior Mike Mew has blessed yet another kindred soul with Maxilla gainz.
God Bless him.

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>inb4 necklet

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This guys jaw is fucking insane like wtf it's perfectly sculpted. Look how sharp the edges are. It's almost a 90 degree angle

Thats bcus he has fucking implants surgery and hundreds of years wirth if free authodontics

Top it off with a nice jaw jutt and unaturally upward angled posture and were left with a beta with insecurities

Are there any diagrams for how to mew properly? I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.

Do my teeth have to be clenched?

Teeth should be lightly touching

how does it feel, oldfags

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How hard should I be pressing against the roof of my mouth, and what part?

Yeah whatever bro

pasta nagger or spic?

Got a sick jaw don’t give a fuck to mew

nobody ever has any actual progress pics

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Nah he says in like every video if you're under 25 you can easily fix your shit without surgery

ban this fucker (reported)

POst your picture fag

Nah I'm 32, too late for me. If I was around 20 I'd definitely be doing it.

Because it's a lifetime preventative to degenerative facial setting and not a quick cure-all.


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going cross eyed and overlapping the images tells me nothing changed but the double chin

Nose (look how it sags less), palate raised, reduced jaw angle, bigger dick, more of my cum in his ass, oh god

losing weight > mewing

He would be lucky is he gains one point in the after photo. What he really needs is a hair transplant.

that's gay dude haha imagine if you really did that haha

actually boyo I shaved my head

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>Core audience is under 25 impressionable males
>"Yes you can easily fix it if your under 25"

I would nut so fast I'd backfire back onto your dick and youd nut me straight back and it'd be like a big newton's cradle around the world

>Women love it


>going cross eyed
Wow it’s like those magic 3d pics

30 year old boomer here
Will this work for me?

lmao just chew gum

I have no progress pic because i didnt think mewing would actually work. Started when I was 25, about to turn 27 in november.

>widened my palate (this one amazed my dentist)
>moved my maxilla forward it actually worsened my overbite
>hollow cheeks
>jaw is more defined (dont know if result of mewing or hard chewing)
>fat under the chin is reduced to 0
>literally everyone compliments me on my face gains (started around year 1)

I've layed off the hard chewing because it gives me TMD from time to time. Mewing 24/7 when i'm not talking or eating

because of trolls like lmao
btw he's trolling you

For sure mewing has cleaned up the bottom of my chin. I cant tell if Ive made jaw gains or if just looks better because my posture is better. One thing I have noticed though is I breathe more clearly.
Mewing does something. Its absolutely worth doing.

How will I teach my kids to mew without it seeming very bizzare? I dont think an 8 year old will appreciate their future maxilla gains

why is mewing good and how do I do it?

it is having correct oral posture
it will make your face look better
if your face is still growing it will grow better
it will also improve your breathing

teeth together, lips sealed and tongue on the roof of your mouth.

i'm 26, can I benefit from this?

How do u plan to fix the overbite?

benefit from the looks part. I'm assuming my face is done growing

It's not something he came up with, it's just normal oral posture that all healthy human beings have without knowing who Mike Mew is.
The amount of people on this site who speak when they dont know what they're talking about is astounding.

>Start mewing for gains
>suddenly jaw is poping and cracking making all kinds of snap city noises
>pain while chewing
>cant open it properly
>go to GP
>wtf did you do kid
>nothing just proper posture and chewing lots of mastic gum
>f-for correct stuff you know, look proper and all that
>looks at me like im a fking autistic retard ok go to specialist
>talk with a guy, tell him about Mike, never heard of him, even thought he is like world famous in his area, tells me I need surgery and screws have to be put into my jaw, limiting mobility, but pain will go away
T-thanks Mike

go find a mirror and do this
1. look in the mirror and, without opening your lips, pull your lower jaw back and open your teeth. Appraise your appearance
2. now push your tongue to the roof of your mouth, close your jaw and lightly touch your teeth. Do you look better or worse?
It will be hyperbolic but the principle holds. Correct oral posture will always look better. Whether or not you can improve from where you are? Nobody knows. However using what you have to its maximum extent will do you no harm.
it amazes me when I hear these retard stories. I cant believe theyre true because you mustve been ignoring any pain or discomfort and you gnawed away on gum for hours. You did it wrong you retard. Pain bad. Even retards understand this.
If youre mewing properly your tongue should rest at the roof of your mouth wIth zero effort once youre used it positioning it. Pressing your tongue against the palate is another matter since "pressing" is obviously an active process. However, it shouldnt actually hurt as though youre contorting yourself.

My first reaction was "looks exactly the same" but I'll get serious and try and find changes.
>Double chin is obvious, it's completely gone which is a significant improvement. I guess that by itself is worth holding the tongue differently desu
>Jaw looks a little crisper especially at a 45 degree angle from the corners of the mouth.
>face looks a bit more symmetric. lips especially look better by the eyes have changed slightly
I guess looksmaxing is a game of millimeters and tiny accumulated improvements

anyone with a pair of eyes would see a significant difference.

if todlers, just make sure to close their mouth when sleeping, and they will do it naturally.
maybe some hard chewing gum from time to time, or harder to chew food.
It's not hard for the body to set it'sself on the right course if you give it even a little stimulus, especially when little.

>lose double chin
>lost neck gains

are you fucking blind?

I'm not a jawlet so no


Thats because that nigga is doing some Ethan shit

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The back part

Mewing does work as an adult, it just takes a lot longer

Do I just rest the tip of my tongue on the roof, or the whole tongue? I cant rest my whole tongue on the roof, it feels like it curves upwards halfway. Do I put my tongue towards where my teeth and roof of my mouth meet, or farther back?

T. The crimson chin

does anybody on Jow Forums even lift anymore?

Just tell them it's healthier to breathe through the nose... I think my mother unironically thought that this is because the nose hair stops bacteria from entering your lungs or some shit but it did the job... I have friends complimenting my facial structures

what kind of gum do you recommend?

>lookup mastic gum
>40 euros for 60 pieces

no thanks

Look at the "inner U", the cheekbones and such.

You can chew one piece multiple days. It completely desintegrates before losing taste.

The tip of your tongue?


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you should have gotten X-rays, it would be the first ever proof of it working in adults


Lads, does anyone have experience with fixing a narrow palate/expanding it, getting a nice wide smile and fixing the overbite without retruding the maxilla like with the herbst appliance? I'm completely unsure how best to fix my fucked up class II bite and straighten my teeth/widen my palate in the process without recessing my maxilla.

I can't do this shit.
I'm already subconsciously sucking in my stomach and cheeks 24/7 I can't add any more

no need to suck your stomach in, just lose the fat
no need to suck your cheeks in, that's frauding
mewing is just good oral posture. Get a myobrace to practice your bite on, then it'll be second nature.

is there a good fix for lips getting dry as fuck? I fell for the /mew/ pill a month ago and I still have hope as I'm only 21, but this is fucking annoying

Give me a rundown on the maxilla. What is it?

buy argan oil
apply a very small amount on your lips after bathing
exfoliate your lips gently, massage them with your fingers in the shower
your lips will be plump and pink and look great

He literally just lifted his head up.
That's the difference.
That's why he has a double chin in the left image, he's pointing his head downwards.

>looksmaxing is a game of millimeters
A chinlet is only a few millimeters away from being Chad.
It's the same with dick size.
The difference between 5" and 6" changes your game.

I bet you niggers think circumcision is a good thing and natural.If you faggots didn't have enough brains to close your mouth as a child,you are fucked.
And one more thing,children don't hold their tongue up to the roof of their mouth,no one does that.
When you mouth is closet your muscles that hold the lower jaw work,that's it.
Mewing is a scam.
Bet you niggers though you could make your dicks bigger too.

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