Is doing chest twice a week on a strength programme good if my chest is weak?

Is doing chest twice a week on a strength programme good if my chest is weak?
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More benching and more mind muscle connection dyel

>ywn never make 100k on patreon being a professional victim scam artist


Yes bench needs a lot of volume

>Mind muscle
>More benching
I was asking if twice a week with some dumbbell cheat flies would be good on a strength programme
Unrelated but yes.
>Anita will never mommy RP you

she's a qt3.14

Imagine those Armenian lips wrapped around your cock

So twice a week doing 5 by 5 for strnght is good or should I just so higher reps and go for hypertrophy?
My chest is too weak for my liking I want to build it up for at least a few months

>She will never peg you whilst calling you an evil white gamergater

Chest needs lots of volume. It's hard to overtrain it

>doing chest
>strength program

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So should I hypertrophy twice a weak I stead?
What are you trying to say here?

A strength program prioritizes training a movement not a muscle group.

So bench press isn't a 'movement'? Okay I guess I'll just do sets of 8 reps from now on on bench twice a week

3 times a week. Bench 2 times one week ohp once a week, rotate. That will do

What is your program?

Are you fucking retarded?

You said >do chest

that could mean:
flat, incline, decline, db bench, flys, various machines, etc.

If you wanted to ask: "Can a bench twice a week?" then you should type something like: "Can a bench twice a week?"

The answer is: it depends on how you program it. You can literally bench every day if you program it correctly but you've probably only got 1-2 "heavy" (85%+) days per week before you really risk fucking yourself up.

Bench press
Cheat flies (dumbbells)
Barbell bicep curls
Tricep extensions
Bent over rows
Barbell bicep curls
Did you read all my posts?

>fails to correctly communicate his simple question in one post

tripfag genocide when?

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>strength program
>only benching once per week

Pick one.

I'm just gonna do workout A twice a week and that's it from now till I make some decent chest gains.
Thanks I guess

yes. 4 day upper lower splits hit all body parts 2x a week