I was just told my childhood dog has 3-6 weeks to live and I'm off at college. How do I cope without being able to say goodbye? I'm working out hard but it doesn't make me feel better.
I was just told my childhood dog has 3-6 weeks to live and I'm off at college...
Go home and say goodbye. You have 3-6 weekends before he dies.
Im in another country thats not possible :(
Skype home so he can hear your voice again.
My childhood dog got put down too
I might be a sociopath but I didn't really feel much, she was a nice dog but you have to realize everything dies, and if your family cared about it then I'm sure it had a good life and appreciated it
Go tell a female about how sad you are she'll probably fuck you
Facetime maybe. Tell your good friends and have a chill night with them to help you feel better.
Sorry bro, dont get sad till he dies tho
she had a big backyard but after a couple of years we accepted that the concept of fences was lost on her. Shes a border collie and would willingly hop into stranger's cars because she thought everyone was her friend. When she was like five we bought her a fifty foot lead and she lived on that, more room than most dogs get in a backyard and could reach all areas in our house with a doggy door. I just feel like there was more I could have done with her to make her life better. She got love everyday but still it feels bad man
she was only on it whenever we werent home, when we got home she was off that thing immediately
She lived a good life user. Time to let her go.
Do heavenly lifts so that when you'll be rightfully tired and asleep you will visit your dog in your dream once she's gone.
The dog Ill always be up there in the sky you know
Two years ago I arrived home from college to find out that my dog had unexpectedly died that day. I drank a lot and smoked more, then the next day I went and hammered myself in the gym. The truth is that no goodbye will ever satisfy you because what you really want is more time with them. I assume you said goodbye to him the last time you saw him. Maybe you are a stronger man than me, but I know if I had tried to talk to my dog knowing that he was dying I would have broken down. His last memory of me was a good one and our last goodbye was happy; it's not as good as more time with him but it is enough.
It's your dog man. Make it possible. He'd do the same for you if he could.
Believe me, it's better if you miss the agonizing moments.
Its a dirty stinky animal get over it
based Wu Xian
based Mohammed Akbar
You can remember him as he was rather than a poor sickly dog.
He'll understand.
Thats no way to talk about your trusty mule and lover.
That is some heavy feels on this thread.
>tfw wedding gift to my wife was a puppy
>little Aussie Shepherd, full of energy and full of love for everything she meets
>average lifespan is 12-15 years
>our kids are gonna be 10+ when she dies
That will be a sad day and I don't want it to come brehs
Come on now it'll get better
It sucks man
My cat I had since I was 12 years old got killed last Thursday so I feel you.
I don’t know what to tell you but to be honest being away from your home where you associate them being is probably for the best. I felt super depressed being around the house where my cat lived without her being there but now that I’ve left I feel better
Pls ur making me think of our dog that passed away. My mum was working that night and could only say goodbye when we took her to see her. I cant imaginr what it was like for her to have her 4 kids put the dog down without her while she was at work
This. user, you know that dog would do EVERYTHING he could to get to you given the tables were flipped. No matter what you have to do or sacrifice to make it possible, you HAVE to go see him.
atleast send him some dirty clothes of you...
jesus, this is your dog, fly home
Fucking drive or fly there and say goodbye you stupid ungrateful fuck. This is your last chance ffs.
There are few things that illicit actual emotions from me anymore. And this is one of them. I missed my doggo's death too, man. It happens. What's every kid supposed to stay home and wait to be there for that day? You can't. You can send him something to make him happy and know that he just wants you to be happy and any unrest he may or may not feel is because he doesn't know he's done all he can for you. Good luck OP.
It is fascinating how you city folk care for your dogs. On the farm of they get old and infirm we take them away from the house into the wild and euthanize them ourselves. It is better than letting them suffer and far, far cheaper than fancy vet treatment and medicine.
Nigger you gotta get back home. Just a quick weekend trip back. Just leave Friday, get back Monday do it.
Fuck off abdul
Might be easier you won't have to see it suffer
City folk will get swatted for dragging a dog down the alley and putting a round in its head. Retard.
I'm tearing up just reading this thread. I did not ask for these feels.
>be dog
>get adopted in human family
>little human always wants to play with me and gives me food
>I work hard to please little human
>I really love him
>one day he suddenly leaves
>feel down all day because I really miss him
>wonder if he left because I wasn’t good and loyal enough
>feel my energy going down, can sense that my end is near
>all day I stare out the window, hoping to catch one last glimpse of him
Not even remotely true you edgy underage b&. My family is from Croatia, almost everyone there is on a farm. The first english movie my uncle ever saw was Babe, and he teared up at the end of that film. Guy fought in the war, and had slaughtered zillions of animals. Dogs are different.
IF you actually love him then you should GO HOME you faggot. College can wait, your dog can't. You're never gonna see him again, you heard? NEVER.
Kid, I hate to break it to you, but lots of people do that.
>tfw didn't go home to put down childhood dog because smoking meth
This thread and this post is making me depressed to start my day.
I got a dog when I was younger and I had to leave for the military. She got really sick and died when I was deployed in the middle East. Everyday I think about Daisy, wishing I could be there for her and upset all I could do was Skype her one last time before my parents put her down.
I feel really bad because I miss Daisy more than I miss many relatives who have died in my family. I know that's wrong but I guess I can't change how I feel