Tfw drink almost every night

>tfw drink almost every night


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Why do you feel the need to drink?

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Are you the guy that often posts about drinking to get fucked up? Like you can't just drink a few, you drink to get smashed

You really need to attend AA.

Try fasting for a few days, it helped me

how do you deal with the hangover the next day? literally the biggest detterent from drinking for me

>man a glass of whiskey sounds nice, ill just have one
>meh that didnt do much, ill have another
>one more will make me feel reaaaal nice
>oh woops had too much better not drink for awhile
>....repeat again in 2 days

fuck my life

take edibles instead

Seriously just stop drinking. It’s absolute garbage and you don’t need it. The buzz isn’t even that good. If you insist on drinking, reserve it for special occasions like holidays, or maybe a glass of wine when you go out to a nice dinner. Have some fucking class.

Yeah story of my life. Started drinking whiskey because it’s less calories than beer, end up just drinking much more alcohol because scotch is fucking great.

Jesus christ youre pathetic. You obviouslty need a wake up call so I encourage you to at least double your alcoholism until youre left hospitalised then you might finally understand

What’s the cheapest way to get high on the regular? Don’t like smoking as I have a studio apartment and have to go outside. Edibles are alright but pretty expensive. How’s vaping? Would getting a vape suitable for hash/dry herb smell less? Live in a legal country btw

Just keep busy & after a few days stopping you'll get used to the habit. I drank pretty much everyday for like a year then a month before going back to uni stopped & have been able to keep it to weekends only time I'm not busy

Yea replace one retarded habit with another one thats going to help. Start doing cardio. And by cardio i mean fucking cardio. Run or bike until your heart is going to explode. Get in the sun 10 mins a day. Take 0.5mg melatonin. Find a hobby. You need to forcibly change your brain chemistry over many months maybe even years. You sound pathetic though so as i said before just fucking drink more until you start pissing out golfball stones

This is going to sound like absolute autism but for me it was replacing the habit with something similar enough. I cut out beer by literally just switching it for selzer. Instead of grabbing a can of PBR out of the fridge immediately upon getting home I grabbed a can of lemon selzer and that was enough to trick my dumb lizard brain into relaxing and removed that compulsion to have a beer in my hand. Fight autism with autism user.

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This is good advice. Also if you really need to get intoxicated every now and then just smoke a little weed.

Retarded and based

This is good advice, I get the sparkling water from costco. 30 pack for like 12 bucks.

Honestly you are low iq. Sorry.

I struggle with this also. There is hope. Just don’t drink. Sounds dumb but don’t do it. You’ll be craving one the first few days but after that I don’t even think about it. Get diet soda and drink them at night. And trust me there have been times when I was drinking almost an entire box of wine nightly for a month or two then just didn’t drink for a month or two then slowly would get back on the boat. And repeat. Not to mention booze makes me blow up like a balloon. You will feel so much better user and your life will be better. Get some sleep

I do it with diet soda not the best but better than booze

The virgin addiction-fighter vs. THE CHAD RETARD

>drinking pop
not gonna make it

Unironically what is bad about diet soda

Phosphoric acid

That such sweets lead to degenerate consumption of more junk. No, but seriously. Experiments where people are randomly switched to diet soda show no weight loss. How is that possible? Best guess is people compensate with more crap

>tfw regular pot smoker

i wish i could just stop

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I get drunk once a week and I don't drink anything for the remaining days. Sometimes I do two days in a row if I'm in good company. How bad is this if I match my hangovers with my rest days ?