Anyone on here have experience with patellar tendonitis? This shit is driving me crazy
Anyone on here have experience with patellar tendonitis? This shit is driving me crazy
I know the pain, bro. Started after hitting LMAO2PL8 at squats.
I realised my knees were a bit forward so I re-checked my form. Nowadays I hardly pass the toe line (I'm short...1,68m), but from time to time the pain comes back. Shit, the fucker is so sharp I need to stop the set completely.
Thinking of seeing a doctor soon.
I got it from doing a lot of box jumps and other plyometrrics. It's so depressing. I can't do practically anything with out knee pain and my knee clicking and popping constantly
I had this shit for years. Unironically squats, diddlies, weight loss and a lot of rest fixed it for me.
Now I run every other day again, feels good.
Try an herbal supplement called boswellia extract. Its a cactus or some shit and in my experience one of the best natiral anti inflammatory/joint health supps available. Takes a 2 or 3 weeks to get into your system taking it daily, but makes a night and day difference in the aches and pains associated with any joint injuries.
yes, multiple times
a few things that I think have helped:
- correct muscle imbalances so that your kneecap tracks properly
- dont let your legs get too tight, warm up thoroughly. some counterintuitive things, such as foam rolling your butt might make a huge difference
- make sure your knees are relaxed during the lift. yes I realize knees arent muscles, but this is the only way I know to describe the sensation.
- don't squat every day
I had it, all because i was squatting 3-4 times a week at max weight, which at the time was 140kg. Now at 170kg i have slight quadriceps tendon tendinitis which is healing. I found the way to fix the pain, was medicate with ibuprofen, stretch my calves out properly, quads, and PC muscles, as well as going very slow into the hole.
I use knee wraps, and also foam roll 6-7 times a week and now my quadriceps tendinitis is healing.
>thinking of seeing a doctor soon
lmao enjoy wasting your time and money
Weak hamstrings causing the ligament to overwork itself, focus on glutes and hammies and you’ll see a difference. Also do low impact cardio try the stair master and quit jumping up and down all the time.
FUCK. Same here brother how do I get rid of this I want to lift heavy
The only thing they wikll do is one of the two things;
>Have a cortisone injection user
>Alright, medicate with ibuprofen, take 2-3 a day for 2 weeks.
Tendinitis is not something a doctor can heal.
This is going to seem weird but do you post on lit sometimes? You always post pics of people smoking am I right? You have a very unique way of writing.
>recommending ibuprofen
>at all
This board is full of brainlets. Jesus H. Christ.
Actual doctor here:
Go see an actual doctor, and get a referral to sports med.
Your best options may be to consider PRP injections or surgery if it's fucked enough, tendons don't heal well at all on their own.
Ibuprofen/steroid injections may help with pain but are not curative - tendonitis is now recognized to be more due to degenerative damage than inflammatory.
But definitely go see a real doctor, that is key
The way people (like myself) and doctors both treat treat tendonitis and bursitis, is with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication you absolute imbecile. Don't come into this thread, when some of us are giving the OP valid advice, thinking you are some smart cooker when in reality your as dumb as dog shit.
If you are not getting a cortisone injection, anti inflammatory drugs are your next best thing.
That's why going to see a doctor is a complete waste of time and money. Ibuprofen completely fucks your shit up even worse but doctors are too lazy or stupid to find an actual solution to the problem.
Doctors are a complete joke in current year.
How bad is your reading comprehension? re-read the thread and my posts, you are literally as dumb as dog shit.
This is rather sad.
>buprofen completely fucks your shit up even worse
Incorrect, ibuprofen works as intended when taken at the correct dosages. In extreme cases, it can result in things like upper-gastrointestinal bleeding. This will only happen to imbeciles like yourself, though. Ibuprofen works great, especially if you continue to ice the area, and stretch / foam roll, while taking it.
I used it twice, on my elbow and my knees, fixed it and had never had a problem on those parts again (knock on wood).
> but doctors are too lazy or stupid to find an actual solution to the problem.
Even the dumbest of doctors, are smarter than you.
I had it for a few months from playing basketball and it just kinda went away on its own.
Only thing that really helped it was ice.
>Doctor, I seem to have this chronic pain in my body that won't go away.
>Wow Doc, you're brilliant!
Ibuprofen completely fucks your gut up and causes even more inflammation over time. This is the same kind of bullshit "treatment" whenever they give you a cortisone shot. They're retarded pill dispensers.
>Wasting money
Lmfao amerimutt detected
But that's wrong, please don't come into a thread like this in the near future and shit it up with your garbage. I am aware you have a PHD in autism space magic and doctoral medication specializing in tendinitis, but uyour opinion is unwarranted here.
Yes, the answer to chronic pain is pain medication dispensed by your local drug dealing doctor. Got it.
I'll say it only once more, tendinitis especially on the severity can take 1-10 months to heal, especially on it's own. Anti-inflammatory drugs are your best option. NSAIDS are safe, especially when taken in small doses for short periods of time (1-2 weeks) which doctors often prescribe and tell patients. However, If you are taking an NSAID regularly, you should be having regular blood monitoring, including measures of kidney function.
You guys are right. I was not hoping a miracle by the physician, but some guidance. Money is not a problem, medicine is afordable where I live. The idea was to see a sports specialist.
No, my man. I've never posted in that board though I'm an inveterate reader.
Jesus fucking christ the state of this board. If you have been using such shit form for such an extended period that you are developing tendonitis you must as well quit lifting. I can guarantee you aren't using your posterior chain meaning you are fucking ego lifting too heavy and your quads are taking 99% of the force hence the fucked knee. Your knees are probably jutting forward too. There is literally no reason to even think that your knees EXIST when you are squatting if you actually use your fucking hamstrings and glutes.
But that's wrong, tendinitis does not only come from wrong form, but the overuse of a muscle (which put stress on the tendons). An easy way to get knee / quad tendinitis is by squatting a lot (multiple times a week.) for example.
Don't jump to conclusions and make baseless assumptions.
>overuse of a muscle (which put stress on the tendons). An easy way to get knee / quad tendinitis is by squatting a lot (multiple times a week.) for example.
also by adding too much weight before the tendons can adapt to it.
Tfw getting an arthroscopy next week.
Anyone got one? What should I expect rehab wise.
Depends on the ligament.
I got my meniscus scoped and was fine 6 weeks later.
stop posting retard, get your lifts to something respectable then you can have an opinion on what causes tendonitis
I had a pretty bad case, but got it under control now, I just can't do retarded volume/weight selection anymore or it rears it's head again. What worked for me was doing a really thorough warmup and stretching routine, good mornings, light Bulgarian split-squats and 3-1-3 squats with very gradual intensity increase.
Would bone broth help tendonitis healing?
Hey OP, I currently am recovering from it. The good news is that this is a fairly common and minor tendon injury, but the bad news is that because of its role in locomotion, healing takes quite a while.
I developed mine from a 2,000-mile bicycle ride across the country, and when I got back I could barely even walk without a brace and squats were a no-go. Just touching the tendon made it hurt. But whenever I walked anywhere I wore a brace, I iced it daily, and after a few weeks of general rest, I started to do some remedial exercise and it's gotten much better so far. I can now do about 10 full squats before feeling any pain, and 20-mile bike rides don't even bother it. The only thing I'm noticing now is general tendon fatigue and tingling at the end of the day, but I've read that intense vibration helps break down scar tissue, so the last couple nights I've been holding the body of an electric hair trimmer to it while it's on the "High" setting, and it seems to help as well.
Basically, stop doing what caused the damage in the first place, wrap it up, give it PLENTY of rest (tendons heal slowly), then gradually introduce remedial exercises over the course of a few weeks. But if you're not noticing any improvement from your own methods, then listen to this user and see a doctor Good luck user!
stop doing leg curls of any kind and go ckeck a doctor about it
None of you retards are helpful.
Pic related is what you need to do OP.
murder your hammies and glutes + FOAM ROLL that's how I fixed it
it depends on you're situation tho. I fixed it by strengthening my abductors, vastus medialis and quads overall since I got it from overpowered hams and adductors.
also hip mobility work