Ready to start my first cycle

Ready to start my first cycle

I told myself at 20 that if I'm not aesthetic by 25, I'd hop on gear.

I'm now 26 and still barely look like I lift.

help me run my first cycle brahs. Please.
Tell me a quick easy basic cycle, what to take, how long to take it, how much to take, and what to get for post cycle so I don't permanently fuck my body up.

Or maybe recommend a good forum for advice?

I don't want to waste my life brahs. I already feel so old at 26

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If you start now you are really gonna feel fucking old shit at 40.

Go to Reddit steroids wiki and do the basic bulk for 12 weeks fuck

brah, the average 40 year old is an out of shape, slightly depressed man in a midlife crisis. I think I'll fit right in with them at 40. Possibly better if I retain my gains with consistent lifting and possibly more cycles.

Life's too short.
I'd rather live a great life of 70 years than a miserable life of 80 years.

500mg Test E/week for 15 weeks
take adex at .25e3d if u feel estrogen sides/gyno

Post cycle will be at 17weeks, take 40mg, 40mg, 20mg, 20mg nolva ED

clarify: 40mg ed for 17th week, 40mg ed for 18th week, 20mg ed for 19th week etc.

Didn't run PCT after my 500 test e cycle and my test recovered fully so I don't even think it's an issue

No, you'll live a great life while on cycle, and for the rest of the time have fucked hormones and feel like you're 70 when you're 50. Why have you not made any gains in the past five years what have you been doing?

this is my fear. There are test boosters you can get on eBay/amazon but what happens when you stop taking them and your body is used to artificial test boost/production? Same thing as when you stop a dopamine inducing drug regimens like percocets- you fucking crash into a depression. Fuck thaaaaaat

PCT cycles will make this a non-issue.
It will restart your natural endocrine system and your body will go back to producing test on it's own.

there are plenty of 60-70 year old men rn who ran cycles in their 20s and are just as normal as any other old man

there are like 48344738484 beginner cycles on steroidology, reddit, elitefitness, etc
if you're THAT lazy to even do minimal research (even after SIX years of planning to pin), you're probably one of those guys who will maintain zero gains and get all the shutdown side effects lmao

>jerked off for 5 years
>''welp! Time for gear!

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I was researching or reading about gear at all the last few years.

I just lifted natty in a futile attempt to get aesthetic.

I'm not lazy brah. I intend to read a lot these next few weeks.

Just needed some pointing in the right direction.

I'll check out steroidology and elitemuscle

If you lifted for 6 years and look like shit, it’s your own fault. You probably lack knowledge or discipline, or both. You probably won’t do steroids properly and you’ll end up with a fucked health

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I don't look like shit. Probably above average of the regular gym goer.

But it's pathetic for 6 years progress. I look more like I lifted consistently for 1-2 years

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If you're seriously considering pinning for aesthetic reasons and you haven't had facial enhancement surgery, you are straight up retarded on top of body dysmorphic

gear cycle is much cheaper.

and I can do it low-key without it being obvious,

face won't be wrapped in bandages of weeks, etc

Post body OP, im sure youre exaggerating

go for it bro. It's not as bad as people say it is, it's not like an evil thing really. You will make massive gains if you eat right and work out right along with it. it will be a fun ride

Just fix your training faggot

Bandages aren't on for weeks. More like four days or so

currently like 16% bodyfat so i look like chit but at 12ish i look decent.

just small, cause natty

just post your body pussy

Post pic and stats!
Otherwise there is no way to help you

>don't make any gainz for 5 years
this probably means 1 of 3 things

dieet is shit
sleep is shit
training is shit

fix this first before you decide to run gear.

post stats and training routine

5 years of lifting and you look like shit? I think you just being a lazy fuck for 5 years finding excuses and hung on the thought you'll just roid anyway. If you accomplished nothing in 5 years you'll fuck up on roids and fall short of your goals too. Go fuck yourself lazy piece of shit.