So we all have a body temperature "set point" apparently, some of us have hotter ones and some colder. I've been trying to dig up research on this because I feel as though having a higher temperature set point for your body can have a myriad of advantages. One of my best friends runs hot all the time, whenever anyone shakes his hand they remark on how warm he is and sometimes its like gripping a furnace. He also eats a shitload and is skinny as fuck, and he loves being out in the cold.
Was wondering if you guys had come across anything how to raise your set point. There has to be a way to crank it up, right? Unfortunately research on this is pretty scant and Google returns a bunch of articles on basic bitch shit like "drink lots of water!", "eat your vegetables!", "do cardio!"
People always tell me my skin is warm, and I notice touching others they feel cold
Also I feel the cold much less than others
Daniel Smith
Apparently the "normal" body temp in japan is 36C. t. Doctors in japan when i got the flu (actual diagnosed influenza not "i have a runny nose")
Elijah Evans
Anthony Anderson
>a myriad of you have to go back
Jason Gomez
actually an interesting topic for Jow Forums to bring up
western medicine does a shit job of acknoedging this, only acknowledging that the standard of body temps varies slightly
eastern medicine dives into it and separates people based upon their temp into pokemon subcatergoties eg water or fire person, once understood this becomes very reasonable and valuae imo
unironically, i have used eastern medicine's catergorization techniques to diagnose and in two cases treat illness.
however this is purely anecdotal, donut take my croissant for it.
Blake Morgan
off topic bro but people always say "The flu isn't just a bad cold" but I'm 35 and is it possible I've NEVER had the flu? Because I've never experienced what people say the flu is
John Roberts
just like how 3500 cal/lb of fat is an average, ranging from 2800-4200
Landon Gomez
I think it also has to do with fat, while your friend is skinny and is always hot for most people its just based on how much fat they have around them.
Isaiah Green
I'd never had it before i went to japan. With influenza A i could barely leave bed for 3 days and not travel far for another 2. I was alternating between shivering like I'd been rolling around in the snow and sweating like I'd just done my 1RM for reps. Everything ached too. Imagine full body doms.
Jace Wilson
kek, I'll add "myriad" to my list of reddit words I shall never use
Easton Mitchell
I started doing wimhof method about 2 years ago and I havent gotten a cold/flu since. Also I used to have cold feet/hands from time to time, that also stopped. I can go out in the snow at -5C with only shorts on and I will start sweating after 5-10 minutes.
Jason Parker
Have people commented that you seem warmer?
Aaron Ross
Wim hof method
Colton Murphy
sure, when it's cold outside and I would wear less clothing than most people. An ex used to hold my hands all the time last winter to warm herself up.
Jaxson Diaz
brown fat vs. white fat
Sebastian Jones
this. brown fat passively burns fuel to make heat, while white fat does not. Brown is also healthier. Cold exposure and keto diet promotes turning white fat into brown. Highcarb promotes brown into white.
Jaxson Butler
improving Your cardio vascular Fitness increases blood flow. So that could be seomthing. Gaining bodyfat could also work
Zachary Evans
DNP increases your body temperature and results in a significant metabolism increase.
Michael Rivera
eat animals and expose yourself to the cold
Josiah Wood
Seems like the most reasonable thing. It's just starting to get cold where I live, I think everyday I'll just take a half hour to 45 minute walk or so wearing shorts and a t shirt. Can't wait for gawkers lol. I'll also do Wim Hof.
Looking for more permanent changes. Isn't DNP dangerous also?
I feel like cardio is such a waste of time, but I might start swimming.
Kevin Long
wimhof has good tips regarding cold exposure. Relax into the cold, try to suppress shivers, try to breathe deeply.
Nathan Hughes
I think this is because of better cardio,and colder environment. Think about it,if you increase your cardio,your heart will pump more blood,better,more efficiently.And if you take a cold shower for example,your heart will pump more blood to warm you up.In a colder environment your body needs to be naturally hotter than it should be to warm itself up,because there is no sun. Does this make any sense?
Alexander Carter
yes m8, i'm 35 and got it for the first time last year. Genuinely could not do anything for 2 weeks, totally fucking wrecked.
Nicholas Turner
I've had flu once and it was horrible. It isn't even comparable to a cold.
Juan Brown
Sounds like a fever, user.
Nolan Parker
I had the flu so bad as a child that my mom had to wrap me in sheets soaked in ice water. It's really awful.
Matthew Hill
I always had cold hands and feet til i started lifting.
Now im hot and everything makes me sweat. My body doesnt have a build up for exertion, only resting or active states. Its pretty annoying. Doing laundry and going down the stairs makes me feel like i just got out of a boxing match
Landon Howard
nigga it sounds like you got fat
Cameron Young
It does but I feel like there has to be more to it than circulation, although that is certainly a component. I also think its complex. For example, your monkey brain will actually dilate the blood vessels and increase circulation in order to give off heat from the skin to cool you down when you're hot. This is why saunas will increase your blood flow. Whereas if you are cold your blood vessels will constrict to prevent heat loss. I feel as though some people's bodies burn more calories just for heat and that this process can be influenced.
Michael Murphy
Well,people who are taller or bigger than others will burn more calories since there is wider surface to warm up.If it is possible to lose calories from warming up or cooling down. The same principe would be applied if you are 250lbs and run 30 minutes,you will burn more calories than a guy who is 185 and runs for 30 minutes. Do you understand?
Hunter Jackson
>Looking for more permanent changes. Isn't DNP dangerous also?
Yes. In 2013 I remember quite a lot of threads about this. One or two from guys allegedly panicking because they had taken too much.
There was also an article that went round about a med student who took too much and diet.
Brandon Hall
and died*
Isaiah Bell
Kek, seems unrelated to the point I'm making but yeah I understand what you're saying teach. It seems like you're trying to covertly deny the implication that all things being equal, some people will burn more calories for the purposes of raising body temperature than others. Not sure what your game is.
Cooper Rogers
Yeah. I've had the flu about four times and I'm still in Uni. It's nowhere near a cold.
Leo Cook
I know that OP is a fat nigger,who thinks staying in the sauna will help him lose weight.No,he will lose water weight,and once he hydrates himself he will regain it. OP should stick to working out and eating in a deficit,or burn more calories than he consumes. This is the only way to lose weight.
Joseph Thompson
Yes, a fever is a symptom on influenza.
Angel Peterson
Jesus man, use whatever words you fucking want. Don't be a doormat.
Luke Scott
"myriad" is pretty onions though
Brody Nelson
I wanna be part of the secret club tho senpai y-you need to go back!
Joshua Edwards
Christian Hughes
Mine is pretty low, mostly around 36.3 C, and I feel great when its cold. Pretty sure having a higher body temp makes you less resistant to cold air.
Jack Ross
cold showers would help your body learn to thermoregulate properly. I hate hot weather and sweat a lot. If I take a 2-3 min cold shower before going out I won't sweat at all for at least 3-4 hours, plus I feel the heat much less.
Nathaniel Baker
I get physically unconfortable by being warm, even 25ÂșC is enough to make me sweat while sitting on a chair, I fucking hate it.
Jason Evans
most keto diets promote more white fat accumulation than brown though, look into the differences of brown fat regulation from the dietary intake of specific fats to get red pilled on it. Might be a difficult pill to swallow since all the rage nowadays is ketocels eating nothing but lard, butter, bacon and eggs, despite the fact that polyunsaturated fats promoting the most brown fat accumulation out of any other fat.
Jack Scott
>Pretty sure having a higher body temp makes you less resistant to cold air. That makes zero (0) sense.