Is it safe to drink 50cl of beer everyday?
Is it safe to drink 50cl of beer everyday?
Ryder Lopez
Zachary Ortiz
Give it a try and let us know if you survive
Wyatt Jackson
Safe, yes, but I don't know if it's optimal for your health.
Joshua Wright
Reality isn't optimal
Ryder Diaz
if your goal is to get fat then go for it
Jason Rogers
It kills gains. Your choice op.
Andrew Nelson
Been doing than for a year already.
I see, thanks; as long as it's not dangerous...
Joke's on you, I have no gains.
Adam Sanders
Jaxon Green
eurotrash leave
Ryan Gray
I drink 1 to 1.5l every monday, tuesday, thursday and friday
it's called having friends / girls to go on date with, not being a gym rat copecel loser