/plg/ - powerblogging general

gotta eat big edition

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I see now. Yeah, that makes sense, headphones just don't have the same kick as having the music play in the gym/at the competition. Training with music is similar to training with knee wraps when you compete raw.

My everything is so tired. I am tired. Muscles are tired.

Everything hurts from doing dips for the first time in ages. And not good DOMS pain, like my sternum and Scape are sore.


Wtf even is a Scape.

Smells like GDE in this thread.

>OHP an easy beltless double at 90 kg
>rest a good while, get psyched up
>100 kg won't go past my forehead
at this point i'm convinced it's completely psychological, just because 100 is a big number and 9- isn't
fuck off

how do i unfuck my brain?

iz my burfday

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hapi birsday, fren!!

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Do many many reps of unweighted dips for a month. Your muscles are strong from bench and shit, but tendons etc aren't used to dips. So do unweighted to strengthen them.

Cheat the weight up. OHP is not a comp lift, some help from lower body is ok on maxes/last reps.

It was my birthday but not anymore

Is that you bou?

I have never hard such pain from dips, so i can't really help you, so I don't know why I'm replying.

Is the 4 day hypertrophy template from Barbell Medicine worth it? I have the 12 week but I dont have much money

It hurts a bit when I take a really deep breath. I don't like this shit.

I did 3x8 +15kg because it was my first time, guess I should keep it lighter though.

I think bill starr says to only add weight to dips once you can do 16 reps for several sets across.

Wrong thread bud

Today has been a very very bad day

I started adding weight once I got to 5

What's your bench

150 ish

i can do 3x8 weighted dips with +45kg lmaoo

Yeah I used to do weighted dips and nothing hurt and then I dropped dips and increased my bench by 60kg and then started weighted dips and they started to hurt.

I can do 3x5 with 60kg (deep, shoulder below elbow) and my bench is like 95kg.

I don't know how to bench.

This was literally the first time I tried dips. I'll have +45kg 3x8 in two weeks kiddo.

Uber-twink detected.

Lol that was the first time i did dips bro i also did like 3 reps with 70kg added and never trained it and that was when my bench was 130kg who knows what i can do now

bench carries over to dips well i guess

I can do 8 bodyweight dips and bench 110kg

how do i program accessories?

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Add weight when you can do the prescribed amount of reps, it's assistance don't overthink it.

why does gbro say to row alot deadlifts build decent lats

Sternum pain is a huge red flag. Reduce rom.

you also weigh 110kg though

use volafile

you dont have to

but the vast majority of strong people do extra upper back work

do what you like mate, its your training, no-one elses

happy bday

hit a new pound loss goal today down 91lbs from HW. feels good man. also fuck my scale for telling me my BMI is 36 and my BF% is 21% lmao right.

happs fren

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Ko to tamo peva

hip drahve

>fasted for 24hours
>fuckall carbs before that
>hit 5 rep PR on deadlift
>easy single with close to 1rm weight

so, why are you cuckholds hating onfasting

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why are you attributing Your days good session With fasting?

Everything's easier when you're weak.

nice you hit a 170kg sumo deadlift youll get that 4pl8 for sure!

>attributing a good performance to something that categorically inhibits performance

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yfw you just locked it out cause for once your bloated gut didn't hang in the way

Can anyone give me their personal statement?

I want to copy it but just change some details to make it relevant to the job I'm applying for

Could you please link it? I dont know what that is

>tfw got headhunted and my whole job application consisted of a casual chat with my current boss

bro programminf is a joke just go lift

Wow that makes me feel awful. Can you write me a good personal statement plsss

>spoonfeed me pls

Its one of my key strengths

200kg for 5 reps
210kg for single, didnt try further cuz no point

im 86 kg at 6'2
granted, tomorrow ill be 85

Whats the job?

I dont think ive ever written one

>lift at uni gym because go to school in bumfuck nowhere
>pretty good, usually in there 3-6 pm 4x a week
>get there today
>entire gym is full, every rack taken
>check the schedule on the door
>turns out the football and basketball teams decided to move their training times from the morning to right when i train with no warning

sorry for blog, just annoyed that im just sitting here waiting for a rack like a goddamn peasant.

thread relevant: how many of yall have a coach? how did you meet/find them?

related: does anyone use online coaching? if so, from who?

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>86 kg at 6'2
That's some skellington stuff going on there my dude.

at my uni the rugby team has a separate gym normies arent allowed. then the school brags about the money they spent on the gym but dont actually spend anything on the gym 99% of the students use

What is worse:good frame (wide shoulders, thicc ribcage etc) and bad muscle building genes or twink frame and good muscle building genes?

>went out to one of those cheap asian all you can eat buffets
>ate a dozen chicken wings and three heaping plates of fried shrimp
my tummy is nice and happy :)

do you have a brother or maybe a cousin living in france? there was a guy tonight that i could have sworn was you except he must have weighed 60 kg tops

wrong thread pal

>good frame, bad mussels
an overgrown skeleton
>twink, good mussels
ridiculous lift/bw ratio

gee i wonder

volafile org/r/fit
Put up a request


Passed out after front squats. Shit was pretty fun

>Just watched a video where Alan tells not to do bulking/cutting cycles
I don't know what to believe anymore.


I'm trying to improve my lowbar squat.

I lowered my bar position and slightly decreased my back-hip angle to less than I'm used to.

Managed to do my standard volume set of 5x5 145kg/320lbs (1.7xBW) which felt a bit more intense but felt 'righter' than my usual volume days.

4 days later I noticed the area on my c7 or t1 is a bit edemous and if I palpate hard I can feel some superficial clicking. I'm not really worried as there is no pain.

1. Is the bar too high?
2. Am I gonna fuck shit up?

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When you cant stand what you see in the mirror anymore, eat less
When you cant stand the weight on the bar dropping/stagnating anymore then eat more

yeah that logic got me to 35% bf, fuck off

>When you cant stand what you see in the mirror anymore, eat less
Did you ignore this part?
If you got to 35% you must not have hated how you look that much.
For example I stay in the range of 12-18% all the time.

So you can stand being a fat fuck? Says a lot about you mate

Wouldn't that be bulk/cut cycles?

no bully

oh yeah but even if i didn't hear how i looked, being that fat is still pretty bad for you

It might be a little bit too high.


Its less aggressive, inching forward each time. If youre impatient its not for you.

many people say leg press away in deadlift, should I really focus on pressing away or more on hip drive like in squat? I feel like hip drive is way more powerful movemetn

You mean... Covering letter?

Idk, I just wrote that I am a hard worker and good with time management and sent it off already.

I hate being a neet

That's a little higher than usual desu

that sounds awful

day 8 of bodyweight dips in the morning and bent over rows in the evening
and other shit too

desu im recovering from those rows like fuckall
altough my lats are kinda stiffy iffy

spine feels funny at a few different points. Do I:
>follow the 'pain will occur somewhere' thought and ignore it
>nuke it with ibuprofen for 3 days and see
>stop lifting for a while

whats everybody's favorite way to train grip strength? im adding holds at lockout for deads, but i feel like i need to do a little more, its my limiting factor on dl.

273 kg dl, if that puts it into perspective

Rest week

I wanna quit lifting so freaking badly but I hate my body so damn much

c-can I be your gf?

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What the HECK

Why do you hate your body and why do you want to quit?


I hate my body because it looks bad and I hate lifting because I'm burnt out with lifting the same weights day in day out and grinding my wheels after 5 years consistently going to the gym.

I hate my gym, I hate everyone in it, I hate the lifts I do day in, day out and I hate weight being stagnant for so long.

I was never cut out for this but there's no way out. You can't quit.

>You can't quit.
don't quit lifting, quit powerlifting

do only lifts that you enjoy, do fun programming

>to have 400 wilks I will need 30kg to my total without gaining weight

Just put 12.5kg on your squat and deadlift and 5kg on your bench nerd.

for us GDEs asking us to put 12.5kg on a lift is like asking us to take flight

and how can i manage to lift it?

:( just finished one 2 weeks ago because of fatigue

Lmao just try harder

i tried too hard for too long and broke myself desu, have had a back injury since november

Program or nutrition is probably inadequate.