What would you rate this physique out of ten, brahs?

What would you rate this physique out of ten, brahs?

Attached: 41518326_2175830696070199_5831711342888766634_n.jpg (1080x1080, 258K)

Other urls found in this thread:


a solid 8.5

Why is he wearing underwear under his swimsuit?

6.5/10 would be higher but looks like a victim of SS

It looks like it would be transparent while wet.


he's probably 5'7 or so, so a 7/10, if he were taller it would be a solid 8.5/10 aesthetic wise

I'd write it down on a piece of paper and give it to him, but it's actually my phone number


You're cute OP, post butt

twink natty

tren out of ten

nigga you must be joking

here's another of him

Attached: 1536443832005.jpg (1080x1350, 1.25M)

His instagram account instagram.com/torosuppe/


Attached: 26386234_158981654742802_1410600837784272896_n.jpg (1080x1080, 80K)

This cunt is 16? Wtf man I should have started lifting long ago

you should have started at 2 years old or you're not gonna make it

unironically yes
at that age your balls are basically on overdrive mode pumping test, there's no better time to start lifting

Not everyone is a sex offender like you user and walks around with their dick hanging out the bottom of their shorts

Is SS bad?

>those lats


strong 8/10

anglojew insecurity about nature



10/10 for 16

Most swimsuits have a mesh underneath to hold your dick. Stop wearing basketball shorts in the pool ghetto nigger


With Klokov as 10/10

Attached: klokov.png (542x864, 839K)

You have to define a scale.

I'm going to define it for you.

A 5 is a normal weight DYEL
Most people appearing in media (shown not for their bodies) are 6+
People shown in media as attractive are 7+
People shown specifically as being SEXY are 8+
People shown as sexiest alive contenders are 9+
A 10 represents absolute perfection in the human form, doesn't exist.

This guy is an 8-8.5. probably models or at least instawhores.

You can't lift your face better, bud, go back to your insta.


he looks dyel with abs

>Be 8th grader
>Go into locker room for gym class
>See this

Wtf what is the point? How do some people look like this? He must've mogged his entire school.

Attached: Screenshot_20180926-172906.png (1391x2048, 2.13M)

I remember there was an 8th grader that looked exactly like that way back when.
But I still beat him in shotput and came 1st despite the fact. He was furious and it felt great

solid 9

I started lifting when i was 15, stopped when i was 20. Now at 24 am stronger than guys who lift for years but started late
If you werent lifting during puberty ur fucked

Why are you taking pictures of middle school boys in the locker room OP

Attached: OAgzggh.png (198x380, 75K)