Ideals Thread

Attached: 1531438294906.jpg (901x899, 210K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice lumberjack combination with the beard and the simple jeans 8/10.

Attached: Fit Ideals.png (862x863, 1.47M)

Style quadrant needs more EDC components. Otherwise quite solid.
/fa/ claims another victim.

Attached: ideals.png (1000x1000, 1.37M)

That neck is scary thick

>that overly pretentious douchebag

Camille Chat

forgot pic

Attached: talonneur-Racing-92-Camille-Chatd-match-Top-14-contre-Clermont-Colombes-1er-2016_2_730_1020.jpg (729x1020, 158K)

where do you guys find pictures of girls with clothes on?

Occasionally there's a clothed girl thread on /s/

Attached: Goals.jpg (1812x1804, 641K)

Bad style great girl and body

>Bad style
Let's see yours, faggot.

your goal body is my goal body too. we're gonna make it brah

Attached: 1491022882233.png (256x256, 40K)

>good body
>hide it under several layers of clothing
Are you ok user?

You may not like it, but comfycore is peak fashion.

Attached: 1421103226458.jpg (499x750, 107K)


You want everybody in the street eyeraping you? What are you, a slut? Cocoon mode all day erryday so you can amaze your girl once you're in her bedroom and she sees you shirtless for the first time.

>those jeans
>those boots

Attached: ggg.jpg (550x340, 55K)

You look like clean bums
Not wanting people to see your body?
You mean mires?

>that scarf

Attached: 1537991847430.jpg (550x340, 76K)

>I want to get shredded so I can hide it behind shitty clothes

they look like homeless people

I don't know what you look like but I'm confident you can get a better girl than that if you achieve your goals

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Attached: STRONK~01.jpg (900x900, 275K)

how about both of your styles suck
OP dresses like a hillybilly and the other guy dresses like full on basedboy

Attached: 13fbe43bd3aa9d6a20e01493f89dafbbfc58030d8d81c7d950d8c525de2ee0ac.png (1031x1006, 1.35M)

style needs work
I like the watch
Pretty gud

Attached: NewIdeals.png (1462x1474, 3.05M)

yeah this is a better direction if you wanna go the workwear-way
or look at how the protagonists in the supernatural tv series are dressed, your clothes should still fit. the jeans in the OP fit horrendous

But I don`t want to. This is my fetish.

Attached: 22742d91c4f83736.jpg (340x270, 21K)

Kek'd hard

So some one that does manual labor is a hillbilly now?

this image hurts my soul

>no tattoos

This woman does not exist

Not sure that body type would work with the style. That style is more for suited for skellies.

girls are too fat (no offence)
good style I like the scarf
my favorite after mine

Attached: ae83355a7cf5ade63e988306a4d6120b.jpg (1003x956, 260K)

girls who work on the farm *cough*

Attached: 87fb0a561ff1e480f13faa84a3be6b5b.jpg (600x423, 68K)

Patrician as fuck brah

Yes they do. Find the Jews and the Japanese and honestly most Asians.

Can't help you when it comes to degenerate types though

Who's the chick?



Most Kino pic in thread

Let me get Jow Forums so i can carry my gf
6/10 Instagram fashion

Attached: mobve.png (1000x1000, 1.51M)

Attached: g o a l s.jpg (1000x1000, 655K)

Attached: my cool style.png (899x899, 107K)

Hahaha those guys think women care about their body hahahha
Its all about social status, guys.

I just want to be less fat, more strong and have a white virgin gf.
Why you guys are so specific?

Attached: 26268987_195434784344515_6610755259037908992_n.jpg (1077x1077, 152K)

I’m dying

Attached: 5BD98345-58B0-4CD6-8A91-1A92AF86A022.jpg (349x120, 36K)

girl is super cute, 7/10
t. thinks he's james bond, 8/10
rly like this one, although girl could be better, 6/10
great body and hair. style would look gay if you're that big, 5/10
rly good, 8.5/10
I would laugh if I saw someone with that hair, 4/10
you're making nofap difficult
liking everything, but the girl looks a bit off imo, 6.5/10

Attached: ideal.png (1000x1000, 1.48M)

replace girl with this

Attached: 1536776965400.jpg (2000x2400, 313K)


I don't.

everything is great

Patrician taste

Rates coming later

Attached: goals.jpg (2016x2020, 1.44M)

interesting hair/fashion but ok
solid goals
very animu but go for it
face tattoos are a must
watch out for those manic pixie dream girls they're all insane
very cool and very stylish
interesting clothing where u from?
korean streatwear is great

no numerical ratings sorry never learned how to count

Attached: endgame.png (1000x1000, 1.33M)


Attached: perfect.jpg (765x1017, 444K)

saved to my fit autism folder

I'm from San Diego

don't think I can pull off that style at the moment but I'm working on it, especially once I move somewhere colder

Attached: 600x600.jpg (480x600, 37K)

>IGN midget

based and redpilled.

Based hundar

A chav's idea of a suit

Can someone post the blank template again?

These threads are dog shit

Attached: 20180927_130234.jpg (900x900, 263K)

Based and neckpilled

faggot style
girl looks like a boy

what the ufck faggot

Attached: 1487013072971.png (1167x1000, 1.41M)

Sauce on that blond chick pls

mah nigga

I've had the pic forever and never been able to find anything else out about her. Let me know if you're successful

>hat sitting on his head like that

No hate pls

Attached: 1432334990509.png (1000x1000, 1.38M)

Attached: jj.png (928x890, 643K)

> not Triss
> not cat armor
> not short sides

how did you failed this much ?

Attached: Untitled.png (1200x1200, 1.34M)

Eric Bugenhagen in all fields

Dont rate, you dont get rated
I doubt it.

top tier taste in girls

what if you're the OP?

I am



Who died and made you czar of ideals threads?

Body requires roids and is gonna look real awkward with those clothes. And the bottom 2 hair pictures look very tryhard. Rest is good

I dig it but is that a disney princess?

Very shocked to see women in this photo considering the rest of the image

Attached: ideals 10.png (1116x997, 1.23M)

Yeah I like this

I finally found a woman with clothes on that I want


Attached: ideals_v1.4.png (1000x1000, 1.05M)

good style

8/10 everything 0/10 style also i feel like if you didn't lift you'd be an incel
9/10 girl 6/10 everything else
7/10 keep at it bro
9/10 we're all gonna make it
Based, but 3/10 for originality
6/10 boring, but you do you
5/10 bro
6/10 good luck pulling off a leather jacket
9/10 good luck
10/10 mynword.png
0/10 made me reply
7/10 too much disney
10/10 you are a man of taste
9/10 hey you didn't choose a girl bro those are all dudes bro
8/10 blerd detected
10/10 too bad you can't breed her
6/10 eh
0/10 try harder
7/10 you're a good goyim
8/10 we all want an arthoe until they get mopey
8/10 I have no comment

Attached: PicsArt_07-19-04.51.19.png (1000x1000, 1.58M)

Patrician taste
I like what you're going for.
>tfw no Belle from Beauty and the Beast gf
Why even live?
Mirin' physique goals, lad.
no u
Go go, dance to disco!

You will unironically never make it if you have a goal body instead of your own but bigger/leaner

i love these threads since its so easy to see whomst is dyel

what the fuck is with all the winter clothing in this thread. everyone has good body goals but the clothes do not complement them retard you might as well become a /fa/skelly.

tag the dyels

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Certain dyels:
Likely dyels:

how can you tell?

>not a dyel
We made it boys

Attached: tumblr_o3yb2zAoKV1uj1dozo1_1280.jpg (694x754, 234K)

i thought that was ayn rand at first lmao

Do you even produce smoke?

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