>46 years old
>looks 25-30
HOW? What is his secret to look forever young?
>46 years old
>looks 25-30
HOW? What is his secret to look forever young?
Virgin sacrifices
He is vegan, that's it
consistently fuck young girls and occasionally take their virginity
>consistently fuck young girls and occasionally take their virginity
I am interested, how do I do it? no girl wants to fuck with me
A great botox regiment.
Because he's the Joker baby
Photoshop and make-up.
the wrinkles under his eyes are heavily caked with makeup here and it seems like they've been shopped out
his mouth looks photoshopped at the lips
hairline could be good genetics or a near constant rogaine / minoxodil / whatever regiment since 19
nose is shopped in this pic but i don't know why because it doesn't matter in terms of showing how old you are usually
rest is good genetics
Top dollar diet, skin care and cosmetic surgery.
He looks great on his instagram livestreams, he actually looks like this.
>thinking fag celebrities don't get surgery, Botox, constant professional skincare etc.
It's obvious he looks like that irl and I'm sure he has a bunch of expensive treatments but anyone can benefit from some good cheap skincare products.
A quick browse on r/skincareaddiction can really help
make up, good diet/lifestyle, genetics and money
genetics 90%
everything else 10%
This. Basically: be rich
He has money, lots and lots of money, and he can afford elite tier plastic surgery and shit.
this, I'm from a considerably wealthy circle in my country and the amount of money some old bimbos throw at their endocrinologists and dermatologists to reach sub-optimal results is quite considerable
you either have the genes to age well or you dont
best you can do is to have a basic skin care routine, get some light botox once you're like 50, and avoid getting too tanned too frequently while you're young