At what age did you start lifting Jow Forums?
Do you wish you had started earlier?
At what age did you start lifting Jow Forums?
I started at 23, two months before 24
I wish I started sooner, I am happy I didnt start later
Still look like shit and my bench is shit, but at least other numbers are going up.
Been lifting for 7 months now
I don’t lift :^)
who is this goddess
26, this god damn year. Fucking hell, for the longest time I wasted my genetics on beer and video games. All it took was six months of aggressive cutting, lifting and cardio to go from years of disgusting skinnyfat weakling slob to semi-in-shape twink, and now three months later I'm putting on size and starting to look Jow Forums.
God damn it, bros. I guess I'm just glad I had lurked Jow Forums for so long that I knew what to do when I decided to start seriously lifting, so thank you, bros.
wrestled and boxed at 16, started lifting at 18. if you are active in your youth this shit is easy
Got introduced to it at 12 and lifted casually until I was 18. At 19 I went hard and actually started making gains and stuff.
Dicked around in the gym for all of high school while eating 1 meal a day on top of playing soccer and other school sports pretty much every day and I wasnt doing an actual routine so I made pretty shit gains