Started seriously lifting over the summer. 6’2 155... I still feel small, and bulking is difficult in university when you walk 4-5 miles (upwards of 10) on a daily basis. Really tempted to roid up but don’t want to suffer the consequences. How do I look Jow Forums?
CBT - Progress
Not the prettiest woman out there, but hey, you don't look bad at all.
Thanks user
You look like and average dude that has been lifting for a few months,just keep going bruh.
Thats me 5 months ago,this pic is last week,im about to start my first bulk right now.
Thanks nanon
Just hit 315 DL for first time how’s my progress
5’11’ 165 lb pale ass nigga here
Eat more faggot. Also you have been brainwashed retard to think you will look ‘big’ in just a few months.
Come back after you have hit the gym for at least 2 years.
ye, slow and steady wins the ace
How many fucking CBT do we need?
190lbs 5,11 been lifting for 2.5 years
How get big like this
by lifting newfag
how do?
eat 4k cals of clean food everyday and dont slack on your training for multiple years
Skinny nigga but you’re definitely making progress!
5'9" Cut from 198 to 175. Meanwhile bench 1rm went from 165 to 195. Feeling better about myself, but I'm still a dyel fattie. Current plan is cutting down to 150 and lean bulking from there.
monky shirt
Train abs moar
I’m on a four day StrongLifts variant where I squat 3-4 times a week and alternate between rows and pull-ups for back, and incline and flat for bench. How’s that?
>tfw post in CBt for first time
>tfw no one says anything about my post
I-it’s ok
Which pic are ya
how you do you
this me
wrong pic
Mirin the strong hamstrings
still look like you dont lift
5'11 158lbs
Real talk lads how we doing?
Uh hi. Newfag here. How should I start? Gonna read sticky. Want to get better BC I feel skinny AF, but she could get interested and maybe do some basic stuff.
Don't want to create excessive mass, just get to my ideal weight with a decent body.
A-am I gonna be welcomed here?
'dont want to create excessive mass'
Oh kid.... just turn around while you can
damn dude good progress so far! Don't cut too much bro youre gonna fry yourself
>same weight as this guy
>but my stomach sticks out slightly still and I can’t see my abs at all
What the fuck
This is literally me, I am cutting down to 150 but I don’t know what to do after that
id try focusing on hypertrophy, since ur strong but don't look like it
those are some BIG arms, goal delts right there
keep cutting fren, u will make it if you keep going
ur doing good man veiny forearms and good proportions
I like ur tits breh, I'd suck on em.
how to hypertropy
less weight, more reps basically
but i like making big cums in the weightroom
You have some interesting shoulders
What is that thing on your stomach?
insulin pump in left center pic CGM in right center
>tfw wide hips and mediocre upper chest
I'm working on it lads.
can I use this picture for my ping pong tournament?
Depends will you invite me :( ?
fuck wrong quote
A bit flabby. aim to get leaner and you'll look way better. lift harder
body fat nigga?
>I am cutting down to 150
please remember to lift when doing this.
Kachigga, im back.
221 lbs
lifting for about 8 months, started off at 180 lbs
came a long way, and got even farther to go
good progress bro! We're all gonna make it
this was me a while back (jr year highschool)
No shirtless pic, but just picture Auschwitz mode, then give it the ol stretch
Not awful but not really great, your arms are your best feature
I cant figure out what is happening with yoru shoulders, but ya got some slim hips, so it works. Some nice forearms too, you should get into grip. great progress, weight gain, with it clearly not being fat gain. Solid m8
2.5 years of hard work are payin off. Keep at it, set those PR's!
you... you lift?
Already rated you in other thread
thanks my man
Yeah been doing IF and clean bulking. Working great so far.
> 6'2 220lbs
> sort of bloated after eating a shit ton
keep going OP. being 6'2 sucks but consistency pays off
looking good
you have to really grow your upper body to compensate for hip size. just keep doing it.
5'11 165lb
Have I made it?
Looking swole af
Skinnyfat here. Started lifting 3 weeks ago, I see no progress so far, only that my arm veins are starting to show.
also me